Berkeley Lab researchers have developed a new family of nanocarriers, called “3HM,” that meets all the size and stability requirements for effectively delivering therapeutic drugs to the brain for the treatment of a deadly form of cancer known as glioblastoma multiforme.
Berkeley Lab has won seven 2015 R&D 100 awards. This year’s winners include a high-capacity anode for rechargeable batteries, a technique to synthesize the lightest, strongest material ever made, and a new way to analyze and visualize mass spectrometry data.
A new center for advancing computational science and networking opened today at Berkeley Lab. Shyh Wang Hall will house the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), one of the world’s leading supercomputing centers for open science, and DOE’s Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), the fastest network dedicated to science.
On November 8, Silicon Valley’s 2016 Breakthrough Prizes honored five neutrino experiments with $3 million prizes in Fundamental Physics. Three of the five, SNO, KamLAND, and Daya Bay, were made possible by Berkeley Lab scientists and engineers.
More than 200 people attended the 2015 Bay Area Battery Summit at Berkeley Lab on Nov. 3 to discuss how to promote transformative energy storage technologies. The summit brought scientists together with policymakers and business to discuss what more could be done to accelerate vehicle electrification and grid storage.
Berkeley Lab scientists have set out to help build the world’s first total-body positron emission tomography (PET) scanner, a medical imaging device that could change the way cancers and other diseases are diagnosed and treated.
With commitments from leading car manufacturers to hydrogen technologies and the first ever fuel cell electric vehicle to go on sale later this year, interest is swelling in this carbon-free technology. Now, Berkeley Lab has been awarded $8 million for two new multi-lab research projects.