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Climate Change - Thinking Globally, Acting Locally Climate Change - Thinking Globally, Acting Locally Core Capacity Transit Study


Plan Bay Area 2040

Strategy for a Sustainable Region

Climate Change

MTC and its regional partners are confronting the daunting challenge posed by global climate change.

Core Capacity Transit Study

The Bay Area Core Capacity Transit Study (CCTS) is a collaborative effort to find and prioritize investments that will improve travel on public transportation to and from the San Francisco Core.

The TODcast

MTC and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) have released a series of five narrated audio tours of transit corridors and transit-oriented developments (TOD).

TOD Choice Briefing Book

MTC releases Choosing Where We Live: Attracting Residents to Transit-Oriented Neighborhoods in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Parking Policies to Promote Smart Growth

Parking policies play a key role in shaping development patterns in communities throughout the Bay Area — and have a major impact on the quality and feasibility of transit-oriented development.


Federal Congestion Management Process (PDF)

Under Federal regulations, MTC is required to approve a Congestion Management Process (CMP) for the Bay Area. The key element of the CMP include identification of congested areas and mobility issues through routine monitoring; identification, evaluation and selection of strategies to address congestion and mobility issues; and implementation of the selected strategies. MTC has approved a CMP approximately every 2 years since 1994.

Regional Airport Plan

The plan to guide runway capacity decisions in the Bay Area was approved by MTC on September 27, 2000.

Regional Rail Plan

MTC helped develop a Bay Area Regional Rail Plan to improve the current rail system, map out future rail lines and station locations, and intergrate passenger and freight rail sharing on existing tracks.

SF-Oakland Bay Bridge

Historical background on the design of the new east span.

ITS Regional Architecture

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Bay Crossings Study Update (2012)

The San Francisco Bay Crossings Study Update (2012) is an update of the 2000 San Francisco Bay Crossings Study.

Regional Goods Movement Study

This study looks at how to improve cargo and freight transport in the region.

Regional Transit Expansion Program

Resolution 3434 rail, bus and ferry transit projects

Transit Sustainability Project

The Transit Sustainability Project (TSP) will establish a framework and implementation plan for a more robust, financially viable transit system that is both cost-effective and customer-focused.

Transportation 2035 : Change in Motion

The previous Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), Transportation 2035 details transportation investments throughout the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area through 2035.



Air Quality

Issues related to transportation impacts to air quality

Bicycles and Pedestrians

Regional planning information, collision statistics and a comprehensive safety toolbox.

Community-Based Planning

This program's goal is to advance the findings of the Lifeline Transportation Network Report through collaboration with community organizations, transit agencies and congestion management agencies.

Coordinated Public Transit / Human Services Transportation Plan

This plan focuses on the transportation needs of the region’s low-income, elderly and disabled populations.

Countywide Transportation Plans

Countywide Transportation Plans (CTP) provide input into regional planning initiatives. MTC is in the process of updating its Guidelines for development of countywide plans by the county Congestion Management Agencies (CMAs).

Economic Prosperity Strategy

A new report proposes 10 strategies for improving the lives of the more than one million workers in the Bay Area who earn less than $18 per hour.

Emergency Coordination

Regional transportation emergency plans have been developed and annual preparedness exercises conducted to ensure coordinated responses to a regional disaster.

Joint Policy Committee

The Joint Policy Committee (JPC) coordinates the regional planning efforts of the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) and MTC.

Lifeline Transportation Program

MTC works with local agencies to improve access to public transit for new entrants to the job market.

Overall Work Program (PDF)

FY 2015-16 Overall Work Program for planning activities in the San Francisco Bay Area

Smart Growth / Transportation for Livable Communities

Bay Area communities are getting a little tender loving care from MTC in the form of initiatives to foster pedestrian-friendly development and travel options such as walking, bicycling and public transit.

Snapshot Analysis for Communities of Concern

MTC’s Snapshot Analysis comprises a set of 13 of transportation-related measures related to MTC’s low-income and minority communities of concern.

Transit Connectivity Plan

A comprehensive strategy for easing passengers’ movement from one transit system to another

Transit Coordination Implementation Plan

MTC Resolution 3866 documents coordination requirements for Bay Area transit operators to improve the transit customer experience when transferring between transit operators and in support of regional transit projects like TransLink®, 511 and the Hub Signage Program.

Vasco Road Safety Study

Recommendations to fund, construct and maintain a median barrier on Vasco Road


State of the System Report

MTC and Caltrans have prepared a joint report that summarizes the performance of the Bay Area transportation system.