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Syrian war, oil prices and the Paris attacks

Syrian war, oil prices and the Paris attacks By STEVE AUSTIN, 2015/12/02

As the oil price nears $40, France and Russia escalate attacks on terrorists in Syria while the true allegiance of Turkey and Saudi Arabia is tested. And so divisions remain on whether Saudi Arabia or Iran should benefit from a gas pipeline to Europe.
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Must Read:

Oil prices and the Syrian civil war By STEVE AUSTIN, 2015/10/14

From $105 to below $50, tumbling oil prices pushed Syria over the edge. Today oil-price.net explains how religious differences and political opportunism escalated rivalry over a gas pipeline project into a humanitarian disaster which threatens European borders.

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Who benefits from lower oil prices? By STEVE AUSTIN, 2015/09/02

Oil prices have collapsed from $105 down to below $40 in a little bit over a year, but gas prices haven't fallen so far at the pump. Oil-price.net investigates why.

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Why don't gas prices fall? By STEVE AUSTIN, 2015/07/22

The price of crude oil has plummeted, but the pump price of gas did not fall as far. Find out why the oil price drop is not feeding through to the American driver.

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Low Oil Price Challenge met with American Ingenuity By STEVE AUSTIN, 2015/06/15

A recent strategy report by OPEC recognizes that low current oil prices near $50 will not squeeze out US shale oil production. Frackers have taken the challenge of a competitive market and won.

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