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Suicide Prevention Oversight Committee (SPOC)

Published on: 11/24/2014 3:21 PM
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The Suicide Prevention Oversight Committee (SPOC) is pleased to share its first-ever Annual Report on the implementation efforts of the Santa Clara County Strategic Plan for Suicide Prevention, approved by the Board of Supervisors in August 2010. The plan has identified five multi-pronged, interconnected strategies to achieve its goal of reducing suicide attempts, deaths by self-inflicted injuries, empowering residents to identify and refer individuals at-risk to appropriate resources, and improving the quality of life for individuals and their loved ones who are dealing with mental illness. The SPOC oversees the implementation of these strategies by SCC MHD, the lead agency, in collaboration with four workgroups: (a) Data, (b) Interventions, (c) Communications, and (d) Policy & Governance Advocacy.

SPOC was established in January 2011 with the charter to oversee and monitor the implementation of the plan while ensuring fidelity. Specifically, it is an outcome-driven, working committee, which

  • ensures faithful implementation of the suicide prevention plan; and
  • oversees the progress of the workgroups; and
  • updates the Board of Supervisors on the progress of implementation efforts.

SPOC Meetings
The oversight committee meets on 3rd Friday of odd-numbered months from 9-11am at Charcot Training Center, 2310 N. First Street, Suite 102, San Jose, CA 95131. The inaugural meeting was held on January 18, 2011. For agendas, meeting minutes and materials discussed in the meeting, please see below.