HomeOrder MaterialsHoliday LectureAIDS: Evolution of an Epidemic
AIDS: Evolution of an Epidemic
Quantity: 1
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Can AIDS be cured? Why has it been so hard to develop a vaccine against HIV? How are new medicines revolutionizing AIDS treatment? In four presentations, Dr. Bruce D. Walker and Dr. Bisola O. Ojikutu explain why understanding HIV evolution is critical to fighting AIDS.

This DVD set includes detailed chapter search by scientific topic; direct access to animations; English subtitles; interviews with the speakers; special features on adherence and resistance, the immune system, and retroviruses; discussions about living with HIV and students helping to fight the epidemic abroad, and a special feature on HIV/AIDS in South Africa.

Presented at HHMI's 2007 Holiday Lectures on Science. Two discs, lecture time approx. 240 min.

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