Udacity to partner with San Jose State University

Udacity announced a partnership with San Jose State University (SJSU), bringing the online course platform to a physical campus in a move that San Jose State president Mohammad Qayoumi hopes will be a “game-changer.”

The partnership, announced at a press conference Tuesday morning, involves the creation of entry-level and remedial courses.

Udacity is the brainchild of Sebastian Thrun, a former Stanford lecturer, and is one of the growing number of online course platforms with origins in the Farm.

Three courses will be offered at a cost of $150 each, expenses that are mostly for administration, with any profits to be split by Udacity and SJSU. The three courses will be pre-algebra, algebra and statistics and will be taught by five professors.

The pilot program is restricted to only 300 students, half from the University and half from local community colleges and high schools, with the program monitored by SJSU using National Science Foundation funding.

The course will be designed to take advantage of Udacity’s online infrastructure but will also include human interaction between its online lectures and quizzes.

“It’s easy to get lost in an online course,” said Ellen Junn, San Jose State’s provost.

Students will study their lectures at their own pace, and despite the promises the collaboration offers, Thrun emphasized that this remains an experiment.

“There’s a big ‘if’ here because we are very skeptical ourselves whether this actually works,” he said. “We set it up as an experiment of scale, but we don’t know if this is a viable path to education.”

  • Peter Cao

    Dear Stanford Daily,

    Why are my comments missing? I publicly challenge in here because I see Sebastian Thrun’s name appears in here; I wish everyone would agree that I have the right to challenge such fascism crimes associated with Sebastian Thrun wherever I see Thrun’s name appear; Simply deleting my comments would not make the case go away;

    Miscarriage of justice is going on, and fairness and justice are being challenged, which had produced more and more retaliatory fascism crimes; — My public challenge is not personal but for the general public of everyone who live in this society; I am not the only victim inflicted as a result of the dire consequences out of a series of fascism crimes starting from a campus atrocity case happening right here on Stanford campus, one could find many more victims if going through links in my posters and I could list even more; If this case remain mystified and those fascists along with Sebastian Thrun and Gabriele Scheler not concurred by laws, even more innocent people would become victims later on; and this tragedy would be going on and on and on; and that’s why we have to keep challenging;

    Wouldn’t everyone who live in Stanford community have the right to know the truth of this decade long criminal case which is fascism by nature? What’s going on here?

  • Peter Cao

    Other than no reference on Sebastian Thrun’s involvement into such fascism crimes which got him partially fired out of Stanford and very likely the reason being dismissed from Google Inc., as well, Sebastian Thrun’s bio listed on website of —http://t.cn/R7dmndO — was quite superficial; Here is a handy quote from one of the comments in the comments part of an article — http://t.cn/R7d3Xj4 — about the moral issue in Sebastian Thrun’s career: “Thrun is shamelessly taking credit for work done by others … More examples from Academia could be listed. If there is one recurring theme in Thrun’s carreer, it’s his (more or less subtle) attempts at festooning himself with achievements of others.”

    Would any of Thrun’s honors listed in that bio entitled on him from such elite societies, as “Fast Company”, “Foreign Affairs”, “National Academy of Engineering” and also “German Academy of Sciences”, and even AAAI’s Ed Feigenbaum (who happened to be Thrun’s boss at Stanford Computer Science Department) etc., be good reasons to ignore Thrun’s involvement into such anti-humanity crimes which are fascism by nature?

    — Would such a personnel really be up to the moral standard as a role model in the world of education or innovation, according to Accenture or Stanford Comparative Literature Department or Stanford Computer Science Department?

  • Peter Cao

    Udacity cofounder Sebastian Thrun had colluded with a criminal suspect named gabriele scheler in a series of fascism crimes starting from a Stanford campus atrocity case — [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335;Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] —http://t.cn/R7F1yQ0 —, which led to the tragic death of an innocent Asian Stanford student (May Zhou); Thrun is not innocent in an unsuccessful plotted murder on me either and I have been cursed by fascism powers from Sebastian Thrun and Gabriele Scheler’s side for many years. From there, there comes a war between fascism and anti-fascism, and at this stage, fascism still prevails in our lives; Sebastian Thrun and Gabriele Scheler are just front figures we could see in a fascism circle, there is a whole pack of fascists behind them to cover up their crimes and to retaliate on victims;— Miscarriage of justice is going on; here is the link to this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler’s website —http://t.cn/RPbiq5G —

    — Such fascism crimes have to be disciplined by laws and such fascists like Gabriele Scheler and Sebastian Thrun and the likes have to be brought to justice; they can’t escape from it;

  • Peter Cao

    Sebastian Thrun 一方法西斯在美国司法系统中极具势力,使得这个本来是非分明,证据明确,并经警察严肃调查过的校园暴力案 — [斯坦福警察档案号: IR 04-111-0335;受害人: Peter Cao; 犯罪嫌疑人: Gabriele Scheler] — 后来在美国司法系统中颠倒黑白,制造冤案以掩盖 Sebastian Thrun, Gabriele Scheler 一方所犯法西斯罪行;而至今那些后来制造冤案的司法官员(namely ZZZ/YYY/VVV)对受害人隐匿他们真实身份黑心办案,并对当事人掩盖案件材料,侵犯隐私,威胁恐吓,阴谋陷害,以阻止澄清案情,从而达到袒护 Sebastian Thrun 与 Gabriele Scheler一方法西斯犯罪的目的;

    — 有人能让大家知道那些后来处理本案司法官员(namely ZZZ/YYY/VVV, they must have power of jurisdiction over civilians of Santa Clara County) 的真实身份么?我有严肃的问题要问他们;

  • Peter Cao

    Miscarriage of justice is one horrible horrible thing that could ever happen to human society; it could result in the victims being further victimized; it could produce retaliatory fascism crimes directly from the judicial system;

    That day, a man named JayJones argued in comments part of an article titled “Get schools out of the 1890s” by Mr. Newt Gingrich on cnn dot com, that — “Apparently they are tolerated in human society, since neither of them have been arrested or imprisoned. What is your definition of fascist?” —

    ======== My Answer =======

    Dear Mr. JayJones,

    — Miscarriage of justice is going on, and that’s why neither Sebastian Thrun nor Gabriele Scheler have been arrested or imprisoned so far, while I as a victim am further victimized by their retaliatory fascism crimes; the case remain mystified and incomplete so far; and at this stage, the real problems are coming from the judicial system; Justice has not been done;

    — The fact that Gabriele Scheler or Sebastian Thrun have not been arrested or imprisoned so far does not mean they are tolerated in human society; at least I know San Francisco State University fired Gabriele Scheler and Stanford partially fired Sebastian Thrun due to their involvement into such fascism crimes; and I am pretty sure both of them would be universally rejected as more and more people learn the fascism nature in their crimes;

    — As I said before: “We are all made of human beings; you have your judgement, and we all have our own; Anybody with normal intelligence could easily figure out that there is something seriously wrong going on in this case;” I wonder who’s the officer handling Gabriele Scheler and Sebastian Thrun’s case? How would they explain the brutality from Gabriele Scheler on my body as evidenced in those 7 photos, in the first place? — http://t.cn/R7F1yQ0

    — What are the real identities of judicial officers (namely ZZZ/YYY/VVV, they must have power of jurisdiction over civilians of Santa Clara County) handling Sebastian Thrun’s case and Gabriele Scheler’s recanted testimony? How can I see their materials to accuse/curse me? Can you or anybody let us know? I have serious questions to ask them;

  • Peter Cao

    — The point is, though I am a victim while Gabriele Scheler a criminal suspect, my life has been underhandedly cursed and systematically retaliated by fascism powers behind Sebastian Thrun for over 10 years without an end ever since Gabriele Scheler recanted her testimony and falsely accused me at somewhere unknown to me in the judicial system; Sebastian Thrun and Gabriele Scheler’s follow up retaliatory crimes had been collateralled by some officers (namely ZZZ/YYY/VVV, they must have power of jurisdiction over civilians of Santa Clara County) who’s handling Scheler’s recanted testimony in the judicial system, and who hided their identities from me during these many years till today; Neither did I ever see their materials to accuse me, nor did I get a chance to defend myself; i.e. their underhanded retaliatory fascism crimes are coming from the judicial system, as well; — Miscarriage of justice is going on;

  • Peter Cao

    Fascism may not exist in everywhere, but could come from anywhere;

    I had struggled and survived in Stanford University for over 7 years (August 2003 to March 2011); and I appreciate the beauty of Stanford; and I admire almost everyone I met in Stanford community, except some unruly fascists such as Sebastian Thrun and criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler; However, I bet nobody (the Married couple Petra Dierkes-Thrun understandably excluded, though all others from the Stanford Comparative Literature Department and Stanford Computer Science Department included:) ) would like to associate himself/herself with man of questionable quality who had involved into anti-humanity crimes which are fascism by nature;

    It is a universal common sense to us all that protecting human lives and their basic rights of living supersedes teaching, doing business or doing research; Would anyone like to be educated by someone who’s mis-behaviors have brought into our lives fascism crimes which had endangered human lives? Would anyone like to be living in a society under the jurisdiction of some malicious and cowardice officers, namely ZZZ/YYY/VVV — (they must have power of jurisdiction over civilians of Santa Clara County) —, who hided their identities from us while colluded with those fascism powers along with Sebastian Thrun and Gabriele Scheler to cover up their fascism crimes and to retaliate on victims?

    Before this case clarified, and those fascists along with this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler and Udacity cofounder Sebastian Thrun being concurred, I bet nobody would like to play up personnel associate with fascism crimes, the likes of Sebastian Thrun and Gabriele Scheler, nor cover up their fascism crimes and everybody has the obligation to fight against such anti-humanity crimes;

    I wish people from — Stanford Comparative Literature Department and people from Stanford Computer Science Department — would join the rest of us all to help us clarify this decade long criminal case and find justice to these anti-humanity crimes associated with such fascists as Udacity Cofounder Sebastian Thrun and criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler are;

    — 希望大家 明辨是非; 在此案未澄清前,和那些法西斯份子没有认识到歧视谋害他人是有罪的之前,莫要为这个法西斯份子Sebastian Thrun 宣扬造势;

  • Peter Cao

    Sebastian Thrun had purposefully conspired me in collateral with this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler when I cautiously tried to approach him even though he clearly knew I was encouraged to contact him with valid reference from his bosses of Stanford Computer Science department; In March 2010, one day before I tried to file an important complaint at judicial authorities against an officer who’s miscarriage of justice biased on Thrun, Thrun’s student Mr. David Stavens (also an Udacity cofounder) had gone to Stanford police and lied to police and falsely accused me in collateral with Thrun; — So what kind of education had Mr. David Stavens received from Sebastian Thrun in Stanford Computer Science Department, other than computer science?

  • Peter Cao

    It is a tough task to fight against such anti-humanity crimes which are fascism by nature; As a victim of a series of fascism crimes associated with Gabriele Scheler, Sebastian Thrun and the likes, what I posted on the web are no more than facts, facts those fascists I challenged dare never publicly deny; I bet such of their fascism crimes would not be tolerated anywhere in human society; If anyone disagree, especially those in my public challenge, please give us a candid answer right here on this board, which part in my statements is not base upon facts? — What’s going on here?

    — equal opportunity and freedom of speech :)

  • Peter Cao

    This is a decade long case with a lot of messy happenings starting from a simple campus atrocity case with clear evidence and serious police investigation — [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] —; but how could a simple campus atrocity case turned into a series of fascism crimes for over a decade long which got more and more innocent people involved? — Fascism prevails and miscarriage of justice is going on; — not all by my capability could handle;

    And, at this stage, the most confusing part of this case is: — What are the real identities of judicial officers (namely ZZZ/YYY/VVV, who must have power of jurisdiction over civilians of Santa Clara County) handling Sebastian Thrun’s case and this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler’s recanted testimony? How can I see their materials to accuse/curse me and to mess up this case? Can anyone, — e.g. people from Stanford Comparative Literature Department or people of Stanford Computer Science Department —, help us know? I have serious questions to ask them;