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J Magn Reson Imaging. 1996 Jul-Aug;6(4):625-31.

Dynamic contrast-enhanced breath-hold MR imaging of thoracic malignancy using cardiac compensation.

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Sharp and Children's MRI Center, Sharp Memorial Hospital, San Diego, CA 92123-2740, USA.


The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the use of dynamic gadopentetate dimeglumine-enhanced, breath-hold spoiled gradient-recalled (SPGR) MR imaging with cardiac compensation (CMON) compared to spin-echo MR imaging in patients with thoracic malignancy. We retrospectively reviewed MR images from 29 patients with thoracic tumors. MR imaging included axial electrocardiogram (ECG)-gated T1-weighted, fast spin echo (FSE) T2-weighted, and contrast-enhanced breath-hold fast multiplanar SPGR imaging with CMON, which selects the phase-encoding gradient based on the phase within the cardiac cycle. Images were reviewed for lung masses, mediastinal or hilar tumor, disease of the pleura, chest wall, and bones and vascular compression or occlusion. Contrast-enhanced fast multiplanar SPGR imaging with CMON produces images of the chest that are free of respiratory artifact and have diminished vascular pulsation artifact. ECG-gated T1-weighted images were preferred for depicting mediastinal and hilar tumor. The gadopentetate dimeglumine-enhanced fast multiplanar SPGR images were useful for depicting chest wall tumor, vascular compression or thrombosis, osseous metastases, and in distinguishing a central tumor mass from peripheral lung consolidation. Pleural tumor was depicted best on the FSE T2-weighted images and the contrast-enhanced SPGR images. As an adjunct to spin echo T1-weighted and T2-weighted imaging, contrast-enhanced fast multiplanar SPGR imaging with CMON is useful in the evaluation of thoracic malignancy.

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