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Fear of Another Attack Lifts Trump to New High in Poll

Americans are deeply fearful of another terrorist attack, lifting Donald J. Trump to a new high among likely Republican primary voters, a New York Times/CBS News poll found.

As It Fights ISIS, Pentagon Seeks
Bases Overseas

The plan proposed to the White House would build up a string of military bases in Africa, Southwest Asia and the Middle East that could be used to collect intelligence and carry out strikes against the Islamic State.


Andrew Rios, 4, took the antipsychotic Risperdal when he was 18 months old to treat severe aggression. Credit Jenna Schoenefeld for The New York Times

Still in a Crib, Yet on Antipsychotic Drugs

Many doctors worry that these drugs are used despite no published research into their effectiveness and potential risks for children so young.


Jackson Hole Journal

A New Frontier for the American West, in the Far East

On the outskirts of Beijing, more than 1,000 families have settled into a community modeled after an American frontier town, on streets with names like Aspen, Moose and Route 66.

From the Magazine

Take Flight

The year’s best actors lift off in a series of tributes to the ultimate Hollywood magic trick.

Experience what it's like to fly among the (Hollywood) stars. Try our new virtual reality app.

Room for Debate

Bargaining on Sanctions

Should the West ease measures to end Russian aggression in Ukraine to get help in Syria?




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