The Daily brief: June 14, 2010

Arctic-bound | Haley Smith Kingsland ’09 M.S. ’11 is blogging from a NASA research expedition to the Arctic. She and the crew are departing Alaska on Tuesday. She specialized in environmental communication while getting master’s degree in earth systems. [Correction: In a previous version, we listed Kingsland as M.S. ’10.]

Pac-10 expansion? | Stanford Sports is on it.

Overheard | “‘I wouldn’t want to be up in front of this Supreme Court’ to ask for a constitutional right to same-sex marriage. ‘My own hope is that the voters of California will vote to repeal [Prop. 8] before the cases ever reaches’ that stage.” — Pamela Karlan, law professor and co-director of the Stanford Law School’s Supreme Court Litigation Clinic, in The Cap Times.

Engineers abroad | Paul Craft ’09, a former Daily columnist, drew on The Daily’s interview with new Bing Overseas Studies Program Director Robert Sinclair to discuss changes the materials science professor may bring to the program. Sinclair’s ideas for making overseas study more accessible to technical students include reaching out to science and engineering departments, “something he should be able to do with ease and understanding,” Craft wrote in Fiat Lux. Sinclair has also mentioned possibly expanding the program to India.

From the weekend | Stanford’s board of trustees considered a resolution last week to support investment shareholders attempting to make companies trace minerals used in their products. The resolution, pushed by student group STAND, would put pressure on companies sourcing so-called “conflict minerals.” From The New York Times via its new partner, The Bay Citizen.

Commencement | Speeches, speeches and more speeches: The Daily on Commencement speaker Susan Rice ’86; Eboo Patel at Baccalaureate; Debra Satz at Senior Class Day; Daniel Ho at Stanford Law School; Jeff Skoll M.B.A. ’95 at the Graduate School of Business; Atul Gawande ’97 at the School of Medicine.

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About Elizabeth Titus

Elizabeth Titus was editor in chief of Volume 238 of The Stanford Daily, serving from July 2010 to January 2011. Contact her at