New Roble Field parking garage under construction

A new underground parking garage is set to open late next year under what used to be Roble Field. The new garage will house 1,165 parking spaces on five levels.

Excavation of the hole for the structure has been underway for the past six months, and the process will be complete within the next few weeks. Construction will be completed next year, with the garage having a projected finish in late 2016. Roble Field will be restored for recreational use after its completion.

Community members should be aware of circulation issues due to the project. According to Land, Buildings & Real Estate project manager Mark Bonino, pedestrians and bicyclists are being rerouted around the area to Governor’s Avenue and Samuel Morris Way.

“Construction access and traffic has been routed through Panama Mall to keep impacts to Santa Teresa at a minimum,” Bonino wrote in a statement to The Stanford Daily. 

Contact Sarah Ortlip-Sommers at sortlip ‘at’