Op-Ed: Our connection to events in Palestine

Fadi Quran, a person of tremendous courage and wisdom, a 2010 Stanford graduate, my friend and the friend of many others at our University, a Palestinian dedicated to the struggle for justice and human dignity, a man absolutely committed in theory and practice to nonviolence, appeared Friday in an Internet video, his face discolored and bruised, being beaten, handcuffed and dragged by soldiers in the course of a demonstration in Hebron. As his friends and members of his community, many of us are working to help him, to free him, to protect him.


Helping Fadi in this moment of pain and danger is an imperative that comes from our hearts. But many of us are also allied with him in his larger purpose – to end the terrible conflict between Israel and Palestine, to lift the cruel military occupation, the long ordeal of homelessness, the wall, the settlements, the checkpoints, the house demolitions, the destruction of agriculture, the separation of families, the choking off of the very means of survival, the treatment of a whole nation of nationless people as less than human.


As a brilliant graduate of Stanford in physics and international relations, Fadi could have done just about anything he wanted to. But personal success and power were not on his list. He was 20 when I met him in 2008; by that time he had already put himself on the line many times, and had suffered for it. His resolve to follow a path of nonviolence was clearer than ever after he participated in a Stanford overseas seminar in India, led by Prof. Clayborne Carson and me. We called the seminar “Gandhi and his legacy: Nonviolence in India, America, and the World.” In his last year at Stanford, Fadi worked for divestment. That campaign, like the one before it at Stanford and the one after it (unfolding at this moment) aroused extreme feelings and strong opposition as well as alliance and support. With his deep convictions about the necessity of dialogue, reconciliation and love, Fadi reached out to Jewish individuals and organizations and earned great respect even from those who disagreed with him. After graduation he returned to his home in Ramallah. He was featured in a March 31, 2011, article in Time magazine: “A New Palestinian Movement: Young, Networked, Nonviolent.” He is also featured in a film in progress called “Martin Luther King, Jr. in Palestine.”


Last November, when Americans were honoring the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Freedom Riders with TV specials and public events, Fadi and his companions in Palestine were giving new birth to the concept of Freedom Riders.  While Palestinians must follow a tortuous route through checkpoints to get to East Jerusalem, if they can get there at all, residents of illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank ride segregated buses over segregated roads on which Palestinians are not permitted. The Freedom Riders boarded one of these forbidden buses and rode till they were dragged off and arrested. This story was widely covered in the world press, with a picture showing Fadi in the bus with his sister, holding up a sign that says, “WE SHALL OVERCOME.”


As I write this, Fadi is in a military prison. His friends are mobilizing to get support from Stanford and elsewhere to secure his release and to keep him safe.


A powerful nonviolent movement is building in Palestine. Many understand that this is likely to be the most potent movement of all. Effective nonviolent leaders can be a particular threat to entrenched powers. It’s up to us to stand with brave and visionary nonviolent leaders and movements – not to be silent bystanders. We are connected to Israel and Palestine in more ways than we know.


Linda Hess ’64

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Religious Studies

  • Guest

    Thank you Linda!  Hopefully Fadi (and all other Palestinian political prisoners for that matter) will soon be free!

  • Geoff

    Thanks so much for bearing witness to Fadi’s commitment to justice and nonviolence!

  • Peace Lover

    Thanks for your bravery in writing this article. It takes courage to speak truth to power, especially whenever Israel is involved.

    Long live non-violence, peace, and equality!

  • http://pamolson.org/ Pamela Olson

    Thanks for writing the truth from your heart. It still takes bravery to say anything that might upset partisans of Israeli policies; they have many powerful methods at their disposal to try to silence critics who dare to speak out against the Israeli government’s flagrant human rights abuses (many of which I witnessed firsthand while working as a journalist based in Ramallah). But that only means they know, deep in their heart, that they cannot win this argument when it is held in the open, that they are on the wrong side of history.

    Thank you for speaking openly — with enough candles, we can banish the darkness that surrounds this conflict and bring truth, justice, and peace to everyone in the Holy Land — not just a chosen few.

  • Achille Lauro

    the moment, news of Fadi’s timely release after a prompt trial is propagating
    through mailboxes like Linda’s, to the almost certain disappointment of her and
    her fellow travelers. We must restrain ourselves from the temptation of finding
    amusement in just how absurd their rush to pronounce injustice really was, and how disappointing must be
    its anti-climax in a spectacle of jurisprudence in total agreement with Western
    I therefore believe I must speak on behalf of all sympathizers for their
    plight: may Ms. Hess’s masturbatory self-aggrandizement find its release soon,
    and in our days. Amen.

  • Geoff

     This is a shameful post by someone who lacks the ability to articulate an intelligible critique.

  • K_shetty

    Thank you for this article.  How can I help?

    Guest, NY
    In the end, truth always prevails.