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Lighting the Bay Bridge East Span

August 14, 2013
A stunner by day, the new Bay Bridge East Span is even more spectacular at night, as evidenced by this gallery of photos from testing this week of the roadway lighting system. The bridge’s unique and brilliant white color — enhanced by a specially designed, environmentally friendly lighting system — makes it stand out against the nighttime skyline.

See also:

Photo: Noah Berger

Photo: Noah Berger

Photo: Noah Berger

Photo: Martin Chandrawinata

Photo: Martin Chandrawinata

Photo: Noah Berger

Photo: Karl Nielsen

Photo: John Huseby, Caltrans

Photo: John Huseby, Caltrans

Photo: Noah Berger

Photo: Martin Chandrawinata

Photo: © 2013 Barrie Rokeach

Photo: Noah Berger

Photo: © 2013 Barrie Rokeach