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Research Assistants

Research assistants working with Stanford GSB faculty are granted certain privileges at the business library.

Borrowing Privileges

Research assistants who are not currently Stanford students may obtain borrowing privileges at our library by applying for a proxy card at the Privileges Desk at the Green Library. You must be on university payroll to obtain borrowing privileges.

Library Database Access

Some research databases will require you to have a SUNet ID for access on-site; all require you to have this ID for remote access. To obtain a SUNet ID, you must be sponsored by your Stanford GSB faculty member. If you have been told that you need UNIX access, contact Ravi Pillai in Research Computing.

Document Delivery Service & Interlibrary Loan

You are eligible for the Document Delivery Service if you are working for a Stanford GSB faculty member. This service provides free retrieval of articles, papers, and available books from sources on- and off-campus. Requested material will be delivered directly to the office of your professor’s faculty assistant.