Career Opportunities
Indian health programs are seeking health care professionals who are passionate about practicing within a unique, interdisciplinary team-based environment and one that embraces our mission: To raise the physical, mental and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Natives throughout the continental United States and Alaska.
A career in Indian health offers clinicians an extraordinary opportunity to provide the highest level of comprehensive, patient-centered care. Serving these important, diverse and culturally rich patient populations enable our clinicians to distinguish themselves in fulfilling ways both personally and professionally. Talk to our clinicians and you'll experience the inspiring stories that demonstrate the passion they bring to their communities.
Related Information:
- Find information for job applicants as well as human resources tools on our Human Resources website
- Find recruitment tools and retention toolkit on the IHS Recruitment and Retention website
- Find IHS' proactive equal employment opportunity program on the Diversity Management & Equal Employment Opportunity Office website