Tweets by @TheDishDaily

@KPCBEdge's @AnjneyMidha says no choice btw #BTC & #blockchain. How abt co's like @ethereum or @chain focused on blockchain? #Consensus2015: 3 months ago, The Dish Daily
@JohnEdgex says the #SiliconValley approach (a few coder wunderkinds in garage) to #fintech wont work.. #Consensus2015: 3 months ago, The Dish Daily
@KiteVC talking blockchain as means to build nat'l infrastructure (land titling, birth records, etc) crucial for development #Consensus2015: 3 months ago, The Dish Daily
"Why r there 20 diff innovation hubs around blockchain? Biggest block 2 adoption may be the inability for humans 2 arrive at consensus": 3 months ago, The Dish Daily
@mikejcasey speaking about the varied uses of blockchain tech/btc beyond currency #Consensus2015 with @gyft, @expedia, @visa: 3 months ago, The Dish Daily
Will be live-tweeting @coindesk #Consensus2015 from yours truly @iamwillkim: 3 months ago, The Dish Daily


Air Conditioning on Campus: Where to stay cool

Summer weather is finally upon us. If you’re not done with finals yet, then the fountains aren’t an option to cool off. The Daily is putting together a list of place on campus that are well air-conditioned so that you can study in peace for your last few finals.

Check out our map below for all the places on campus where you can beat the heat. Got more places? Tell us in the comments!

Using Google Custom Maps

Contact Nitish Kulkarni at nitishk2 ‘at’

About Nitish Kulkarni

Nitish Kulkarni '16 is a senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He writes about technology and breaking news, and runs online content sections. Email him at nitishk2 'at'