Antepartum Care

In our 12-bed Antepartum Unit, we assure expectant mothers who require hospitalization during their pregnancies receive the very best care.

We provide highly specialized care and monitoring to pregnant women with a variety of medical conditions. Our staff works closely with your obstetrician to provide the best outcome for you and your baby. The obstetric and perinatal subspecialists at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford are always available to support the needs of you and your baby.

Your Room

Our unit is located in the Maternity Unit on the 2nd floor. The majority of our rooms are private with a few semi-private, and are assigned based on medical need and availability. All rooms feature:

  • Free wireless Internet access
  • Flat-screen televisions
    • Select cable TV channels
    • On-demand movies
  • Storage space for your belongings
  • A place for your partner to rest

We welcome your visitors and ask that they follow the Maternity Unit’s Visiting Guidelines.

Room Service Meals

We provide personalized room service at every meal. You can call to place an order from our full menu. We’ll freshly prepare your meal according to your order, and a room service host will deliver it to your bedside. A daily afternoon tea and snacks are also served to you and your partner. You are also welcome to store food or drinks you bring from home in our unit’s patient refrigerators.


Our Patient Services Representative offers a number of activities, all free of charge. You are welcome to participate in these activities with your doctor’s approval:

  • Massage
  • Classes
  • Knitting
  • Book cart
  • Pet therapy
  • Harpist and guitarist

Parent Mentors Program

Parent mentors are available to visit expectant mothers at the bedside to provide support, validation and information about the antepartum experience. Mentoring sessions vary in length and can be one-time visits or regular meetings during your hospital stay. Our Antepartum Unit parent mentors spent time as patients in the unit during their own pregnancies, and are a great resource for expectant mothers and new parents.