FY 2017 Operating Plan

FY 2017 Operating Plan (PDF - 59 KB) 

Dollars in Millions

Activities FY 2016 FY 2017
Native Hawaiian 13.667 14.400
Health Center Tort Claims 99.893 99.893
Other Health Centers Funding 1,376.181 1,372.636
Subtotal, Health Centers 1,489.740 1,486.929
Free Clinics Medical Malpractice .100 1.000
Total, Bureau of Primary Health Care /2 1,489.840 1,487.929
Health Professions Training for Diversity:    
Centers of Excellence 21.711 21.659
Health Careers Opportunity Program 14.189 14.155
Faculty Loan Repayment 1.187 1.187
Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students 45.970 45.859
Subtotal, Health Professions Training for Diversity 83.057 82.860
 Primary Care Training and Enhancement 38.924 38.830
Oral Health Training Programs:    
General Dentistry Program 10.000 -
Pediatric Dentistry Program 10.000 -
Dental Faculty Loan Repayment Program .875 1.675
Other Oral Health 14.959 34.912
Subtotal, Oral Health Training Programs 35.834 36.587
Interdisciplinary, Community-Based Linkages:    
Area Health Education Centers 30.250 30.177
Geriatric Programs 38.737 38.644
Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training - 50.000
Mental and Behavioral Health 9.916 9.892
Subtotal, Interdisciplinary, Community-Based Linkages 78.903 128.713
Workforce Information and Analysis 4.653 4.652
Public Health Workforce Development: Public Health/Preventative Medicine 20.977 16.949
Nursing Workforce Development:    
Advanced Education Nursing 64.437 64.425
Nurse Education, Practice and Retention 39.913 39.817
Nursing Workforce Diversity 15.326 15.306
Loan Repayment & Scholarship Program 83.073 82.935
Nurse Faculty Loan Program 26.500 26.436
Subtotal, Nursing Workforce Development 229.249 228.919
Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Program 294.347 299.289
Total, Health Workforce 785.944 836.799
National Practitioner Data Bank (user fee) 21.037 18.814
Maternal and Child Health Block Grant:    
Grants to States 550.060 549.504
Special Projects of Regional and National Significance (SPRANS) 65.013 64.568
SPRANS - Oral Health 5.000 5.237
SPRANS - Epilepsy 3.642 3.633
SPRANS - Sickle Cell 2.961 2.993
SPRANS - Fetal alcohol syndrome .477 .476
SPRANS - Children's Health and Development - 3,500
Subtotal, SPRANS 77.093 80.407
Community Integrated Service Systems (CISS) 10.276 10.251
Subtotal, Maternal and Child Health Block Grant 637.429 640.163
Autism and Other Developmental Disorders 18.052 15.298
Leadership Education In Neurodevelopment & Related Disorders 28.990 31.688
Subtotal, Autism and Other Developmental Disorders 47.042 46.986
Sickle Cell Service Demonstrations 4.450 4.444
Universal Newborn Hearing 17.796 17.775
Emergency Medical Services for Children 20.138 20.113
Healthy Start 103.375 103.251
Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (PL 114-322) - 15.000
Heritable Disorders: - -
Other Severe Combined Immune Deficiency Funding 2.000 1.995
Subtotal, Severe Combined Immune Deficiency Funding 2.000 1.995
Other Heritable Disorders 11.866 11.854
Subtotal, Heritable Disorders 13.866 13.850
Total, Maternal and Child Health Bureau 844.096 861.581
Emergency Relief - Part A 655.083 654.296
Comprehensive Care - Part B - -
AIDS Drug Assistance (Section 2616 & 311 (c) of PHS Act) 900.313 900.313
Other Part B 413.103 411.524
Subtotal, Part B 1,313.416 1,311.837
Subtotal, Parts A and B 1,968.499 1,966.133
Early Intervention - Part C 204.831 200.585
Children, Youth, Women & Families - Part D 74.997 74.907
Education and Training Centers - Part F 33.570 33.530
Dental Services Part F 13.106 13.090
Special Projects of National Significance (Budget Authority) 24.970 24.940
Subtotal, Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program 2,319.974 2,313.185
Total, HIV/AIDS Bureau Program Level 2,319.974 2,313.185
Organ Transplantation 23.521 23.492
National Cord Blood Inventory 11.252 12.239
C.W. Bill Young Cell Transplantation Program 22.082 22.056
Poison Control Centers 18.823 18.801
340B Drug Pricing Program 10.226 10.213
Hansen's Disease Center 15.188 15.169
Payment to Hawaii 1.855 1.853
National Hansen's Disease Program - Buildings and Facilities .122 .122
Total, Health Care Systems Bureau 103.068 103.944
Rural Health Policy Development 9.340 9.328
Rural Health Outreach Grants    
Other Rural Health Outreach Grants 14.949 17.179
Outreach Service Grants 12.514 12.484
Rural Network Development Grants 19.412 15.000
Delta States Network Grant Program 10.000 12.000
Network Planning Grants 2.400 2.200
Small Healthcare Provider Quality Improvement Grants 4.148 6.484
Subtotal, Rural Health Outreach Grants 63.423 65.347
Rural Hospital Flexibility Grants    
Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program 14.942 14.906
Dept. of Veterans Affairs Electronic Health Record 1.000 .998
Critical Access Hospitals - 2.000
Other Rural Hospital Flexibility Grants 25.617 25.605
Subtotal, Rural Hospital Flexibility Grants 41.559 43.509
State Offices of Rural Health 9.500 9.977
Radiation Exposure Screening and Education Program 1.832 1.830
Black Lung 6.758 7.250
Telehealth - -
Telehealth Network Grant Program - 8.100
Other Telehealth 16.979 10.359
Subtotal, Telehealth 16.979 18.459
Total, Office of Rural Health Policy 149.390 155.700
Program Management 153.814 153.629
Family Planning 286.479 286.479
Health Resources and Services:    
Subtotal, HRS Program Level 6,153.642 6,218.061
Subtotal, HRS Budget Authority 6,132.605 6,199.247
Discretionary Program Level 6,153.642 6,218.061
Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund Direct Operations 7.500 7.750
Total, HRSA Discretionary Program Level 6,161.142 6,225.811
Total, HRSA Discretionary Budget Authority 6,140.105 6,206.997

1/ Totals may not add due to rounding.
2/ P.L. 115-31 provides not less than $100,000,000 to support grants to expand medical services, behavioral health, oral health, pharmacy, or visual services. HRSA will use mandatory funds to award $50,000,000 for services related to mental health and $50,000,000 for services related to substance abuse.


Date Last Reviewed:  June 2017