Letter from the editor

Dear Readers,

Campus dialogue hit a low this week, disintegrating to a point unprecedented in my time at Stanford. For at least one student, this University stopped being home.

We must not stand by a culture that engenders attacks levied against students by anonymous peers. Those who think they are providing a public service by trafficking in the most mean-spirited of remarks are woefully mistaken. Such violations of the Fundamental Standard should be investigated and duly addressed.

What troubles me the most about the past 36 hours is the marked absence of kindness. I am shocked by the extremes reached on campus this week, and I know most Stanford students are, as well.

Our actions, our language, our daily choices matter greatly. This week’s events must be addressed and should never be repeated.


Margaret Rawson


President and Editor in Chief, Vol. CCXLI

  • Paolo Cera

    You suck.

  • PK

    what was the issue?

  • Anon

    It started with the inflammatory published under your watch in the Daily. maybe your writers should have put a bit more respect in their articles?

  • Anon

    Incredibly ironic that you wrote this.  Daily writers have consistently shown a lack of journalistic integrity and outright disrespect of several student groups.