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FY 2015 Grants

SMART FY 15 Campus-Focused Sexual Assault Perpetration Prevention and Education Program
In fiscal year 2015, the SMART Office is pleased to announce its SMART FY 15 Campus-Focused Sexual Assault Perpetration Prevention and Education Program funding opportunity. The goal of this solicitation for funding is to reduce sexual violence perpetration on college and university campuses through the design and implementation of a comprehensive situational-based sexual assault prevention strategy, which may include educational, structural, environmental, and/or policy components. Interested applicants may receive up to $1 million for this program.

SMART FY 15 Promoting Evidence Integration in Sex Offender Management: Applying Circles of Support and Accountability in Indian Country Training and Technical Assistance
In fiscal year 2015, the SMART Office is pleased to announce its SMART FY 15 Promoting Evidence Integration in Sex Offender Management: Applying Circles of Support and Accountability in Indian Country Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) funding opportunity. The goal of this solicitation for funding is to provide targeted training and technical assistance to selected tribal jurisdictions interested in developing a holistic healing program for those affected by crime by providing support for the victim, encouraging responsibility for the offender, and facilitating changes designed to minimize the risk of future abuse. SMART will fund one training and technical assistance provider, which may receive up to $500,000.

SMART FY 15 Promoting Evidence Integration in Sex Offender Management: Applying Circles of Support and Accountability in Indian Country Project Sites
In fiscal year 2015, the SMART Office is pleased to announce its first SMART FY 15 Promoting Evidence Integration in Sex Offender Management: Applying Circles of Support and Accountability in Indian Country Project Sites Program. The goal of SMART's FY 15 Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) initiative is to support the development of a holistic program for those affected by crime by providing support for the victim, encouraging responsibility for the offender, and facilitating changes designed to minimize the risk of future abuse. SMART will fund up to two Indian Country jurisdictions, and an accompanying technical assistance provider. Tribal communities may receive up to $250,000 each.

FY 2015 Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grant
In fiscal year 2015, the SMART Office continues support for implementation of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), Title I of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, through posting of the SMART Office FY 2015 Support for Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grant Program solicitation. This funding assists jurisdictions with developing and/or enhancing programs in offsetting the costs of SORNA implementation and ongoing SORNA implementation assurance. Jurisdictions may receive up to $400,000 to further efforts at substantial implementation.

FY 2014 Grants

Justice Department Announces $17.6 Million in Awards to Support Sex Offender Registration, Intervention and Treatment
The U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Office of Justice Programs (OJP) today announced more than $17 million in Fiscal Year 2014 grant assistance for states, territories, tribal governments and other entities to use to implement, enhance and maintain sex offender programming throughout the United States. These grants, administered by OJP’s SMART Office, provide funding for the implementation of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), the development of a campus sexual assault perpetrator treatment program, continued support for sex offender management fellows and the SORNA Tribal Training and Technical Assistance Program.  They also support partnerships between the SMART Office and the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), as well as the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website (NSOPW).

FY 2013 Grants

In FY 2013, the SMART Office awarded over $13 million to 47 jurisdictions, including  $3.72 million to 15 tribal jurisdictions, to develop or enhance sex offender registration programs, improve law enforcement and other justice agency information sharing as it relates to sex offender registration and notification; and implement other efforts aimed at furthering the objectives of Title I of the Adam Walsh Act, the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA).

In continuing support of its Promoting Evidence Integration in Sex Offender Management: Sex Offender Treatment, Intervention and Progress Scale (SOTIPS) project, the SMART Office awarded nearly $210,000 in FY 2013 funds to the SOTIPS project to further training and technical assistance, and support additional data collection and training activities for two SOTIPS implementation sites.

An FY 2013 award of $149,747 was made for the Sex Offender Management Fellowship Program to assist SMART in focusing on ways to broaden programming designed to improve the prevention of, and education about, sexual violence and victimization in our communities.

In FY 2013, the SMART Office will also fund the SORNA Tribal Training and Technical Assistance Program, awarding $1 million to provide targeted training and technical assistance to tribes that have opted to become SORNA registration jurisdictions, with the emphasis on hard-to-reach and underserved tribes.

Finally, More than $825,000 of FY 2013 funds will support maintenance, operations and enhancements of the NSOPW and the Tribe and Territory Sex Offender Registry System. NSOPW links to state, territory, and tribal sex offender public websites and allows the public to search for registered sex offenders on a national scale.

FY 2012 Grants

In FY 2012, the SMART Office awarded $13.69 Million in funding to 56 jurisdictions for the purpose of supporting the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, specifically Subtitle A of Title I, the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA). Grantees awarded included 23 states, 1 territory and 32 tribes, of which over $7.18 Million went to tribal grantees.

The SMART Office, in partnership with the National Institute of Justice, awarded $2.15 Million to support its FY 2012 Promoting Evidence Integration in Sex Offender Management: Sex Offender Treatment, Intervention and Progress Scale (SOTIPS) for implementing sites, training and technical Assistance program, and evaluation. SOTIPS, developed in 2001 in the State of Vermont, is a 16-item dynamic risk scale that aids clinicians and community supervision officers in identifying and monitoring the supervision and treatment needs of adult sex offenders.

In addition, the SMART Office awarded $871,000 to support its FY 2012 Promoting Evidence Integration in Sex Offender Management: Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) for project sites and a training and technical assistance program.  The COSA model is a supervision strategy involving the use of community volunteers to support an individual sex offender, while holding them accountable to their self-monitoring plan, typically following completion of legal supervision.

In an effort to promote innovation and best practices in the field of sex offender management, the SMART Office awarded $150,000 to its FY 2012 Fellowship Development Program to focus on enhancing the capacity of the SMART Office to provide technical assistance and support to state, local and tribal jurisdictions and build a foundation for integrating victim-centered approaches, and to identify experts, research, practices and programs related to sexual assault and victim services.

The SMART Office continued to support the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website (NSOPW) in FY 2012 through a supplement award of $898,842 to the Institute for Intergovernmental Research for maintenance and operation of NSOPW.

FY 2011 Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grants
Over $8.1 million will be used to develop or enhance sex offender registration programs; improve law enforcement and other justice agency information sharing as it relates to sex offender registration and notification; and implement other efforts aimed at furthering the objectives of Title I of the Adam Walsh Act, the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA).

FY 2011 Comprehensive Approaches to Sex Offender Management Grant
Over $1.8 million was awarded to the National Judicial College to support training and technical assistance to courts for the purposes of educating judicial personnel on sex offender management issues in order to better inform sentencing of sex offenders. Targeted, onsite technical assistance will also be provided to qualifying multi disciplinary teams with a focus on the role of the courts in sex offender management.

Examples of successful prior applications

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