Security Services Request Form

The completed SSRF must be received by the Special Events Office no fewer than 5 days prior to your event in order to allow time to process your request.

* indicates required fields.

Requestor's Name *

Address *

Requesting barricades only

Will Alcohol be served?

Will the event be held

Will there be live music or other live entertainment?

The Event will be open to: *

Will the event be advertised off campus?

Is admission being charged? *

Is this event co-sponsored by organizations outside Stanford (including corporate sponsors)? *

Will University staff be present at the event? *

Has the Office of Special Events and Protocol been notified of this event? *

Has the Office of Student Activities and Leadership been notified of this event? *

If this request is for parking space reservations, have you notified Parking and Transportation Services? *

Will this event have a food truck? *

If this event does have a food truck scheduled, has been notified?

Name of person financially responsible for this event *

Address for person financially responsible *

Form of Payment
Note: student groups with ASSU accounts will be expected to submit an approved ASSU purchase order prior to your event. Once the event cost estimate has been received, please visit to request the ASSU purchase order for Public Safety services *

I have read and understand the information contained on the "Requesting Security Services" website, including the responsibilities and expectations of the event sponsor and SUDPS personnel. *