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Global parliamentary summit must launch new era of political leadership

Speakers of Parliament from around the world have a unique opportunity to launch a new era of political leadership with the potential to transform our world when they meet for a conference at UN Headquarters in New York next week. About 180 parliamentary leaders, including more than 35 Deputy Speakers, from nearly 140 countries taking part in the Fourth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament (31 August-2 September) will examine ways to effectively tackle global challenges to peace and democracy. read more

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Baleka Mbete, President of the National Assembly of South Africa. ©UN Photo
Tsetska Tsacheva, Speaker of the National Assembly of Bulgaria ©IPU
Anne Makinda, Speaker of the National Assembly of the United Republic of Tanzania ©IPU
Jennifer Geerlings-Simons, Speaker of the National Assembly of Suriname ©IPU

Women Speakers of Parliament seek new ways to boost gender equality

Female Speakers of Parliament from around the world will explore innovative ways to speed up progress towards gender equality when they gather in New York on 29-30 August. The 10th Meeting of Women Speakers of Parliament, organized by IPU, will focus on key areas including improving gender balance in parliaments, ending violence against women and securing sufficient budgets to make progress in achieving gender equality.   With just a few weeks to go before the adoption of the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at a UN summit in September, the women Speakers will also... read more

Politics must change to build world we want

When more than 180 parliamentary leaders from across the globe meet in New York later this month, the unique gathering will have the potential to kick-start wide-ranging political action to bring dramatic change to our world for generations to come. As the heads of national parliaments, Speakers of Parliament are also the official voice of all the people in their countries. Among the most senior political leaders nationally, they also have the power to do politics differently. That political muscle and a will to effect political reform that empowers all, especially the poor, the marginalized, women and youth, will be needed now as never before.  read more

The global organization of parliaments, IPU works to establish democracy, peace and cooperation among peoples.

Representative Democracy

A strong and efficient parliament is critical to democracy. IPU works to make parliaments more effective in fulfilling their government oversight and legislative roles, in guaranteeing people’s rights and liberties and in securing peace and development.

Women in Politics     

Democracy means all voices are heard. IPU is committed to ensuring that women - half of the world’s population - are able to participate equally in politics. Its unique research and data on women’s political participation is a widely used barometer on progress.

International Peace and Security

IPU’s primary goals are peace and democracy. It gives special priority to preventing and eliminating conflict through political dialogue. It responds to crises which affect world or regional security and monitors certain conflict situations.

Promoting Human Rights

Parliament has a special responsibility to ensure human rights are respected. IPU provides protection and redress to MPs at risk of abuse and helps parliaments to make human rights a reality for everyone.

Sustainable Development

Parliaments play a critical role in social and economic development. IPU supports parliaments on key international development goals, on making development aid more effective and on strengthening parliamentary action on climate change.

Cooperation with the UN

IPU works closely with the United Nations and other multi-lateral bodies to ensure there is a parliamentary dimension to international cooperation, global governance as well as in the resolution of major international issues.

Key Events

IPU brings together parliamentarians from around the world to actively find solutions to global and regional problems.

You can find a list of Future Events here.

New York, 29 - 30 August 2015
10th Meeting of Women Speakers of Parliament

New York, 31 August - 2 September 2015
Fourth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament

Important new practical information

Geneva, 17 - 21 October 2015
133rd IPU Assembly and related meetings

Online registration