Our 2013 total retail survey: Shopping channels are just the beginning

On Monday, 24 February 2014, we will release the full survey results. Explore pre-released survey findings and watch videos of PwC partners discussing customer expectations.

Emerging Trends in Real Estate:
Europe 2014
Confidence is returningExplore our survey results
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Global Annual Review 2013

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Inspiring a movement of trust: Reporting and assurance for the 21st century

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Dennis Nally interview on our progress in FY2013

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What's driving the future? Five global megatrends

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Empowering the enterprise: Advisory in turbulent times

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Building a strong network: corporate responsibility

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Global taxation reform: Why a new world economy needs a new tax system

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Our people: Leadership at all levels

Dennis Nally interview on our progress in FY2013

PwC's Chairman Dennis Nally and Mohamed Kande US /Global Advisory TICE leader discuss FY13 progress.

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What's driving the future? Five global megatrends

Dennis Nally and Mohamed Kande discuss five key megatrends: Demographic change, the shift in global economic power, accelerating urbanisation, resource scarcity and climate change, and technological breakthroughs.

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Inspiring a movement of trust: Reporting and assurance for the 21st century

PwC Vice Chairman, Global Assurance Richard Sexton discusses how organisations around the world are having to cope with the seismic shift caused by a decline in trust in institutions of all kinds - including governments and corporations.

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Empowering the enterprise: Advisory in turbulent times

PwC Vice Chairman, Global Advisory Juan Pujadas talks about how companies today are looking for advisory services to be offered as an integrated suite of solutions.

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Building a strong network: corporate responsibility

PwC Network Vice Chairman, Richard Collier-Keywood discusses how corporate responsibility continues to move into the mainstream of business and how PwC believes it can be part of the solution to global challenges.

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Global taxation reform: Why a new world economy needs a new tax system

PwC Vice Chairman, Global Tax Rick Stamm discusses how tax systems worldwide should be updated to meet modern needs and priorities; and that doing nothing is no longer an option.

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Our people: Leadership at all levels

PwC Network Vice Chairman, Global Human Capital, Dennis Finn discusses PwC's distinctive new leadership model, which seeks to define and encourage leadership at all levels, and create value for our clients and communities

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