Sigma Nu tackles too much with not enough time

On Jan. 27, in conjunction with Stanford’s department of Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Sigma Nu held the first event in a speaker series: “Fraternity Engagement with Gender Issues: To Know, To Understand, To Act.” Though I applaud Sigma Nu for joining the conversation about these issues around campus, their event lacked an explicit effort to talk about how class, race, sexuality and privilege play an uncomfortable role in this conversation.

As a Black woman with a brief stint in Greek life and culture, I needed the conversation not to erase the presence of women like me. They  should have specified who they were talking about when they gave general statistics. And to open the discussion to the audience more effectively.

The conversation included wonderful points by scholars brilliant in their own disciplines. Each speaker could have used the entire time to educate the audience, and was given less than 15 minutes. It was too fast and too broad. If this effort is going to be a serious, intentional, and heartfelt one, it cannot be rushed.

Faculty Director of Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Christine Min Wotipka talked plainly and clearly about the distinction between sex and gender, and the socialization children experience their entire lives. I appreciated her acknowledgment of an understanding that usually is taken for granted, but wished her presentation could have touched on those who do not conform to gender binaries.

Alec Watts provided a presentation on masculinity, a topic that is not talked about enough — especially without biased pathology. He stated that masculinity can heavily influence men’s emotional and mental health and political beliefs and cause violence against women. And he beautifully explained that masculinity is not innate to men, rather narrowly defined. It is socially harmful, and largely dependent on their background and cultural situation.

Watts elaborated that in order for masculinity to be achieved one has to be male, white, straight, educated, financially successful, physical strong, have high self control, be a leader , unemotional, confident and powerful.

Hold up. Why was this not what the entire hour was about? Statistics and disconnected facts about only two genders will never measure up to the innate human interest in learning about the social construction of one’s own identity.

The assumed identity for every guy in Sigma Nu is one of power. In order to find meaning in a topic, one must see themselves in the subject matter. It must come from someone they believe – often someone who looks like them. Watts was the highlight of the night, offering vital insight to the audience.  It’s always uncomfortable to talk whiteness and masculinity with a crowd of people born into privilege. In my experience, white men get defensive and feel as if their characters are under attack. But this was the perfect opportunity to talk about this identity – and was unfortunately rushed.

At the very core of these issues is the acknowledgement, validation and affirmation of identity. How identity is constructed, policed and perceived intrapersonally and by mainstream society. The presentation lacked a realistic connection to human issues, and specificity.

Pay gap was discussed – with American women making 78 percent of what men make. Yet it failed to mention that the pay gap grows even wider for African American women who make an average of 64 cents to the White man’s dollar. The speakers mentioned that Western psychologists have assumed women refusing sex was a normal part of sexuality for a long time. But for most of the history of this country Black women were considered so sexually deviant that rape to a Black woman’s body was not even possible. What this talk really needed was clarification about which women and which bodies were being discussed.

Each speaker ended their presentation with a call to action; however, if there were men in the room sincerely ready to answer that call, I don’t think they were given enough tools.

To Know. To Understand. To Act. Requires specificity and time. For people who don’t study these issues or don’t experience being marginalized, these topics are monstrous to even begin to think about. I have been feminine, gendered and Black my whole life and I still could have spent hours reflecting on the rich information on each slide.

I’m curious to see if the whole series will follow the same format of the first event. If there will continue to be a glossing over of race, class, sexuality and privilege in the events to come. I felt invisible and unwelcomed as a member of Greek life. This shouldn’t be the case during such important programming.

Contact Mysia Anderson at mysia ‘at’ stanford.edu.


About Mysia Anderson

Mysia Anderson '17 is a sophomore majoring in African & African American studies. She is from Miami, Florida and is an unapologetic Black feminist. She enjoys poems about love, free food, and dancing to Beyoncé. You can contact Mysia at mysia@stanford.edu.
  • Prof. Christine Min Wotipka

    Thank you for your insights, Ms. Anderson. You are right, we could have done better, and promise to do so in our upcoming programming. We were tasked with covering, in less than 90 minutes, what’s usually addressed in a quarter-long class – which we hope you and your fellow Stanford student will consider enrolling in the future.

  • Watch out at the intersection!

    This is just dumb. Here is Sigma Nu, demonstrating that it’s on the “leading edge” of progressivism in the greek system. Are they applauded for the effort (misguided and silly though it is)? NO! They get railed the hardest by this leftist radical. You liberals crack me up.

  • Maybe This Aint for YOUUU

    Ever think about that?

  • Chiill out

    90 minutes is not enough time to address every single issue in this world & all the related scopes/factors/biases/whathaveyou. I think it’s pretty unfair to attack them after their first attempt at anything like this. You may not be the center of this world, sorry.

  • Recently Feminist Man

    Why is Mysia comlaining about “too much in too little time” and then at the same time wanting to include more and broader topics? Seems contradictory and inflammatory. This whole article could have been written in a way that builds on what was said and adds to the important and diverse conversation taking place rather than cutting down people who are actually doing something.

  • My thoughts

    “Masculinity is… socially harmful.”
    If I turned this back around and said femininity is socially harmful, all the lefties would be up in arms. I also didn’t know that acting like a man should act is a crime these days.

    “In order for masculinity to be achieved one has to be male, white, straight, educated, financially successful, physical strong, have high self control, be a leader , unemotional, confident and powerful.”
    And this is bad how? According to you, being masculine means I’m a leader, confident, muscular, educated, wealthy, and rational. And yet according to your previous statement these men are “socially harmful”? Do you even read what you write??

    “In my experience, white men get defensive and feel as if their characters are under attack.”
    Maybe they feel this way because you are, in fact, attacking their character? You can’t say “white man ignorant… white man evil… white man selfish” and then turn around and say you’re not judging my (one white man’s) character.

    “Each speaker ended their presentation with a call to action; however, if there were men in the room sincerely ready to answer that call, I don’t think they were given enough tools.”
    Jesus, these are students at Stanford. If they became interested in learning more, they’ll take steps necessary for that, whether enrolling in a class at Stanford or doing research online or what have you. That’s what men do. We don’t need someone to hold our hands every step of the way.

    “I felt invisible and unwelcomed as a member of Greek life.”
    Sorry. Go block a bridge.

    I was disappointed in this speaker series to begin with, as I don’t think frats should be coerced by the administration into emasculating themselves. Now that the lefties are up in arms saying it doesn’t go far enough, that just pisses me off.

  • Take a productive tone.

    Please focus on the fact that Sigma Nu is even attempting to tackle these tough issues. Yes, you can critique things that were missing in this talk, but frame it in the context of what they can improve to continue promoting change, rather than bashing them for their omissions and generalities. You said yourself that issues such as race are deeply intricate and if they attempted to include this in the 90-minute conversation that’s supposed to be about gender (not race), all of the issues they discussed would be even more general because of the increased amount of content. I respect SigNu for having this event and I sincerely hope that they look at your article through a much more positive lens to see how they can improve in the future and better understand what our campus community needs. Unfortunately the tone you’re taking here seems more like you’re shutting conversation down while they’re trying their best in their difficult position to keep it going.