Stanford frosh competes for racing team spot

Julia Landauer ’14 will compete in the Nascar-sponsored Drive for Diversity Testing and Evaluation Combine this weekend in Radford, Va., for a chance to secure a yearlong spot with the Revolution Racing team. It’s an opportunity that she says could “jumpstart” her professional driving career.

(ANASTASIA YEE/The Stanford Daily)

The event takes place over a three-day span—from Sunday to Tuesday—with the goal of identifying young, up-and-coming minority and female drivers. Thirty-six athletes will participate; 10 will ultimately be chosen to move to North Carolina and join Revolution Racing for a year. If selected, it’s an honor with far-reaching implications.

“It’s a huge in with Nascar,” Landauer said. “You’re provided with so many resources that otherwise you’d need a lot of connections to get. They can really open the door for a driver.”

Participants are judged not only on their driving, but also on their “off-track” qualities, such as their stability and media savvy.

“They want to see how well you speak publicly, because so much of Nascar is how you interact with fans,” Landauer said. “They want to make sure you’re a marketable driver.”

But the racing side still matters—competitors will be put through time trials to assess their skill levels. That, along with their performance away from their cars, helps decide who gets one of the 10 coveted spots.

“They can tell how you’re adapting to the track situations. You can tell how good a driver is just by watching them going around. If they’re smooth, if their times are consistent. That’s what they’re looking for,” Landauer said.

Revolution Racing’s—and by extension, Nascar’s—goal is to find and develop the “total package,” a female or minority driver that can be marketed broadly. The drivers are all assumed to be of high quality—Landauer, a champion multiple times over in a variety of races and series, had to apply three times before she was finally accepted. To that end, the uniqueness of each participant plays a significant role in what is a largely subjective competition.

“There’s a big effort in Nascar to get it to be more diverse and not just a white boy sport,” Landauer said.

She believes that she presents a compelling profile. Beyond her gender, she’s from New York City and a Stanford student studying the applications of green energy to the automotive industry—two qualities that coincide with current Nascar marketing plans targeting large metropolitan areas and “cosmopolitan” fans, Landauer said.

Indeed, even though many drivers reside in New York, it’s rare to find one who was actually raised in a major city. But Landauer is from the five boroughs and attended Stuyvesant High School in downtown Manhattan, just blocks from ground zero.

Her interest in racing began when she received a go-kart for Christmas when she was 8 years old; she drove it around the driveway in her family’s house in Newton, N.J., and from there, her passion took off. She has been racing for more than half of her life, at this point, and considers herself a professional.

As such, she puts in hours of work per day, both for marketing and physical fitness. To prepare for the combine, she does extensive running and weight training.

“People underestimate how much endurance it takes. It gets to be about 135 degrees in the car, so if you don’t have the stamina, you’re not going to be on your A game,” she said.

Landauer intends to pursue racing as far as she can, and has already planned to take one or two years off in the middle of her Stanford career to dedicate herself fully to her craft. If she is selected to be part of Revolution Racing, she would start her yearlong program in late March. She plans to be enrolled for spring quarter, which means that she would either be forced to take classes online or to commute between North Carolina—considered the heart of racing culture—and the Farm.

Although a chance to compete on the Cup level—Nascar’s highest—is still years away, the importance of landing a spot with Revolution Racing is not lost on her.

“It could make your career,” Landauer said. “Or, for that matter, break it.”

  • Kima Uche

    Yay Julia <3

  • Hillary

    Yaaay roomie! :)

  • BB/FA

    “with the goal of identifying young, up-and-coming minority and female drivers”
    As with so many other misguided diversity schemes, this one will fail also. The point is to get across the finish line first and make the sponsers happy. Social engineering on a race track may very well get someone killed.
    I raced in NHRA competion and the female and minority drivers and teams that I saw got there because they were competive and competent, not because of some program that sought to look good by having some sort of trait quota.
    If the people in this program were good enough, they’d already be driving.

  • anon

    I simply do not why Nascar is something to aspire to, nor why we should celebrate any student risking his or her life to race a petroleum-sucking machine around a meaningless track for the entertainment of loud, drunk, and often racist men. While I applaud Landauer’s interest in applying green energy technologies to motor vehicles, anyone who participates in or follows Nascar racing must realize they are contributing to (1) the American romance with the automobile that causes so many of our fellow citizens to cling to their precious “independence” rather than taking public transit when it is available and affordable; and (2) a culture of excessive speed and (in the hands of non-professionals) reckless driving that contributes to thousands of needless deaths in motor vehicle accidents every year. I’m sad to see a smart, capable Stanford student participating in this shameful industry.

  • anon number 2

    I’m sad to see a smart, capable Stanford student (read: anon) wasting his/her time with comments like those.

  • anon number 3

    anon most likely either ; A.Flunked the driving test at least once .B.Has a really embarassing car. or C. needs to get out more often.
    Sounds like a Democrat- demonizing those having a better time than him/her.

  • holtcam

    What a great point you make. Yes, some people just don’t need to comment to feel they have participated to the fullest. That’s not their style. You’re right on the money with that. Thanks for remembering them.