Woodson/Richard elected as ASSU Executive

Elizabeth Woodson ‘15 and Logan Richard ‘15 have been elected as the 2014-15 ASSU Executive with 66 percent of the vote after two rounds of balloting, beating out Lauren Miller ‘15 and Geo Saba ‘15.

Woodson/Richard garnered 2698 votes in the second round, a significant increase over last year’s winning total of 1,929. Miller/Saba received 1,366 votes in the second round, while The Stanford Chaparral’s slate of Garrett Taylor ‘15 and Colton Dempsey ‘16 were eliminated after the first round having received 331 votes.

Elsewhere on the ballot, a resolution calling on Stanford to divest from fossil fuels passed with overwhelming support. SAFE Reform — a constitutional amendment that sought to reform the student activities funding process — received the support of 51 percent of voters but fell short of the two-thirds threshold needed to secure passage.

John-Lancaster Finley ‘16, Ben Holston ’15 — both of whom are incumbents — and Victoria Kalumbi ‘15 won election to the 16th ASSU Undergraduate Senate through the three “upperclass district” seats outlined in recent changes to Senate rules. They will be joined in the 2014-15 Senate by Andrew Aude ‘16, Jackson Hart Beard ‘17, Amartya Das ‘17, Mohamed Elmalik ‘17, Luka Fatuesi ‘17, Anthony Ghosn ‘16, Malcolm Lizzappi ‘17, Ana Ordoñez ‘17, Rachel Samuels ‘17, Kenneth Tea ‘17, Eric Theis ‘16 and David Wintermeyer ‘17.

Fourteen graduate students — the entire field of contestants — won election to the Graduate Student Council. Connect4 won election as sophomore class presidents, The Fellowship as junior class presidents and The League as senior class presidents. Every special fees request on the ballot but two — those of Stanford Quidditch and the Stanford African Students Association — won approval from the student body.

Total voter turnout rose 13 percent from last year, with 5,039 votes received from this student body this year compared to 4,464 from the 2013-14 year. According to Elections Commissioner Hunter Kodama ‘14, 3,678 undergraduates, 1,124 graduate students and 237 co-terminal students partook in the ASSU elections this year.

Contact Marshall Watkins at mtwatkins ‘at’ stanford ‘dot’ edu.

About Marshall Watkins

Marshall Watkins is a senior staff writer at The Stanford Daily, having previously worked as the paper's executive editor and as the managing editor of news. Marshall is a junior from London majoring in Economics, and can be reached at mtwatkins "at" stanford "dot" edu.
  • bittergradguy

    When is elections.stanford.edu going to get updated?

  • waiting

    In a few weeks!