CDC data shows salary, job trends

Data collected by the Career Development Center (CDC) showed that students earning bachelor’s degrees in 2011 from the School of Humanities and Sciences received an average starting salary of $54,951, while School of Engineering graduates received $72,148 on average.

Salaries on the survey–which includes responses from about 30 percent of graduates, according to CDC Director Lance Choy–ranged from $3,000 to $165,000 for humanities and sciences grads and from $15,000 to $120,000 for engineering students.

The survey also collected statistics on job-search timeframes for students graduating between 2006 and 2009. About 70 percent of bachelors students in 2009 were able to find a job within four months of searching, compared to about 80 percent in 2006. Meanwhile, the percentage of students needing 10 or more months to find a job rose from 3 to 9 percent.

Choy cited market demand and the recruiting process itself as the main determinants of job-search success.

“Some majors seem to be more popular, more in demand right now,” he said, citing computer science as an example.

“But something you have to be careful about is the nature of employer recruiting,” he continued. “Some employers are very structured in their programming. They know they’re going to hire X number of students. They’ll come in, do their hiring in the fall. Other employers, for example, civil engineering companies, they do just-in-time hiring when they get a project.”

He showcased the financial and consulting sectors, whose highly structured recruiting programs mean some economics and management science and engineering students tend to find jobs early. However, he did see that the recruiting process depends as much on the students as it does on the job market.

“Just remember in terms of who gets jobs the easiest, it really depends on what they’re pursuing,” he said.

According to Beverley Principal, student affairs officer at the CDC, companies hiring the most Stanford grads this year were Google, Teach for America, McKinsey & Company and Bain & Company.

Choy also estimated that 30 to 35 percent of Stanford students who earn bachelor’s degrees pursue graduate degrees, which he called a “much higher rate” than those at peer institutions.

Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs in Engineering and professor of electrical engineering Brad Osgood also cited the co-term program as a “popular” option.

Career centers at peer institutions also collected data on their graduates. Harvard, Yale, Princeton and UC-Berkeley had 21, 19, 20 and 23 percent of bachelors students intending on attending graduate school, respectively.

Those schools also collected data on the number of students who intended to pursue employment after graduation, with the numbers at 62, 75, 72 and 56 percent respectively. Harvard’s data was collected for the class of 2011, Princeton’s and UC-Berkeley’s for the class of 2010 and Yale’s for the class of 2010 one year after graduation.

Princeton and UC-Berkeley also published response rates at 98 and 39 percent.

As for Stanford students, both Choy and Osgood said that most Stanford students tend to stay in the area after graduation.

“For engineering students, I think one of the things that brought them to Stanford is Silicon Valley,” Osgood said.

Choy named the Bay Area as the “biggest employer” of Stanford students, followed by southern California, New York, Boston, Chicago and Washington, D.C.

Across graduates and industries, Choy noted that 2011 was a comparatively better year for college grads than those in the recent past.

“In a short-term trend, the market’s rebounding,” he said. “There’s more hiring in a lot of areas that were depressed. All the areas are rebounding and doing much better than two years ago. Last year, there was a strong surge in the number of job postings in all areas; this year it’s looking fairly decent.”

  • Anonymous

    University of California Berkeley Chancellor Birgeneau ($450,000 salary) has forgotten that he is a public servant, steward of the public money, not overseer of his own fiefdom.  Stunning misguided waste: Tuition fee increases exceed national average rate of increase; Recruits (using California tax $) out of state $50,600 students who displace qualified Californians from Cal; Spends $7,000,000 + for consultants to do his senior management work (prominent East Coast university accomplishing same 0 cost); Pays ex Michigan governor $300,000 for lectures; Procuring $3,000,000 consulting firm failed to receive proposals from others; Latino enrollment drops while out of state jumps 2010-11 (M Krupnick Contra Costa Times); Ranked # 70 USA best universities Forbes; Tuition to Return on Investment drops below top 10; QS academic ranking falls below top 10; Only 50 attend Birgeneau all employees meeting; Campus visits down 20%; Absence Cal. senior management control NCAA places basketball on probation.
    It’s all shameful. There is no justification for violations by a steward of the public trust. Absolutely none!  
    Governor Brown, UC Board of Regents Chair Lansing must vigorously enforce stringent oversight over Chancellor Birgeneau who uses Cal. as his fiefdom.
    Email opinion to

  • Anonymous

    University of California hijack’s our kids’ futures: student loan debt
    I love University of California (UC) having been student & lecturer. But today I am concerned that at times I do not recognize the UC I love. Like so many I am deeply disappointed by the pervasive failures of Regent Chairwoman Lansing, President Yudof, Chancellor Birgeneau from holding the line on rising costs & tuition increases. Paying more is not a better education.
    Californians are reeling from 19% unemployment (includes: those forced to work part time; those no longer searching), mortgage defaults, loss of unemployment benefits. And those who still have jobs are working longer for less. Faculty wages must reflect California’s ability to pay, not what others are paid.
    Current pay increases for generously paid University of California Faculty is arrogance. Instate tuition consumes 14% of Ca. Median Family Income!
    Paying more is not a better education. UC Berkeley(# 70 Forbes) tuition increases exceed the national average rate of increases. Chancellor Birgeneau has molded Cal. into the most expensive public university.
    UC President Yudof, Cal. Chancellor Birgeneau($450,000 salary) dismissed many much needed cost-cutting options. They did not consider freezing vacant faculty positions, increasing class size, requiring faculty to teach more classes, doubling the time between sabbaticals, cutting & freezing pay & benefits for chancellors & reforming pensions & the health benefits.
    They said such faculty reforms “would not be healthy for UC”. Exodus of faculty, administrators? Who can afford them and where would they go?
    We agree it is far from the ideal situation, but it is in the best interests of the university system & the state to stop cost increases. UC cannot expect to do business as usual: raising tuition; granting pay raises & huge bonuses during a weak economy that has sapped state revenues & individual Californians’ income.
    There is no question the necessary realignments with economic reality are painful. Regent Chairwoman Lansing can bridge the public trust gap with reassurances that salaries & costs reflect California’s economic reality. The sky above UC will not fall
    Opinions? Email the UC Board of Regents