Function and expression of Ume6 targets. (A) Functional classifications of the 82 direct Ume6 targets in the core. The indirect core of 143 genes (from the 5-fold criteria) with known functions fall into the following Munich Information Center for Protein Sequences (MIPS) functional classes: energy (19%), metabolism (16%), cell growth/division/DNA synthesis (12%), intracellular transport (9.5%), cell rescue/defense/aging (8.1%), transcription (8.1%), cellular biogenesis (6.8%), protein destination (6.8%), protein synthesis (6.8%), transport facilitation (4%), ionic homeostasis (2.7%) (). (B) Expression of the 42 meiotically induced core Ume6-regulated genes during growth and meiosis. Red and blue indicate high and low expression levels, respectively. For each strain, columns represent vegetative growth of UME6 and ume6Δ in acetate and glucose (Left) or timepoints during meiosis (Right; ref. ). The meiotic expression classes of the genes are indicated on the far right. Note that Ime2 exhibits a biphasic induction and therefore has been categorized as both an early and middle gene ().