Roambi for Data Visualization

Did you know that Stanford has site-licensed the data/business analytics and visualization tool Roambi and its publishing counterpart Roambi Flow? Join us next Wednesday, Nov 14 at 1pm, for a presentation on the software, mobile apps, and workflow used to create interactive mobile data visualizations using these technologies. ———– Tim Flood, formerly of Stanford and [...]

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iPad: Reading for Research – Papers app and application

On Monday the 29th I taught a workshop on iPad apps for research with Claudia Engel, Academic Technology Specialist for Anthropology, and Regina Roberts, Subject Bibliographer also for Anthro.  I presented Papers, an application for conducting research on the mac OS desktop and iOS for iPad and iPhone.  Paper is also available on a Windows desktop, [...]

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iPad University: IT Lessons From College Pilot

“Instead of building a firewall and being like the Soup Nazi [from Seinfeld] so you can say, ‘No,’ you do it in a different way,” he said. “You normalize it by joining them, figuring out what they need, and educating them. Instead of being a geek in a basement creating access controls on a Cisco router, you participate.”

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Workshop – iPad: Reading for Research

Presented by Claudia Engel, Academic Technology Specialist Regina Roberts, Subject Bibliographer Carlos Seligo, Academic Technology Specialist A number of iPad software apps support reading, reviewing, editing, archiving, and sharing documents. The increasing popularity of the device among students and faculty raises questions about the usefulness of those in the context of research: How to manage [...]

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iOS Office Productivity Apps

While our campus has just recently adopted the Google Apps for Education suite of tools, Microsoft Office (i.e., MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint) has long been standard used by faculty, staff and students for producing documents, spreadsheets and presentations. And while I believe we’ll eventually see a decline in the use of MS [...]

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Mobile Device Management at Stanford

Mobile Device Management (MDM) addresses the unique needs of a growing computing platform: mobile devices. It provides you with real management capabilities, including convenient configuration, self-service tools, and enhanced protection. It also keeps you up to date with best practices. These features are organized into a collection of settings called configuration profiles. Installing these profiles on [...]

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iPads in the Classroom: Room for Improvement

Came across this interesting article discussing an Educause 2011 presentation from USF describing faculty impressions of using the iPad in the classroom.  Highlighted findings include: • VGA-out issues (resolved with the release of the iPad 2 in March 2011) • Lack of a USB port • Keyboard issues (i.e., size, difficulty) • Inability to play [...]

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App Review pages at Stanford Libraries and Med School

A team in Academic Computing Services in Meyer library has been together a nifty page on iOS App reviews.  Ranging from productivity, to connectivity, to media development, take a look at the page they’ve put up. The Med School school here at Stanford has also published a page called MedApps, helping those in medicine [...]

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Traveling with an iPad

There’s an interesting post on traveling with an iPad with tips gleaned from being on the road for a year with an iPad.  Gary Arndt writes about his experiences on his blog, Everything-Everywhere. He hits on a number of interesting topics such as Maps, Photography, Media/Reading, and Kids, with App experiences shared along the way. [...]

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