Teaching by example: Divestment from fossil fuels

We are proud of the Stanford Board of Trustees’ decision to divest the University endowment of direct investments in coal. This was an important first step towards removing all fossil fuels from the Stanford endowment portfolio, an action that is critical to setting a moral example for the future leaders being educated here. We are pleased that Stanford is setting an example that other institutions of higher learning should be encouraged to follow.

If ever there was a moral challenge facing our society, climate change is it. President Hennessy himself has called it “the problem of our time.”

Over 97 percent of climate scientists, including many of Stanford’s own faculty, have agreed that anthropogenic climate change is a scientific reality. Any hope of holding the globe to a two-degree Celsius increase in temperature — a target agreed upon by 173 nations, and the importance of which is reiterated in the most recent IPCC report — requires that 80 percent of the world’s proven fossil reserves stay in the ground. The fact that these reserves are currently carried on the balance sheet of publicly traded fossil fuels companies strongly supports the argument for a strategy that transitions away from investments in these companies.

If we remain on our current path, the world’s fossil fuel consumption will place hundreds of millions of mostly poorer people in harm’s way, and will leave our children faced with a future characterized not by possibility and opportunity, but by the need to manage the horrendous impacts of climate change.

Furthermore, the fossil fuel industry as a whole has spent hundreds of millions of dollars corrupting our political system to ensure that it does not have to operate on a level playing field, and on manufacturing and spreading doubt among the American public about the very climate science being produced by institutions like Stanford – all at the cost of the poorest around the world, and of our children and grandchildren’s future.

The Board of Trustees’ decision to withdraw from coal investments is encouraging, but we hope the Board will extend the policy to ensure divestment from all fossil fuels. Students learn from the culture and the behavior of an institution as much as they learn from classes. Thus, a mission-driven educational institution like Stanford cannot ignore its own core values in making investment decisions without damaging its ability to achieve its mission to educate. Stanford has already acknowledged this formally in its Statement on Investment Responsibility, which we commend. So, while we recognize that most investment portfolios like Stanford’s include a variety of investments (e.g. hedge funds, mutual funds), thus leaving few opportunities to pick or choose from a menu of specific stocks, it is clear that in order to fulfill its commitment to investment responsibility, Stanford’s Trustees should immediately instruct the University’s investment managers to cease and divest from any investments designed to explore for or develop new sources of fossil fuels.

If we don’t make every effort to hold the earth’s increase in temperature at no more than 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, we are simply putting our children and grandchildren in harm’s way.  Since the dawn of the industrial era, we have burned enough fossil fuels to release nearly 300 gigatons of carbon dioxide; to stay under the 3.6 degrees red line, we can burn only 600 gigatons more.

All of the proven reserves owned by public and private companies and governments would, if burned, produce nearly 3,000 gigatons of carbon, or enough to plunge the earth into an uncontrolled climate spiral with temperatures far above any that life as we know it could support. Given these numbers, any sensible investor can understand that we can only burn 20 percent of proven fossil fuel reserves; to invest further in finding or developing even more reserves of fossil fuels is immediately unwise economically.

Again, we applaud the Board for its policy with respect to investments in coal. But Stanford’s Trustees must come to understand the full dimensions of the carbon equation; when they do, they will change Stanford’s investment policy, and ensure that Stanford retains its hard-earned place of global leadership.

Timothy E. Wirth, Ph.D. ’73, former U.S. Senator from Colorado, is Vice Chairman of the United Nations Foundation; he can be reached at twirth@unfoundation.org. Christopher W. Wirth, B.A. ’90 is the founder of the Boulder, Colorado, based Liberty Puzzles; he can be reached at wirthc@comcast.net. Kelsey D. Wirth, M.B.A. ’97 is the founder of Align Technology and founder and co-director of Mothers Out Front: Mobilizing for a Livable Climate; she can be reached at kelseydwirth@gmail.com.

  • A Skeptical Engineer

    I unquestionably support Stanford’s divestment from coal; it is a horribly dirty, outdated energy source that needs to be done away with. That said, I cannot imagine a clean energy future that does not include fossil fuels for at least the next twenty years as a stopgap before the more widespread adoption of renewables. In particular, a lot of research still needs to be done on how to provide cheap and reliable baseload grid power with renewables; smart grid and energy storage systems are not nearly at the point where they can match natural gas for cost and effectiveness. Even if it were feasible to implement a fully renewable electrical grid at this time, you could cut more emissions per dollar by building a baseload capacity of natural gas plants and use the money saved to make homes and industrial buildings more energy efficient.

    In fact, to the extent it is displacing coal plants, natural gas is a powerful weapon in the fight against climate change, as it is considerably cleaner than either petroleum or coal.
    That’s why I think it is incredibly hypocritical to make fossil fuel companies out as forces of evil; of course, they lobby and manipulate Washington into serving their interests, the same could be said of any large corporation, but no one would suggest divesting from any company that engages in lobbying. Moreover, their expertise and (for a while, at least) their products are essential to creating a cleaner future, and should be treated as partners rather than adversaries.