Tweets by @StanfordSports

Crazy, but true: Today marked the first time in College Cup history that both semifinals have been scoreless at the end of regulation.: 7 hours ago, StanfordDaily Sports
RT @alexaphilippou: "I can walk you through what I remember." -Epstein when asked to walk media through ups and downs of PKs: 8 hours ago, StanfordDaily Sports
Stanford will take on Clemson this Sunday at 11am PT.: 8 hours ago, StanfordDaily Sports
Mis-tweet before: Stanford is playing in its first NATIONAL TITLE game since 2002: 8 hours ago, StanfordDaily Sports
Final penalty kick score: 8-7.: 8 hours ago, StanfordDaily Sports
Stanford is headed to its first College Cup since 2002. All Right Now is playing in Sporting Park!: 8 hours ago, StanfordDaily Sports

Stanford Rose Bowl ticket allotment sells out rapidly amidst historic demand

Stanford Athletics announced on Tuesday afternoon that for the second year in a row, it had sold out its public allotment of tickets to the Rose Bowl Game. In addition, a limited allotment of student tickets and “student companion” tickets available to Stanford students with University IDs also sold out in less than two hours on Tuesday evening.

Stanford students had less than two hours to claim their Rose Bowl tickets before they sold out, but the Red Zone should count itself lucky; Stanford's public allotment was gone in just four minutes after the tickets went on sale Tuesday afternoon. (BOB DREBIN/

Stanford students had less than two hours to claim their Rose Bowl tickets before they sold out, but the Red Zone should count itself lucky; Stanford’s public allotment was gone in just four minutes after the tickets went on sale Tuesday afternoon. (BOB DREBIN/

However, controversy arose when it was revealed by some Michigan State fans that they had taken advantage of a Stanford Athletics offer to claim tickets from Stanford’s allotment as well, limiting the access to tickets for Cardinal fans.

Stanford Athletics had previously announced that up to four guaranteed tickets would be made available in advance to both season ticket holders and people who had made a deposit for 2014 season tickets before Rose Bowl ticket sales began. The remainder of the tickets would then be sold to non-season ticket holders through starting at 4:01 p.m., after all of the guaranteed tickets had been allocated.

According to a Tweet by Senior Assistant Athletic Director Kurt Svoboda, the tickets available to the general public through Stanford sold out in just four minutes after sales opened.

The sellout came as little surprise after a tremendous season for Stanford. On the back of lofty expectations for the preseason top-five Cardinal, 2013 marked the first year in school history in which Stanford sold out its complete allotment of home games.

Yet there is concern that Michigan State fans may have played some part in the limited ticket availability for the Rose Bowl. Some Spartans fans revealed that they had paid Stanford’s season ticket deposit for access to guaranteed tickets in Stanford’s allotment. Because of this, a smaller allotment of Stanford’s tickets would have been available when the general sale later opened. That concern was fueled by the fact that the deposit for season tickets increased from $100 to $200 on Monday morning before the offer was later withdrawn altogether due to “high demand.”

Much of that concern was alleviated on Wednesday afternoon when two Tweets from Stanford’s Athletic Department — one from the official Stanford Athletics account and another from Svoboda — reported that 95 percent of Stanford’s allotment had gone to current season ticket holders and students.

Loophole aside, the overall high interest in tickets from Stanford’s opponent also contributed to the rapid sale. Last year, special circumstances had allowed Stanford to slightly exceed its usual allotment due to the fact that Wisconsin was playing in its third straight Rose Bowl and, thus, experienced lower-than-average demand. This year, with Michigan State playing in its first-ever BCS bowl and the historical significance of the 100th installment of the Rose Bowl, ticket allotments for Stanford were much more stringent and prices in the secondary market skyrocketed due to the increased demand.

The Detroit Free Press reported that tickets for this Rose Bowl are, on average, more than twice as expensive as they have been in years past. The average cost of a Rose Bowl ticket on the secondary market as of Tuesday night was reported to be $1,039. In comparison, the average value of a ticket on the secondary market at this point last year was just $432, and corresponding values for the Rose Bowls of 2012, 2011 and 2010 were also just $460, $496 and $466, respectively.

As of 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, the lowest-priced Rose Bowl ticket on secondary ticketing site StubHub was $575.00, for a seat in the upper end zone bleachers.


After the general allotment had sold out, student ticket sales opened at 9 p.m., giving students holding valid Stanford IDs the chance to purchase one ticket for themselves for $75 and one more ticket for a “student companion” for an additional $150. Although Stanford Athletics had initially announced that two companion tickets would be available for each student, that number was lowered to one just before student ticket sales opened. Both types of tickets rapidly sold out.

The student tickets went on sale during the 7-10 p.m. final exam slot and were gone shortly after the exam period ended.

Stanford and Michigan State will compete in the 100th Rose Bowl Game in Pasadena on Jan. 1.

This post was updated on Dec. 11 to include the percentage of tickets purchased by current season ticket holders and students as reported by Stanford Athletics and to include current secondary market ticket prices. It will continue to be updated.

Contact Do-Hyoung Park at dpark027 ‘at’

About Do-Hyoung Park

Do-Hyoung Park '16 is a Managing Editor of Staff Development, lead football writer and copy editor at The Stanford Daily. He also writes about Stanford football for Sports Illustrated's new college football site, Campus Rush. In his three years, he has written primarily football, baseball, soccer, tennis, swimming and water polo, and has covered a Rose Bowl, a Super Regional run and three national championships. Do-Hyoung is a senior that is obnoxiously proud of being from Saint Paul, Minnesota studying chemical engineering and computer science. To contact him, please email him at dpark027 'at'
  • Kassandra

    sorry kiddo, the only fail around here is you and your self-presumed expertise on debating skills. your main problem is that you’ve strayed so far off the topic that you’re clearly running in circles like a dog chasing its own tail. and, of course, let’s not brush aside the hypocrisy of your own post; telling me to come up with my own material (which really makes no sense whatsoever) then you quoting White Goodman. try coming up with YOUR own material, dumbass. total hypocrisy and epic fail.

    yes, you are aJohnny-come-lately. everything was pretty much settled here, then you just had to come in and butt into something which you clearly do not understand. and for what? to talk about the topic at hand? nope, just to troll. you clearly live a pathetic and failed life.

  • Ted Taylor

    “bad faith

    1) n. intentional dishonest act by not fulfilling legal or contractual obligations, misleading another, entering into an agreement without the intention or means to fulfill it, or violating basic standards of honesty in dealing with others. Most states recognize what is called “implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing” which is breached by acts of bad faith, for which a lawsuit may be brought (filed) for the breach (just as one might sue for breach of contract). The question of bad faith may be raised as a defense to a suit on a contract. 2) adj. when there is bad faith then a transaction is called a “bad faith” contract or “bad faith” offer.”

  • LAlaw

    You entered into a contract to buy season tickets, not purchase a “right” to buy, or not buy, those tickets. California law is very clear. By your statements you have admitted to entering into a contract in “bad faith”, a cornerstone of contract law, and therefore have rendered that contract null and void. If Stanford is kind enough enough to return your deposit, count yourself lucky – they don’t need to – and you have no claim to the Rose Bowl tickets at all. If you think you have some remedy in the courts, think again, especially in California. Courts look to, and promote, good faith dealings between parties to a contract. The implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing allows the courts to close any “loopholes” contained within the four corners of the agreement that a reneging party might use to try to justify non-performance of his obligations, and enforce the intent of the parties at the time the contract was made.

  • LAlaw

    Yes, of course, we all know love of school trumps being an honest person every time,

    you are worse than Dersh douche by trying to justify the exact same behavior by cloaking it in your deep love of your school (which apparently didn’t include any ethics courses as a prerequisite for graduation), at least he’s being honest about being a scumbag, scumbag.

    For those of you who think Stanford is “money grubbing” by asking for a $100 deposit on next year’s season tickets to secure seats to the the Rose Bowl, check out Michigan State’s website! MSU was asking for a $50,000+ “gift” and even then doesn’t guarantee Rose Bowl seats!

    and as to the reason Stanford fans and alum didn’t “jump” at the idiotic Stanford “opportunity”, “Suzy” said it beautifully…,

    • 2 days ago

    A lot of people wouldn’t have taken advantage of that offer because it makes you a liar and a cheat when you enter a contract (season ticket purchase) in bad faith (no intention of following through) to get your paws on Rose Bowl tickets (benefit). It’s also against California contract law and makes your purchase of season tickets (and the accompanying Rose Bowl tickets) NULL AND VOID. You are both morally AND legally reprehensible.

    “Every contract made or performed in California is said to include an implied-in-law covenant of good faith and fair dealing, by which each party to the contract agrees to act in good faith and deal fairly with the other. This has been construed to mean that one party to a contract should not try in bad faith to cheat the other party of the benefit of the bargain made by the contract.””

  • LAlaw

    Shouldn’t even get those tickets, contracts that were entered into in bad faith are null and void. Should lose your deposit and your tickets.

  • LAlaw

    right and STANFORD is the money grubbing school!! good one!

  • LAlaw

    That, and crack down on those who entered into Stanford’s offer in bad faith (ie had no intention of buying season tickets at the time of entering into the contract to do so) also AKA “abused the system” (and breech of contract), which was clearly put in place (however stupidly) to sell season tickets, not allow the opposing team’s fans to purchase Rose Bowl tickets from them. Time will tell how many of these Rose Bowl tickets in question actually end up in MSU’s fans hands. A partner at our firm says there were hundreds of complaints to the California Attorney General’s office last week about this..

  • Jailin Rose

    BC your state of residence is just as relevant (or really, irrelevant) as your comments about Detroit’s bankruptcy or my reply about multiple CA bankruptcies

  • Jailin Rose

    Their entire performance at last year’s Rose Bowl was a tribute to weed. Just look for the pictures or the countless articles about it. And based on Kassandra’s logic in this thread, it seems that she is hooked on the stuff.

  • Jailin Rose

    I don’t understand what the complaints are about, though. MSU fans did nothing wrong here. They were offered the chance to buy the Rose Bowl tickets, in exchange for a non-refundable deposit on next year’s tickets. They didn’t enter into any agreement to buy tickets for next season, nor did Stanford ask them to be obliged to do so.

    What are people saying in the complaints (it sounds like you or people you work with may have access to them) To me it seems like the complaints should be about Stanford’s policy. How did any MSU fan breach a contract? You can’t even call “intending to not fulfill the season ticket purchase” an anticipatory breach because they didn’t agree to actually buy a full season of tickets.

  • Jailin Rose

    LOL just because all of you are butthurt over this, doesn’t make the random CA statute sections you are incompletely citing, or the definition of “bad faith” be applicable or correct here.

    There was no bad faith or misdealing or fraud at all. Stanford made the offer, and it was just to put a deposit down. There was no commitment by the purchasers to actually buy an entire season ticket package.

    Your anger should be directed at the Stanford Athletics office, not at Spartan fans that took them up on their great offer.

  • Jailin Rose

    haha, sorry pal. What law firm do you work for? I want to make sure I never engage that firm in anything, if an associate actually has this poor an understanding of the basics of contract law. Even if you’re just a paralegal or a gopher I don’t think I’d be comfortable using your firm.

  • Actually a lawyer

    bro, it’s “breach.” Hope you’re either a 1L or a bullshitter.

  • Jailin Rose

    Not from California, eh?

    This is what happens when you click on your profile name:


    college nerd, sports fan, queen of compassion.

    Stanford, CA

  • cardcounter

    Sorry Code Warrior but that was a knockout blow by Kassandra. You come across as being a jerk.

  • Kassandra

    seriously? you’re still at it? roflmao!

    news flash: some people attend colleges in states other than their home state. really, it happens. your comment could not be more dumb.

  • Kassandra

    sorry kiddo; never have, never will, but keep trolling anyway!

  • LuvAlum

    A “donation” is not what Stanford offered, a “deposit” towards the purchase of 2014 season tickets was what the offer was. Big difference. Most people (including most MSU fans I would guess) with any sort of moral compass would not lie just to get tickets to a bowl game. But given reputation of MSU’s football fans, Stanford’s Athletic Department should have anticipated this sort of lack of morals before they made an offer that was based on the expectation of honesty and integrity, kind of like the game of football. And if Stanford fans are upset about the way THEIR tickets were dispersed, this should make them feel a whole lot better about what a real ultra greedy University money grab looks like! MSU wouldn’t even return the $25 “processing fees” to those who got screwed!

  • yrseasontixhldr

    JR, maybe you were on your phone a little too much checking your FB and twitter accounts during the games you say you attended, ’cause that sure wasn’t going on where I was sitting!! Yeah, every home game sold out, christ even SJS before students were at school, with added SRO tix added for every single game, that’s some real un-supportive fans right there. As far as “grousing” about a coach who throws three times with two yards needed for a first down inside the ten yard line with seconds to go in the fourth quarter when you have one of the best RBs in the country (Shaw himself said those calls were a big mistake), or putting the second string in at the end of the third quarter when you are only 10 points ahead of a ranked opponent, or deciding to try and become a passing powerhouse in the fourth quarter against USC, when your running game would have easily run out the clock and won the game… gotta be honest, those all seem like pretty darn good reasons to “grouse” at the head coach’s decisions to me. Fan support is earned through good play and good coaching, not through blind mob mentality. Make no mistake, Stanford’s coaching beat Stanford this year, no one else did.

  • Spartan Fan 2013

    Mine came in the mail yesterday. Go Green!

  • Ted Taylor

    Paying more than face value = paying more for tickets. Not that MSU’s rip off money grab was wasn’t way worse than Stanford’s, but in every single purchase except buying as a season ticket holder, student, VIP or lucky member if the public, did in fact pay more money for a ticket than they should have. Just some insanely more than others.

  • Ted Taylor

    Got your tickets yet?

  • michael mccarty

    I have two tickets tunnel 61 row 22 for sale. $375 each. Call mike at 909-437-2686

  • Jailin Rose

    Yes I did, and the game was great! Section 25 was almost 100% green. If you don’t believe me go back & look at the game video. Sections 23, 24 & 25 were taken over by MSU – and those are the sections the Stanford tickets were from.

  • Jailin Rose

    LOL loser. I was in Section 25, row 62. It was over 90% MSU fans in that section, as well as Sections 24 & 23, which were the other sections that Stanford sold tickets in exchange for a deposit. Just go look at any overhead shots of the stadium and you’ll see Stanford lost the attendance battle in addition to the game on the field.

  • Jailin Rose

    lol Kassandra is an idiot that fails at logic. Did you see the pictures from the Rose Bowl? It was at least 75% MSU fans. I got my tix through Stanford and I’d say that 90% of my section was green. Go Green!!!!

  • Jailin Rose

    lol nobody lied you idiot. Stanford made it quite clear that the deposit was simply that, a non-refundable deposit. No MSU fans or anyone else is compelled to purchase an entire season worth of tickets. If you don’t believe me, ask Stanford.

    In the meantime, thanks for the tickets, it was an MSU takeover!!

  • Jailin Rose

    so how did that work out for ya Kassie?!?!

  • Michael Richards

    Dude the only one who looks like an idiot here is you. No one cares anymore LOL! It’s been 23 days since the game was played and five or six weeks since this original conversation took place and you’re back here trolling. Please send a photo of yourself to so they can put it next to “idiot,” “moron,” dullard” and any other synonymous words which seem to fit you.

  • Jailin Rose

    LOL how did you even end up replying to this? Ever since those racial jokes your career really has nosedived.

    Now that we know that Stanford can’t beat MSU in the stands OR on the field, maybe you can visit campus and beat us off!