Investigation of marching band results in one-year travel ban, alcohol probation
(VERONICA CRUZ/The Stanford Daily)

Investigation of marching band results in one-year travel ban, alcohol probation

In a statement issued in The Stanford Report today, the University announced that the Leland Stanford Junior University Marching Band (LSJUMB) will be barred from performance at any away athletic events for one year and will have to adopt several reforms, based on the findings of a joint investigation by Stanford’s Organization Conduct Board and Title IX Office.

The investigation found that the band infringed University policies on alcohol, controlled substances, sexual harassment and hazing.

The LSJUMB will be unable to travel with any Stanford athletic team to perform at away events during the one-year travel ban, including postseason events.

The band will also be prohibited from hosting events with alcohol during the 2015-16 academic year and will be required to adjust internal events to comply with University policy. However, the band will still be able to play at home events and at certain non-athletic events. The University’s statement did not list examples of these non-athletic events.

“There are aspects of Band culture which are no longer in line with our values, and we accept that, despite tremendous growth, we have further to go,” LSJUMB said in a statement. “The results of this investigation are valuable, and they give us further opportunity to create a safe space on campus for students to express themselves freely. We are your Band, and we welcome your questions, as well as your thoughts. You will certainly be hearing ours.”

The inquiry was initiated upon the voicing of concerns regarding band events between 2012 and 2015, according to the University. LSJUMB said that the allegations centered around the 2011-12 school year, when current seniors were freshmen.

Some of the events in question took place on campus, and the investigation found that they at times included the use of illegal substances.

In the University statement, Deborah Golder, Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Residential Education, added that the investigation found that LSJUMB leadership has worked over the past few years to introduce reforms.

“In the recent past, we have too often conflated growing more inclusive with avoiding controversy,” the LSJUMB statement said. “Being in line with this community’s values demands that we return ourselves to the winds of freedom, which in recent years have subsided to an intermittent breeze. We won’t confuse ridding our culture of intolerance with sanitizing our culture of its adventurous character. We hope you’ll stand with us in finding this line.”

The decision may be appealed by the band. The final decision for an appeal is under the jurisdiction of Vice Provost for Student Affairs Greg Boardman.

See the full LSJUMB statement below.

As this is a developing story, this article will be updated. 

Contact Nitish Kulkarni at nitishk2 ‘at’

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About Nitish Kulkarni

Nitish Kulkarni '16 is a senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He writes about technology and breaking news, and runs online content sections. Email him at nitishk2 'at'
  • Just wondering

    Instead of just being a mouthpiece for the university and reposting their statement have you considered actually reporting?

  • Nothing

    Does that mean the Title IX investigation came back with a ‘guilty’ verdict? What’s the story here?

  • yes

    Yes — sexual harassment would be the piece investigated by Title IX. Hazing and alcohol are OCB violations, not Title IX.

  • Really?


  • tree

    Nice job overreaching LSJUMB – now no band when Stanford makes PAC-12 championship and beyond next year. Reads like a campaign press statement on misconduct.

  • whatilearnedinboatingschoolIS

    Nah, I think they were banned for playing badly and being generally an overall disgrace to the tradition of all marching bands everywhere.

  • student

    The Wind of Freedom* Blows

  • Title IX
  • Candid One

    Reporting? Or editorializing? The news profession has crossed that line. This was a report. There due process protocols in-play regarding university administrative affairs and your prurient interests are downstream from that process. Stay tuned. There will be more to come.

  • Candid One

    They’ve played worse. But their conformity to someone else’s traditions is pertinent after several generations. LSJUMB is a de facto aspect of LSJU, with its established tradition.

  • Jonathan Poto

    We’re becoming a fucking kindergarten campus. I sincerely hope that a meteor smashes the OCB office to pieces in the middle of the night (with no cleaning staff there of course).

  • Candid One

    Actually, there are more grad students than undergrads on campus. This is about one supplementary day care center.

  • Candid One

    They don’t mention…does this also ban the Tree from traveling? The Tree is the LSJUMB’s mascot, not the University’s.

  • whatilearnedinboatingschoolIS

    Their “Style” is not marching at all. They’re a scatter band, which hardly can even call itself a marching band to begin with. Playing bad music and overall having such a poor ensemble does not become a high level school such as stanford. Tradition does not inherently imply that what they do is good, because it’s bad, and they should feel bad.

  • footballfan23

    Who made you the de facto expert on college marching bands? Just because they don’t conform to your standards they shouldn’t exist as an organization? They have fun and enjoy themselves and most Stanford fans like them. That’s enough of a reason to keep doing what they’re doing.

  • rick131

    Good to know that the Stanford band parties and drinks like all the state schools.

  • whatilearnedinboatingschoolIS

    Evidently, the University DOESN:T believe they should continue doing what they’re doing….considering they got suspended. for hazing and misconduct. An institution that not only plays music badly, but also slanders its own University’es good name by poor and illegal conduct, should not even be regarded as a band. They’re a musical hobbyist drinking circile.