Presidential search committee members selected, to find Hennessy successor by spring 2016

The Stanford University Board of Trustees has created a 19-member Presidential Search Committee to aid in appointing a successor to Stanford President John L. Hennessy, who will be stepping down in 2016 after more than a decade of service to the University.

According to an article published by the Stanford News Service, the 19-person committee is made up of faculty, students, trustees, alumni and staff with varied backgrounds and connections to the University. The committee aims to begin meetings in September 2015 and to find the next President by spring 2016.

Isaac Stein J.D. M.B.A. ’72, a current member of the Stanford Board of Trustees and a past member of the committee that had appointed President Hennessy, will be chairing the current search for the next President.  

Stein will be joined by 18 other members in the presidential search committee, including Chair of the Board of Trustees, Steven Denning MBA ’78; trustees Susan McCaw ’84, Ruth Porat ’79, Jeff Raikes ’80, Srinija Srinivasan ’93 and Vaughn Williams JD ’69; professors Mark Kelman, Sanjiv Gambhir, Margot Gerritsen, Ken Goodson, Kam Moler ’88 ’95, Ramon Saldivar and Larissa Tiedens; senior associate dean Adam Daniel; student Robert Chun ’16; and alumni Melinda Cromie Ph.D. ’12 and Kathryn Chou ’85 M.S. ’86.

“We intend to conduct considerable outreach, both on campus and with higher education thought leaders, as we seek diverse input not only about our next leader, but about the issues in higher education that will matter most to Stanford in the next decade,” Stein said to the Stanford News Service.

Although the search process will remain “strictly confidential,” Stein said, community contributions are welcomed, and a website has been set up for members of the campus community to provide input.


Contact Niharika Bhat at niharikabhat16 ‘at’

  • PeterCaoMing

    BTW, this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees,

    ___Where were you, when I was assaulted and injured on Stanford Campus?

    ___Where were you, when I was conspired/terrorized/retaliated/endangered by those fascists during these many years?

    ___Where were you, when Stanford Authorities are being besieged/terrorized/extorted by those fascists during these many years?

    ___Where were you, when we have tough legal battles with those fascists in a currupted judicial system?

    ___Where were you, when I post public challenges on the web for public scrutiny, in fighting against fascism crimes, starting from so many years ago?

    ___and Where were you, when I challenge those fascists to clarify the case with CONFRONTATION, all the time?

    Now you cowards jump out PRETENDING nothing of these had happened, and rush to install a coup in Stanford University in alignment with interest of those fascists who had committed fascism crimes in Stanford University___Where is your sense of rightousness? Wouldn’t it be FAIR for the whole world of humanity to call you as ‘Immoral’, ‘Thuggish’, ‘Pretentious’, ‘Cowardice’, ‘Fascism’ and ‘Anti-humanity’?

    ___SHAMELESS is the exact word I am going to choose to attribute to this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees, all of whom are supposedly consider themselves as ‘high intellectuals’ coming out of the world-class Stanford University;

    … Yeah, even ‘high intellectuals’ can be thugs, and thugs can be ‘high intellectuals’, as well;

  • PeterCaoMing

    Also, people would do dumb things under the wrong settings which would lead to dire consequences, as exampled by all the messy happenings originated in this Stanford campus atrocity case;

    ___Before this case clarified at the judicial system, and those fascists on side of Sebastian Thrun / Gabriele Scheler brought to justice by authorities, those fascists would produce more and more tragedies to human society, could happen to anybody next, including you; … right here is an example alive: this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee Chaired by Mr. Issac Stein is doing dumb things under the wrong settings which is going to lead to dire consequences;

    ___So this decade-long fascism criminal case will have to be clarified at authorities, and such fascists as Sebastian Thrun, Gabriele Scheler, ZZZ/YYY/VVV and the likes (even Angela Merkel) will have to be brought to justice; they can’t escape from it;___for Fairness and for Justice;, is that right, his PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees?

  • PeterCaoMing

    Obviously, Chair Mr. Steven A. Denning and former Board Chair Mr. Isaac Stein along with other Trustees of Stanford University Board would also have the responsibility to fight against such fascism crimes starting from a Stanford Campus atrocity case coming along with Sebastian Thrun, Gabriele Scheler, hidden judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV, and even Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel, which had disrupted human society for over a decade long without an end;


    I’ve said the following to folks of the Smithsonians and the ‘U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ and the ‘Internet Society’, who recently scheduled to blatantly boost Thrun’s image with distinguished ‘James Smithson Bicentennial Medal’ award and a talk show staged at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History; I wish my words would have made them rethink their stance in this war against fascism crimes; and I also think these words would universally apply to anyone in human society, and I wish that each one of the Trustees of Stanford University Board would hold the integrity and moral standard high enough to agree with what the meaning of the following words carry on:


    Dear Mr. Al Horvath, Acting Secretary of Smithsonian,
    Mr. John Gray, Director of National Museum of American History,
    Mr. León Rodríguez, Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services,
    Ms. Kathy Brown, CEO of the Internet Society,
    and all other people related to this event,

    ___With your names listed in it, this is also about you, about your fame, your prestige, your morality, your credibility, about who you want to be in alignment with, i.e. what kind of a bird of a feather you want to belong to, about how you want to be seen in sight of the majority of the average people, about your commitment to the whole world of humanity, about how your heritage to be remembered in history by our descendant generations in the future … Doesn’t that make any sense to you? Doesn’t that mean anything to anyone of you, at all? Don’t you feel anything in it, after all? … Your thoughts and feedbacks, please:)

    ___I hope the above words would also be understood by Stanford University Board of Trustees, hope I not?:)

    ___I don’t see any of such hope, so far; this PRTENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee is arrogant, conceited, thuggish, pretentious and cowardice, same as those fascists in my public challenge; They are birds of a feather, now;

  • PeterCaoMing

    What they are doing here is anti-humanity; Before these questions clarified by those in this public challenge, particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees, the credibility of this PRETENTIOUS and THUGGISH “Presidential Search Committee” chaired by Mr. Issac Stein can not withstand public scrutiny to start with;

    I bet anybody would feel ashamed if he/she were a member of this “Stanford University Board of Trustees” or in this PRETENTIOUS “Presidential Search Committee”:( Who wants to join a cowardice ‘Thuggish’ group? Who wants to be labelled as ‘fascism supporter’, anyway?

    ___Anybody disagree? please come forward and tell us;___Equal opportunity and freedom of speech:)

  • PeterCaoMing

    Also, people would do dumb things under the wrong settings which would lead to dire consequences, as exampled by all the messy happenings originated in this Stanford campus atrocity case;

    ___Before this case clarified at the judicial system, and those fascists on side of Sebastian Thrun / Gabriele Scheler brought to justice by authorities, those fascists would produce more and more tragedies to human society, could happen to anybody next, including you; … right here is an example alive: this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee Chaired by Mr. Issac Stein is doing dumb things under the wrong settings which is going to lead to dire consequences;

    ___So this decade-long fascism criminal case will have to be clarified at authorities, and such fascists as Sebastian Thrun, Gabriele Scheler, ZZZ/YYY/VVV and the likes (even Angela Merkel) will have to be brought to justice; they can’t escape from it;___for Fairness and for Justice;, is that right, this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees?

  • PeterCaoMing

    One word to attribute Gabriele Scheler/Sebastian Thrun/ ZZZ/YYY/VVV and even Angela Merkel’s behaviors in this decade long criminal case is ‘Thuggish’; They are birds of a feather, anyway;
    What those fascists, Sebastian Thrun/Gabriele Scheler/ZZZ/YYY/VVV (and now even Angela Merkel), etc. had done in this case is “thuggish”, such as injure my body, molest office properties, recant testimony and falsely accuse me at somewhere unknown to me in the judicial system, conspire/retaliate on victims which had endangered human lives and which get more and more innocent people entangled, and also beseige/terrorize/extort authorities which should be another set of crimes to be prosecuted, etc.,

    ___With the collusive help from ZZZ/YYY/VVV, such a simple campus atrocity case with clear evidence and serious police investigation had been purposefully mystified in the judicial system later on and poised to be kept mystifyed for ever; and those fascists had tried to hide themselves in shadow of others and pretend they are innocent by way of keeping silence, despite so much concrete evidence and undeniable facts of their involvement into fascism crimes presented through links in my public challenge, though questions remain in minds of us all: What’s going on here? Can they fool us like that for ever? Those fascists had committed crimes against the entire human society, but not only against me or against Stanford University, and they have to be disciplined by laws accordingly when the case clarified; that’s what we call fairness and justice; ___Under such situation, “Thug” will be a precisely right choice of word to attribute to those fascists over their “thuggish” behaviors;

    ___Would anybody here like to join a thuggish group or associate his/her name to fascism crimes via Sebastian Thrun / Gabriele Scheler/ ZZZ/YYY/VVV (even Angela Merkel)? Would anybody here like to take actions in alignment with those fascists and be a bird of a feather with them?___Why would anybody?

    But, what or who keeps this case from being clarified for over a decade long while it keeps producing tragedies into our lives? Who keeps the case from being clarified with CONFRONTATION, which BY LAW what we have to do?

    Would any kind of fascism be tolerated in Stanford University? Would such ‘thuggish’ behaviors be allowed to exist in Stanford Society? Would anybody here like to live in a society without FAIRNESS and JUSTICE? ___I don’t think anybody from Stanford University would, and I don’t think anybody from Stanford University Board of Trustees would, either, and I don’t think anybody from any other part of the world would, at all___am I right, again and again? :)

  • PeterCaoMing

    But, one thing this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler, her fascism collaberal Udacity cofounder Sebastian Thrun and cowardice hidden judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV who’re miscarriage of justice dare not do is: Show me (as one of the primary victims to their fascism crimes) their recanted testimony and evidence that they used to disrupt our lives for over 10 years, and clarify the case with CONFRONTATION, as I challenged them all the time; And BY LAW, that’s what they have to do___for fairness and for justice;


    At this stage, the most confusing part of this case is: __What are the real identities of judicial officers (namely ZZZ/YYY/VVV, who must have power of jurisdiction over civilians of Santa Clara County, including everybody in Stanford University) handling Sebastian Thruns case and this criminal suspect Gabriele Schelers recanted testimony?

    The point is: How could this campus atrocity case remain unclarified at judicial authorities for over 10 years? How did ZZZ/YYY/VVV rule this criminal case behind the scene? Why are they hiding from a victim as I am during these many years, despite my challenges to clarify the case with CONFRONTATION, all the time?

    Can anyone here, especially Stanford Board of Trustees and this PRETENTIOUS “Presidential Search Committee” Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees help us know who they are? I have serious questions to ask them;

    ………………… P.S. …………………

    — ZZZ/YYY/VVV are judicial officers (from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI? etc.), but not mafia, or are they? their practices as judicial officers have to withstand the scrutiny from the public; By law, they have to show us their real identities; they can’t hide their real identities from us for ever;

  • PeterCaoMing

    ___________ P.S. ___________

    Obviously, if fascism powers on side of Sebastian Thrun/Gabriele Scheler attempt to go after Candidates to seek for support on their fascism crimes, they could creat imbalance situation to influence among political rivals in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election; However, any Candidate in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election who attempt to take advantage of such situation during this war against fascism crimes would be ashamed and despised by the whole society in light of public attention; if fascism powers on side of Sebastian Thrun//Gabriele Scheler intend to disrupt 2016 U.S. Presidential Election with Sebastian Thrun/Gabriele Scheler’s case, such attempts should be material for serious investigation by U.S. Judicial Authorities for public scrutiny, so that those fascists on side of Sebastian Thrun/Gabriele Scheler/ ZZZ/YYY/VVV / and even the world-famous Angela Merkel, etc. would have no chance to influence or manipulate the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election;

    ___Again and again, what are the real identities of ZZZ/YYY/VVV (from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI?, etc.)? They are the reason why miscarriage of justice is going on; Can anybody here for sake of our own goodness help us know who they are? I have serious questions to ask them;

  • PeterCaoMing

    Again, One word to attribute Gabriele Scheler/Sebastian Thrun/ ZZZ/YYY/VVV and even Angela Merkel’s behaviors in this decade long criminal case is ‘Thuggish’;


    I did not invite those fascism crimes into our lives, it is fascism powers on side of Gabriele Scheler who come after us; For years I’ve witnessed fascism supporters jump out from the world of academia, education, science and technology, foreign affairs, politics, and even from the inside of judicial system trying to join this thuggish group in support of such fascism crimes (e.g. AT&T CEO Mr. Randall Stephenson, Georgia Institute of Technology Provost Mr. Rafael L. Bras, Arizona State University Chief Mr. Michael Crow, and even Mr. Michael Bloomberg of Bloomberg L.P., and more … ); However, I could tell that when they learned the fascism nature in those crimes centered on Sebastian Thrun, not one of them would be willing to disregard their own fame and continued to lower their class of morality as social elites and keep boosting such thuggish personnel with fascism backups, Sebastian Thrun/Gabriele Scheler, etc. (Thrun has serious moral issues in his career, as well);

    However, ___Fascism may not exist in everywhere but could come from anywhere___so, here jump out another set of fascism supporters; and this time, they come from right here inside of Stanford University: Stanford Board of Trustees and this PRETENTIOUS “Presidential Search Committee” Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees___to be honest, both of them are very PRETENTIOUS, anybody disagree? please step forward and I’ll tell you how …

  • PeterCaoMing

    ___Again, “fascism may not exist in everywhere, but could come from anywhere”;

    The truth is, judicial officers are also made of human beings, who have all the defects other human beings may have: greedy, selfish, conceited, curruptive, capricious, treacherous, malicious, thuggish, pretentious, cowardice … there are officers in the judicial system who, instead of going after those fascist criminals, actually work for them, taking actions in name of judicial authorities in collateral with those fascists;

    I have encountered some officers like this, namely ZZZ/YYY/VVV, through this case; they are the ones who intend to abuse judicial power on their hands to install plots and conspiracies to disrupt human society in order to benefit real fascism criminals behind the scene; but how could such officers be vested with judicial powers in the first place? they are the ones who actually need to be investigated and prosecuted, in the first place; and such officers could come from anywhere in the judicial system … could be from Santa Clara DA, could be from FBI (FBI___”Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity”? how could such officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV manipulating this case deserve such a title?);___It’s never too late to Watch Out!

    ___Again, can anybody here, especially this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees, help us know, What are the real identities of ZZZ/YYY/VVV? I have serious questions to ask them; Would ZZZ/YYY/VVV still be able to hide from me and from public scrutiny after reading this poster of public challenge?

    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoMing

    Dear Stanford Board of Trustees and this PRETENTIOUS ‘Presidential Search Committee’, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair,

    and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees,

    May I further ask, Would you like to be labelled as fascism supporters? which side are you going to choose? anti-fascism or fascism? humanity or anti-humanity?___Do you really feel it irrelevant to you which direction the world we all live in would be going to through your manipulating the fate of Stanford University under the influence of a series of fascism crimes, the rules of humanity, or the rules of fascism?

    With this decade long criminal case happening right here in Stanford University purposefully mystified till today, What are you trying to hide from us, and from public scrutiny?___Didn’t you betray the very people who had put trust on you, people of Stanford University, when installing a coup in Stanford University in alignment with the interest of a group of fascists who had besieged/terrorized/extorted People of Stanford University for over a decade long?___How can we put trust on you any longer, with what you had done?

    In name of all victims to this decade-long fascism criminal case happening right here in Stanford University, we are expecting your candid answers that can withstand public scrutiny, please Mr. Isaac Stein of the PRETENTIOUS “Presidential Search Committee” Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees;

  • PeterCaoMing

    ___Fascism may not exist in everywhere, but could come from anywhere___

    It is a tough task to challenge such fascism crimes;

    The latest development in this war of anti-fascism v.s. fascism that is centered on Udacity cofounder Sebastian Thrun/criminal suspect named Gabriele Scheler, etc., indicates that fascism powers are very strong from the inside of Stanford University, as well, other than those mentioned here Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of a PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees, I believe there is a whole bunch of fascism supporters exist in Stanford University, especially among faculties (including some emeritus professors) in Stanford Computer Science department___arrogant, conceited, thuggish, pretentious and cowardice … which could also be found in the personality of Udacity cofounder Sebastian Thrun’s as well as in Chair Mr. Isaac Stein’s and Chair Mr. Steven A. Denning’s … as fascism still prevails, miscarriage of justice is still going on, and justice still has not been done …

  • PeterCaoMing

    But why not clarify this anti-humanity Stanford Campus Atrocity Case first [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] ___Who are AFRAID?___Didn’t we have had enough tragedies out of fascism invasion originated from this Stanford University Campus Atrocity case?

    Wouldn’t it be fair, logical and reasonable and in alignment with the basic principles of humanity for this PRETENTIOUS ‘Presidential search committee’___especially Mr. Isaac Stein and Mr. Steven Denning who led to make real this fascism retaliatory coup against Stanford University___, to feel their responsibility as human beings and push forward to clarify this decade long criminal case first?___Otherwise, how could Stanford Board of Trustees and those in this PRETENTIOUS “Presidential Search Committee” stand still for their morality and their credibility from public scrutiny?

    By contrast, My accusations against those fascists can stand still which have been withstanding public scrutiny for many years;

  • PeterCaoMing

    “Isaac Stein J.D. M.B.A. ’72, a current member of the Stanford Board of Trustees and a past member of the committee that had appointed President Hennessy, will be chairing the current search for the next President. ”

    ___Mr. Issac Stein did it right back in 2000, but does it wrong now in 2015, for all the causes spelled in this public challenge;

  • PeterCaoMing

    IF ONLY People in this world would understand that such a coup in Stanford University recently is coming out of retaliatory fascism crimes originated in a simple Stanford University Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] http://alturlDOTcom/pa672 (replace DOT with . for the right web address; attention to the 7 photo evidence) with clear evidence and serious police investigation back in 2004, till today, over a decade has past, fascism still prevails, miscarriage of justice is still going on, justice still has not been done;

    Such a coup was set up after Stanford Authorities fought a lengthy and tough battle against a group of fascists on side of two unruly thuggish German civilians Sebastian Thrun / Gabriele Scheler for over 10 years; it is an action out of a series of long-time plotted-conspiracies in alignment with the interest of those fascists in this war against fascism crimes originated in this Stanford Campus Atrocity Case;

    This coup over Stanford Authority is a winning on side of those fascists represented by Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel (along with alliance of Axis she built up on land of the United States), two German civilians Sebastian Thrun / Gabriele Scheler, hidden judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV (from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI?, etc.) ___Such a coup is made up immorally, unethically, criminally and absolutely anti-humanity (see if anybody, Particularly, Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees dare deny such accusation);

  • PeterCaoMing

    If I were Mr. Steven A. Denning or Mr. Isaac Stein or anyone from this PRETENTIOUS “Presidential Search Committee” and “Stanford Board of Trustees” who are supposedly holding the basic moral standard as human beings, I’d feel my obligation to fight against such anti-humanity crimes; I’d wait no time to urge those fascists Gabriele Scheler/cowardice hidden judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV/ along with their facism collateral Sebastian Thrun to clarify the case to all of us ___ urge them to come forward and answer this public challenge by themselves to the public: What’s going on here? ___ tell them that “no justice, no peace”___ and tell them that they have no where to hide in light of public attention;

    Particularly at this moment, What are the real identities of ZZZ/YYY/VVV (from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI?, etc.)? They are the reason why miscarriage of justice is going on; Can anybody here, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees feel his/her responsibility to help us know who they are? I have serious questions to ask them;

  • PeterCaoMing

    Fascism is right here around us and disrupting our lives; till today, this way or that, we are all victimized by a series of fascism crimes originated in Gabriele Scheler’s Stanford Campus Atrocity Case; It becomes a matter of the whole society; We can’t pretend they do not exist; We need input from the whole society to overcome such anti-humanity crimes; Under such situation, I’d condemn those fascists who had committed these crimes against humanity, instead of rushing to install a coup against Stanford Authority who chooses not to give in to the terrorization/intimidation from those fascists___Is that right, Mr. Isaac Stein of a PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees?

  • PeterCaoMing

    By the way, I’ve learned the name of Mr. Steven A. Denning and Mr. Issac Stein from the news in June that a coup was set up in Stanford University, an action out of a series of long-time plotted-conspiracies in alignment with interest of those fascists in this war of anti-fascism v.s. fascism originated in this Stanford Campus Atrocity Case, i.e., fascism prevails, and evidently, Mr. Steven A. Denning was positioned as a pawn in this retaliatory fascism conspiracy;

    However, Mr. Steven A. Denning, other than from the thread of Stanford University, how are you related to such an unruly thuggish scholar Sebastian Thrun who has fascism backups? No doubt, the world-famous Angela Merkel has built-up an alliance of Axis from the inland of the United States to support such fascism crimes; ___The point is: what have you done to serve this fascism posse from the inside of Stanford Board of Trustees while Stanford Authorities are being besieged/terrorized/extorted by fascism powers on side of those two unruly thuggish scholars Sebastian Thrun and Gabriele Scheler both of whom have fascism backups?

    Did you take advantage of your privilege as chair of Stanford Board of Trustees to help stage such a coup in Stanford University in collateral with those fascists, at such a time when Authorities of Stanford University were highly vulnerable in the middle of fighting a war against invasion from fascism powers, and at the climax of such a war against fascism crimes? Mr. Issac Stein and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Who are you actually working for? and in whose interest are you doing so?___Aren’t you “a looter of a burning house”?

  • PeterCaoMing

    Dear Stanford Board of Trustees and this PRETENTIOUS ‘Presidential Search Committee’, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees,

    Here are questions for you:

    Would anyone of you like to live in a society without FAIRNESS AND JUSTICE?

    What kind of example are you setting up to human society? Before this decade long fascism criminal case clarified and those fascists brought to justice, Would you like to continue to risk the working safety and the working ethics of everybody of Stanford University, subject to such ‘thuggish’ fascism behaviors from some irrational unruly scholars with fascism backups? Would you be ready to fight a war against fascism crimes for over a decade long, as exampled in this public challenge, while being besieged/terrorized/extorted by fascism powers behind those fascist scholars?___Or would you all like to be tamed and succumb to the intimidation/terrorization from those fascists by their thuggish behaviors along with their fascism crimes?

    Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees, (along with all other Committees or Trustees)___Would either of you like to live in a society without FAIRNESS and JUSTICE?___ Would you dare UNEQUIVOCALLY say it to all of us publicly which could withstand public scrutiny, that such a coup over Stanford Authority President John Hennessy on way of being materialized by you guys is FOR FAIRNESS and FOR JUSTICE?___

    Don’t you feel your responsibility, with all the powers vested in you by people of Stanford University, to stand against such anti-humanity crimes and to help us, including everybody of Stanford University, to push forward and clarify such anti-humanity crimes at authorities, and find justice to those fascists?___Do you really think, if fascism in this case prevails in Stanford University which would set up an evil-precedent-example for anti-humanity activity to all Universities and Institutions around the world, that would be irrelevant to you?

    Isn’t it very much an educational lesson for the whole human society to learn? since Stanford University is assumed to hold high moral standard to exemplify to human society?

    Doesn’t that make any sense to you? Doesn’t that mean anything to anyone of you, at all? Don’t you feel anything in it, after all? Your thoughts and feedbacks, please … :)

    We are expecting your candid answers that can withstand public scrutiny …

  • PeterCaoMing

    In terms of morality, this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler and her fascism collateral Sebastian Thrun along with cowardice hidden judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV and now even Angela Merkel are birds of a feather; and I bet no self-respected bird wants to be a bird of their feather___Why would this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee?___and Why Would anybody from Stanford University Board of Trustees?

    It is a tough task to challenge such fascism crimes; As a victim of a series of fascism crimes originated in this Stanford Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler], what I posted on the web are no more than facts, facts those fascists I challenged dare never officially deny, either publicly or in private; I bet such of their fascism crimes would not be tolerated anywhere in human society; If anyone disagree, especially those in my public challenge, including those listed in this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and in Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees, please give us a candid answer right here on this board, which part in my statements is not base upon facts? Whats going on here?

    ___Equal opportunity and freedom of speech, please:)

  • PeterCaoMing

    A commenter (should be an insider from fascism side) moniker-named “They’re Coming Take Me Away, Ha Ha” commented on PaloAltoOnline over this public challenge saying that “Yep, crazy AND nasty. No computer time for you, nutjob…and send yourself to the nearest mental health facility.”

    … (Arrogant, Conceited, Thuggish, Pretentious and Cowardice, I bet this is the official response from those fascists … now including Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees … to my public challenge)

    ______My Answer______

    That’s because the truth in those fascism crimes is “crazy AND nasty”, which we have to find out to overcome those fascists;

  • PeterCaoMing

    So, Fascism still prevails in Stanford University___Obviously, Whoever wants to take advantage of such an intensive situation and line himself/herself up to speculate Stanford President Position, in answer to the call of this announcement Chaired by Mr. Isaac Stein, will become part of a conspriacy in a plot of fascism retaliation against people of Stanford University as well as against the whole world of humanity, and accordingly, any of such Speculators will be in history despised as a thuggish and immoral bum to the whole world of human society;

    Any Speculators of Stanford President Position who still have some self-esteem and who still have a bit sense of rightousness should instead urge this PRETENTIOUS “Presidential Search Committee” and Stanford Board of Trustees to first fulfill their responsibility as human beings, acting in alignment with the basic principles of humanity, to clarify this decade long anti-humanity criminal case first___Stanford University Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] and find justice to those fascists first, instead of downgrading the moral class of speculators themselves and taking advantage of such an intensive situation in Stanford University and then be despised as a thuggish and immoral ‘Looter of a Burning House’___So, instead of speculating, Speculators of Stanford President Position should put this slogan on their bumper sticker:

    Beat the Fascism out of Stanford University!

  • PeterCaoMing

    So, a war against fascism crimes has become a matter of the whole society, and we need input from the whole society to overcome such anti-humanity crimes; as long as those fascists (Criminal Suspect Gabriele Scheler, her fascism collateral Udacity cofounder Sebastian Thrun, cowardice hidden judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI? …, and now even the world-famous Angela Merkel, and also the new comers from a PRETENTIOUS “Presidential Search Committee” Chaired by Mr. Isaac Stein, and the Stanford University Board of Trustees chaired by Mr. Steven A. Denning, immorally and thuggishly) can afford withstanding puressue from public attention, this war against fascism crimes has to keep going, as miscarriage of justice is still going on, fascism still prevails, and justice still has not been done …

  • PeterCaoMing

    _______________________ P.S. _______________________

    And for those who still want to join this ‘thuggish’ group in support of fascism crimes, particularly, Mr. Isaac Stein of a PRETENTIOUS ‘Presidential Search Committee’ Chair and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees, I can reaffirm you that such fascism crimes coming along with Gabriele Scheler / Sebastian Thrun / ZZZ/YYY/VVV and now even Angela Merkel, would not be tolerated anywhere in human society, and that you have chosen unwisely in alliance with Gabriele Scheler/Sebastian Thrun’s side, and that you can play up Gabriele Scheler/Sebastian Thrun and retaliate on victims as much as you like at this moment, but your fame and credibility as moral majorities will be destructed, and when this decade long criminal case clarified eventually, you all will be despised as supporters to fascism crimes;


    Isn’t it a basic instinct that embedded into the spirits of us all to spontaneously fight against such anti-humanity crimes?

    If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask via email caomingpeter126AT126DOTcom


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoMing

    BTW, this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees,

    ___Where were you, when I was assaulted and injured on Stanford Campus?

    ___Where were you, when I was conspired/terrorized/retaliated/endangered by those fascists during these many years?

    ___Where were you, when Stanford Authorities are being besieged/terrorized/extorted by those fascists during these many years?

    ___Where were you, when we have tough legal battles with those fascists in a currupted judicial system?

    ___Where were you, when I post public challenges on the web for public scrutiny, in fighting against fascism crimes, starting from so many years ago?

    ___and Where were you, when I challenge those fascists to clarify the case with CONFRONTATION, all the time?

    Now you cowards jump out PRETENDING nothing of these had happened, and rush to install a coup in Stanford University in alignment with interest of those fascists who had committed fascism crimes in Stanford University___Where is your sense of rightousness? Wouldn’t it be FAIR for the whole world of humanity to call you as ‘Immoral’, ‘Thuggish’, ‘Pretentious’, ‘Cowardice’, ‘Fascism’ and ‘Anti-humanity’?

    ___SHAMELESS is the exact word I am going to choose to attribute to this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees, all of whom are supposedly consider themselves as ‘high intellectuals’ coming out of the world-class Stanford University;

    … Yeah, even ‘high intellectuals’ can be thugs, and thugs can be ‘high intellectuals’, as well;

  • PeterCaoMing

    ___This case of anti-humanity crime now becomes an issue of the whole society and we need input from the whole society to overcome such anti-humanity crimes;

    ___Mr. Stein, When fascism crimes have involved, it is no longer a private matter, you can not make it “strictly confidential,” any more; you and this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee Chaired by you do not have the credibility to human society to start with, i.e. what you are doing is anti-humanity;

    This coup in Stanford University happened after a lengthy and tough war against fascism crimes in which Stanford Authorities have been constantly besieged/terrorized/extorted while President John Hennessy refuses to give in to the intimidation/terrorization from those fascists;

    But now, instead of pushing to clarify this decade long Stanford University Campus Atrocity Criminal Case first [Stanford Police Case Number: IR#04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] http://alturlDOTcom/pa672 (replace DOT with . for the right web address) which had induced a series of retaliatory fascism crimes, and instead of finding justice to those fascists first, you rush to install a coup against Stanford Authority President John Hennessy; That’s an action of stabbing him in the back, the same to the criminal action from Gabriele Scheler when she physically stabbed me in the back on site of the crime scene on Stanford Campus back in 2004, as evidenced in one of those 7 photos in the case link above, isn’t it? That’s very much the same kind of “Thuggish” behavior as Gabriele Scheler did on my body back in 2004 as you thugs are doing today to Stanford Authority President John Hennessy by this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee as well as by Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly chairs Mr. Issac Stein and Mr. Steven A. Denning, isn’t it?

    Under the influence of this decade long fascism criminal case, the actions from this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee in this Stanford coup is immoral, thuggish, criminal, fascism by nature and definitely anti-humanity;

    Again, Your actions have to withstand public scrutiny, because fascism crimes have involved into this case___Would you dare say no?___You don’t want to build up crimes one on top of another, do you?

  • PeterCaoMing

    ___Mr. Stein and this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee, you got to understand that there are outside rules and laws we all observe that supersedes whatever rules you enact;

    I am pretty sure that, when this decade long fascism criminal case clarified, Stanford People and the rest of the world will find out that it is you, Mr. Issac Stein of this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Mr. Steven A. Denning of Stanford Board of Trustees, who need to be replaced;

  • PeterCaoMing

    In reply to a commenter On a PaloAltoOnline article “Stanford University to begin search for new president” Uploaded: Wed, Aug 12, 2015, 8:38 am
    >>Posted by Polly Wanacracker a resident of Professorville said on PaloAltoOnline
    >>”I wouldn’t worry. They always find one.”
    >> (arrogant, conceited, thuggish, pretentious, cowardice, a typical fascism style)

    I’d tell you to SHUT UP!

    ___This Coup over Stanford Authority President John Hennessy is made up as an extension of fascism to all people of Stanford University as well as to the whole world of humanity; following steps of those fascists on side of Sebastian Thrun / Gabriele Scheler / ZZZ/YYY/VVV and Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel, this PRETENTIOUS “Presidential Search Committee” and those of “Stanford Board of Trustees” are building up crimes one on top of another; what they made up here with this coup is in alignment with the interest of a group of fascists who had already committed a series of anti-humanity crimes against the very people who had put trust on them (here “them” refer to this PRETENTIOUS “Presidential Search Committee” and “Stanford Board of Trustees”): People of Stanford University;

    The miscarriage of justice situation in this case is the very real cause that resulted in fascism prevailing into our lives, which led to this Stanford coup; Why wouldn’t “Stanford Board of Trustees” and this PRETENTIOUS “Presidential Search Committee” dare push foward to clarify this Stanford Campus Atrocity Case first [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] http://alturlDOTcom/pa672 (replace DOT with . for the right web address) and find justice to those who had commmitted such fascism crimes first (anybody afraid of doing so?)? … but rush to install a coup against Authorities of Stanford University which would significantly empower those on side of fascism; That’s completely unreasonable and illogical; such a coup itself is actually an action of crime need to be investigated and clarified by Judicial Authorities for public scrutiny;___Otherwise, how can Stanford Board of Trustees and those in this PRETENTIOUS “Presidential Search Committee” be up to the fame, the prestige, the morality and the credibility of People of Stanford University, other than being a squad of questionable and shameful and PRETENTIOUS clowns who are going to show themselves around worldwide in name of Stanford University?

    ___By Contrast, My accusations against those fascists can stand still which have been withstanding public scrutiny for many years;

  • PeterCaoMing

    ___This case of anti-humanity crime now becomes an issue of the whole society and we need input from the whole society to overcome such anti-humanity crimes;


    ___Mr. Stein, When fascism crimes have involved, it is no longer a private matter, you can not make it “strictly confidential,” any more; you and this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee Chaired by you do not have the credibility to human society to start with, i.e. what you are doing is anti-humanity;

    This coup in Stanford University happened after a lengthy and tough war against fascism crimes, starting from a Stanford Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford Police Case Number: IR#04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] which had induced a series of retaliatory fascism crimes, in which Stanford Authorities have been constantly besieged/terrorized/extorted while President John Hennessy refuses to give in to the intimidation/terrorization from those fascists;

    But now, instead of pushing to clarify this decade long Stanford University Campus Atrocity Criminal Case first, and instead of finding justice to those fascists first, you rush to install a coup against Stanford Authority President John Hennessy; That’s an action of stabbing him in the back, the same to the criminal action from Gabriele Scheler when she physically stabbed me in the back on site of the crime scene on Stanford Campus back in 2004, as evidenced in one of those 7 photos in the case link above, isn’t it? That’s very much the same kind of “Thuggish” behavior as Gabriele Scheler did on my body back in 2004 as you thugs are doing today to Stanford Authority President John Hennessy by this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee as well as by Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly chairs Mr. Issac Stein and Mr. Steven A. Denning, isn’t it?

    Under the influence of this decade long fascism criminal case, the actions from this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee in this Stanford coup is immoral, thuggish, criminal, fascism by nature and definitely anti-humanity;

    Again, Your actions have to withstand public scrutiny, because fascism crimes have involved into this case___Would you dare say no?___You don’t want to build up crimes one on top of another, do you?

  • PeterCaoMing

    ___Mr. Stein and this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee, you got to understand that there are outside rules and laws we all observe that supersedes whatever rules you enact;

    I am pretty sure that, when this decade long fascism criminal case clarified, Stanford People and the rest of the world will find out that it is you, Mr. Issac Stein of this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Mr. Steven A. Denning of Stanford Board of Trustees, who need to be replaced;

  • PeterCaoMontain

    Obviously, Mr. Isaac Stein Chair of ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ and Mr. Steven A. Denning Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees, are just two puppets we can see, through this fascism coup in Stanford University, in a fascism cricle; there is a whole pack of fascists exist both inside and outside of Stanford University behind the scene; Some I could think of include Sebastian Thrun’s Computer Science Department boss (Emeritus Professor Ed Feigenbaum?),and even another distinguished faculty from Stanford Law School (another Gabriele Scheler / Sebastian Thrun’s real boss in Stanford University?) , to name a few later …) We have to find out those fascists behind the scene in order to overcome such fascism crimes; Stanford Board of Trustees chaired by Mr. Steven A. Denning and this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee chaired by Mr. Isaac Stein have the moral and lawful responsibility to tell victims (including me who’s challenging them) and the whole world who they actually are

  • PeterCaoMontain

    Under public attention, no one among the 19 members in this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ dare give us a candid answer to questions raised in my public challenge, for public scrutiny, neither dare anyone from Stanford Board of Trustees ___So far, they all remain COWARDS in light of my public challenge, same as those fascists;

    But, if they were responsible for what they are doing, how could they PRETEND nothing in this war against fasism crimes have had ever happened in Stanford University, in the first place? At least, my challenges have been withstanding public scrutiny for many years, while their actions can not;

  • PeterCaoMontain

    In Case of Robert Chun
    But, What kind of education would this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ exemplify to this young generation?
    I found Mr. Robert Chun of a Stanford economics major who, on top of his linkedin profile loudly claimed to the world of his role in this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’, was also listed on a Stanford Nominees and National Scholars page as a nominee to the distinguished TRUMAN SCHOLARSHIP;

    Mr. Robert Chun seems to be so young, so prestine, so ambitious, but also so juvenile, so naive, and so helpless, that he has not yet been able to see the dark side and the sinister part that existed in a seemingly flambouyant society, while he seems to be very proud and very eager to show off to the world of his relationship to this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ on top of his RESUME, ostentatiously;

    But, now in light of my public challenge against fascism crimes as ATTACHED here, Mr. Robert Chun has volunteered himself to be a real life COWARD to join the other 18 COWARDS listed in this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee';

  • PeterCaoMontain

    In Case of Robert Chun


    But, What kind of education would this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ exemplify to this young generation?


    I found Mr. Robert Chun of a Stanford economics major who, on top of his linkedin profile loudly claimed to the world of his role in this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’, was also listed on a Stanford Nominees and National Scholars page as a nominee to the distinguished TRUMAN SCHOLARSHIP;

    Mr. Robert Chun seems to be so young, so prestine, so ambitious, but also so juvenile, so naive, and so helpless, that he has not yet been able to see the dark side and the sinister part that existed in a seemingly flambouyant society, while he seems to be very proud and very eager to show off to the world of his relationship to this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ on top of his RESUME, ostentatiously;

    But, now in light of my public challenge against fascism crimes as ATTACHED here, Mr. Robert Chun has volunteered himself to be a real life COWARD to join the other 18 COWARDS listed in this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee';

  • PeterCaoMontain

    However, did Mr. Robert Chun understand the fascism nature of the whole case? Did Mr. Chun understand that this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ was built up on a series of fascism crimes to start with? Did Mr. Chun understand that Mr. Isaac Stein of this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning chair of Stanford Board of Trustees are actually two puppets working for a very powerful fascism circle existed both inside and outside of Stanford University behind the scene? Did Mr. Chun understand that he now also has the responsibility to push forward and clarify this decade long criminal case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler], and find justice to those fascists behind the scene?

  • PeterCaoMontain

    In any case, Would any Scholarship Program e.g. TRUMAN SCHOLARSHIP like to award to a personnel associated with fascism crimes, in case of Mr. Robert Chun (I know they didn’t in 2015)? Would any Scholarship Program e.g. TRUMAN SCHOLARSHIP like to be associated with fascism crimes via nominee Mr. Robert Chun through his membership to this fascism ridden ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’, at all?___Who actually wants to be allied with personnel associated with fascism crimes, anyway?___Why would the distinguished TRUMAN SCHOLARSHIP or any other Scholarship Program, after all?

    In regard to Mr. Robert Chun’s involvement into anti-humanity activities from this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ as detailed in this public challenge, as one of the victims to a series of fascism crimes now related to this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ in which Mr. Robert Chun is a member, I’d expect authorities who’s in charge of Stanford Nominees and National Scholars to suspend Mr. Robert Chun of his eligibility for any possible Scholarship nominee consideration, e.g. the distinguished TRUMAN SCHOLARSHIP, until he has the courage to answer the serious questions raised in this public challenge against fascism crimes that coming along with this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ in which Mr. Chun is a member, for public scrutiny;

  • PeterCaoMontain

    And, as Mr. Robert Chun has a lot of appealing titles on his RESUME, he must be an influential icon among other young students; However, I wonder, What kind of education this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ would try to exemplify to this young generation through the case of Mr. Robert Chun? What kind of education a young man/woman would receive through their esteem on Mr. Robert Chun over such of his experience, when the whole squad of this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ in which Mr. Chun is a member are labelled as ‘COWARDS’ and ‘Fascism supporters’? Would Mr. Chun still be proud of himself as part of this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’, once he learns the truth of such fascism crimes and all the dirty tricks played by those fascists behind the scene? Would Mr. Robert Chun expect his future employers to pay him with respect when they learn the COWARDICE and the Fascism nature of this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ which will appear on his RESUME?

    Again, What kind of education would this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ exemplify to this young generation?

  • PeterCaoMontain

    ___By the way, (RHTU), I mean, Would People of Stanford University really like to be represented by those 19 COWARDS listed in this fascism ridden (see if they dare say no) ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’, and put trust on them and allow the fate of Stanford Unviersity to fall in hands of the 19 COWARDS in this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ Chaired by Mr. Isaac Stein, and also by Mr. Steven A. Denning Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees? … that’s Really Hard To Understand (RHTU) …

  • PeterCaoMontain

    ___For Fairness, I’d expect Stanford Report also post a report on this decade long Stanford Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] along with my public challenge against fascism crimes, accordingly; ___Particularly at this moment, Would Stanford Report, e.g. Ms Lisa Lapin of Associate Vice President for University Communications, help us find out: What are the real identities of hidden judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV who are manipulating this case? They are the reason why miscarraige of justice is going on; I have serious questions to ask them;