PG&E Commitment: Latest Updates on Wildfire Response and Recovery Effort

598x270 2017 lineman graduation 2
December 5, 2017

A Proud Moment as PG&E Graduates New Class of Linemen

The hard work was done, and it was time for Chase Harrah to celebrate the end of a long journey. Harrah was one of 51 linemen to graduate from PG&E’s five-year apprenticeship program.

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December 4, 2017

VIDEO: Gold, Water and Power, PG&E on the Stanislaus River

California’s Gold Rush era ushered in more than just gold. The water transport system that miners needed to move water to mines would later become a part of PG&E’s hydroelectric system, a system that today is a critical part of the company’s renewable energy portfolio.

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598x270 Puerto Rico assistance
November 29, 2017

PG&E Logistics Experts Assist with Puerto Rico Hurricane Recovery

Vic Villar and Bryan Robledo, both PG&E logistics experts, recently spent a week in Puerto Rico helping in the local recovery effort after Hurricane Maria slammed into the island on Sept. 20. The island’s aging and fragile power system was hit hard, nearly half of Puerto Ricans are still without power and rebuilding has been painstaking.

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November 21, 2017

Bakersfield: PG&E, Home Depot Partner for Holiday Light Exchange

Hundreds of people lined up for the second year of a holiday light exchange, sponsored by PG&E and Home Depot in Bakersfield. Customers turned in outdated, inefficient holiday lights and were given 15-foot strands of LED Christmas lights that are both safer and consume less energy.

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Featured Stories

PG&E is now accepting applications for Better Together STEM and ERG scholarships.


 / December 1, 2017

PG&E To Offer More Than 200 College Scholarships Totaling Nearly $700,000

PG&E has announced that scholarship applications are now being accepted for college-bound high schoolers as well as current college and continuing students living in Northern and Central California. More than 200 awards totaling nearly $700,000 are being made available....
598x270  McArthur Swamp/Greater Sandhill Crane


 / November 20, 2017

Shasta County: PG&E Donates Swamp Parcel, Ensuring Permanent Conservation of Wetland Habitat

PG&E has donated a large tract of land in the McArthur Swamp under an agreement with conservation groups designed to ensure the parcel will be preserved in perpetuity. Left largely in its natural state, the 4,491-acre parcel is part of an important feeding and resting...
598x270 veterans day 2017


 / November 16, 2017

PG&E Employees on Central Coast, Fresno Support Veterans Day Events

From the Operation Hook, Line and Sinker fishing event on the Central Coast to the Veterans Day Parade in downtown Fresno, PG&E employees came out to support those who served in the armed forces....
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 / November 10, 2017

VIDEO: PG&E PowerPathway Veteran Graduates Helped Wildfire Restoration Efforts

Two Army veterans who recently graduated from the first PowerPathway supervisor training for active military members proudly supported PG&E’s efforts during the North Bay wildfires. ...


 / November 8, 2017

VIDEO: PG&E’s Military Career Day Focused on Service-Disabled Veterans

By Tony Khing SONOMA — When looking at former U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Ana Sarver, one can’t tell she’s suffering from PTSD and has a traumatic brain…...


 / November 6, 2017

Northern California Wildfires: Here Are the Facts

265x145 Jim Welsch


 / October 30, 2017

PG&E Appoints New Chief Nuclear Officer and New Vice President for Power Generation

PG&E has named James Welsch as the company's new chief nuclear officer and Jon Franke as vice president, power generation. Both appointments are effective Nov. 1....


 / October 17, 2017

PG&E Restores Nearly All Electric Customers in Wildfire Zones

After more than a week of around-the-clock restoration work, PG&E has restored electric power to 97 percent of customers who can receive it....


 / October 11, 2017

PG&E Statement on North Bay Wildfires



 / October 9, 2017

PG&E Crews Responding to Wind-Driven Wildfires in North Bay

PG&E’s response to the wind-driven wildfires in the North Bay will continue until all customers who can be restored have their power back....
598x270 Oroville emergency prep kits


 / October 2, 2017

Oroville: PG&E Distributes Emergency Safety Kits to Children Impacted by Recent Evacuations

They may be young, but the students at Ophir Elementary School have more practice than even most grownups when it comes to responding to life-or-death emergencies. Their families have had to evacuate their city due to the Oroville Dam incident, as well as several wildfires....


 / September 27, 2017

PG&E Opens New Academy to Train Gas Safety Workforce of the Future

PG&E opened its new Gas Safety Academy in Winters today. The state-of-the-art site will serve as the primary training center for employees learning to operate and maintain every aspect of the company’s natural gas infrastructure....
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 / September 24, 2017

VIDEO: PG&E ‘Storm Soldiers’ Return Home from Hurricane Irma Restoration Effort

After 14 days of battling Florida’s elements to help restore power in the wake of Hurricane Irma, PG&E’s "storm soldiers" have arrived back in California. In Sacramento, 125 crew members were greeted to a warm welcome by loved ones....


 / September 22, 2017

Hurricane Lessons Relevant to Us in California



 / September 19, 2017

PG&E Partners with Clean Air Group, IBEW to Connect Underserved Communities with Electric Vehicles

PG&E has announced a new pilot program in partnership with Valley Clean Air Now and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers to provide free electrical panel upgrades to encourage electric vehicle ownership in low-income, underserved communities....
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 / September 14, 2017

VIDEO: PG&E Partners With a Woman-Owned Business to Recycle Street Lights

Laurel Harrop has long wanted to own a green business. She did that, establishing a company that started with recycling scrap metal. Now she's working with PG&E to recycle tens of thousands of street lights being converted to LEDs. It's just one of the many...
598x270 airplane seat manufacturing energy efficiency


 / September 13, 2017

Santa Maria: PG&E’s Economic Development Rate Saves Money for Airplane Seat Manufacturer

When most of us choose an airline seat, we’re focused on getting an aisle or window seat. But for 1,200 people in Santa Maria, a lot more thought goes into airline seats — in fact, it’s their livelihood. Find out how PG&E helped this employer...
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 / September 11, 2017

VIDEO: Mill Valley Prepares for an Emergency

September is National Preparedness Month, a reminder for everyone to take action to prepare for any emergency. And that’s especially true in California where wildfires are burning throughout the state. In this video, PG&E recently participated in an emergency drill with officials in one Marin...
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 / September 6, 2017

VIDEO: PG&E Focused on Climate Resiliency to Protect Its Communities

California already is facing the consequences of climate change, including severe drought, heat waves, stronger storms and more wildfires. And as this video shows, those challenges are just as relevant to PG&E....
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 / September 5, 2017

‘Rust Never Sleeps’: PG&E Upgrades Training for Gas Corrosion Mechanics

PG&E has a new kind of apprenticeship program to train gas corrosion mechanics. The program, said to be the first of its kind by a U.S. energy company, was created to enhance the the important job of ensuring that gas mains are structurally sound and...
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 / August 30, 2017

VIDEO: Meteorology Technology Gives PG&E a Lead on Emergency Preparedness

California residents endured the stormiest weather in years last winter. PG&E's meteorology team helped the company plan its response even before the wet conditions occurred....


 / August 28, 2017

PG&E Shares Tips on Safety, Preparedness at Sacramento Event

Being prepared before a natural disaster or emergency is a crucial step with many benefits, including saving lives. And if learning about preparedness can be fun, that’s all the better....

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"PG&E" refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation.
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