Can data help save MOOCs?

Coursera, one of the leading online learning websites, was founded by two domputer science professors in 2012 (Courtesy of Coursera).

Coursera, one of the leading online learning websites, was founded by two Stanford computer science professors in 2012 (Courtesy of Coursera).

Despite low completion rates, student isolation and imbalanced demographics, leaders in the field of online learning feel confident that the availability of user data will lead to significant improvements in the future of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

Stanford’s Andreas Paepcke, professor of computer science, works with user-generated data gathered from Stanford’s MOOCs. He has access to all records of student interactions with online courses, down to actions such as pausing videos, submitting homework assignments, posting on forums and more.

By analyzing this data, Paepcke and his team can identify strengths and weaknesses in Stanford MOOC designs. Because of the abundance of available user data which can be used to improve the courses, Paepcke remains highly optimistic about the future of Stanford MOOCs.

“We really haven’t scratched the surface of what could be done,” Paepcke said.

But Paepcke and his team have a long road ahead of them as they work to solve a myriad of problems related to MOOCs.

Although initial enrollment rates appeared impressive, the subsequent decline in enrollment numbers as well as course completion rates in MOOC programs such as Coursera — an independent, for-profit platform used by Stanford — proved a disappointment to advocates of the new technology.  

Coursera attracted more than 1.7 million students within a year of its founding, according to a 2012 New York Times article. But completion rates continue to remain low, suggesting that MOOCs sometimes fail to teach as effectively as they aspire to.

Udacity, another MOOC platform provider, once saw its completion rate fall to a mere 10 percent, leading cofounder Sebastian Thrun to express his concern in a 2013 interview with Fast Company.

“I was realizing, we don’t educate people as others wished, or as I wished,” said Thrun.

Evidence from a 2014 Social Science Research Network (SSRN) paper by professors at Harvard and MIT also tempered the optimism of MOOCs creators. The paper examined 17 MOOCs from the two schools and found that only five percent of over 800,000 participants ever completed their courses.

Paepcke admitted that online learning currently contains significant flaws, but also provided answers as to why these flaws exist as well as suggestions for improvement.

Paepcke suggested that, because engineers and computer scientists were the first to develop tools for online education, many MOOC templates are designed with engineering and computer science courses in mind.

“We need to try and develop a course that is as far away from engineering as possible, and develop both the technology and pedagogy to teach that online,” Paepcke said.

Additionally, Paepcke believes that user isolation represents one of the biggest problems with MOOCs.

Many Stanford classes have labs or discussion sections with small groups working in a team-based environment. Paepcke suggested that creating a similar group environment via the internet will take plenty of time and effort, but, if achieved, would enrich MOOCs immensely.

Andrew Ng, associate professor of computer science and co-founder of Coursera, shares Paepcke’s optimism. Ng claims that the quality and worldwide impact of Coursera-based MOOCs have consistently increased with the help of data analysis, such as that performed by Paepcke and his group.

Success stories from other universities support Ng’s and Paepcke’s claims that data gathering can help improve course quality. A 2014 report by two professors in Columbia University’s Teacher’s College provided several case studies in which experimentation yielded data to let professors know which techniques worked and which didn’t.

At Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, teachers tried emailing short video clips and small attention-grabbing messages to students, hoping to motivate them to complete their courses, and saw course completion rates rise from 12.5 percent to 19.3 percent.

Between 2012 and 2013, a chemistry professor at MIT asked his on-campus students for feedback on an introductory chemistry course and used the data to re-design the online version of the course with tremendous success; students gaining full credit in the subjects they struggled most in increased from 15 percent to 50 percent.

Although it is easy to gather data from MOOCs, analyzing this data to evaluate effectiveness is a more difficult task.

Schools that are still learning which data is useful to record and which is not sometimes deprive analysts of useful information, according to the Columbia University paper. Additionally, schools often make multiple changes at once when re-designing their MOOCs, making it difficult for analysts to tell which change in particular led to a certain result.

As for worldwide impact, according to the Columbia University paper, Coursera had 22 million enrollees in 190 countries as of January 2014. As stated in the 2014 SSRN paper, just 17 courses from Harvard and MIT garnered over 800,000 registrants.

However, the latter paper noted that the typical enrollee was a “male with a bachelor’s degree who is 26 or older,” demonstrating a lack of diversity in terms of impact.

Though imperfect, evidence shows data may have the power to eventually elevate MOOCs to their full potential. In the meantime, the courses retain their flaws, slowly improving as teachers, analysts and platform providers continue to learn about online learning.


Contact Sean Cummings at seanc3 ‘at’

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Udacity as referred in this article, its cofounder Sebastian Thrun had involved into a decade long criminal case which is fascism by nature and which had endangered human lives, starting from a simple campus atrocity case with clear evidence and serious police investigation __[Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler]__http://alturlDOTcom/pa672 (replace DOT with . for the right web address) __attention to the 7 photo evidence;

    But how could such a simple campus atrocity case turn into a series of fascism crimes for over a decade long which got more and more innocent people involved?___That’s because miscarriage of justice (by cowardice hidden judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI?, etc.) is going on; fascism prevails; Justice has not been done;


    ___Such fascism crimes have to be disciplined by laws and such fascists like Gabriele Scheler/Sebastian Thrun/ZZZ/YYY/VVV and the likes have to be brought to justice; they can’t escape from it;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ___Sebastian Thrun had purposefully conspired me in collateral with this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler when I cautiously tried to approach him even though he clearly knew I was encouraged to contact him with valid reference from his bosses of Stanford Computer Science department; In March 2010, one day before I tried to file an important complaint at judicial authorities against an officer whos miscarriage of justice biased on Thrun, Thruns student Mr. David Stavens (also an Udacity cofounder) had gone to Stanford police and lied to police and falsely accused me in collateral with Thrun; ___So what kind of education had Mr. David Stavens received from Sebastian Thrun in Stanford Computer Science Department, other than computer science?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    In addition, here is a quote about the moral issue in Sebastian Thrun’s career, according to an insider’s revelation (not mine) that:


    Thrun is shamelessly taking credit for work done by others. In Germany, his native country, prof. Dickmanns already had fully autonomous, fast, self-driving cars (160km/h) in traffic in 1995, long before anybody else, and 10 years before Thruns team joined the fray by participating in the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge for self-driving cars. And the DARPA objectives were not that hard to achieve, as quite a few teams were able to reach the goal. One of them was a financial services company that had never dabbled in robotics before. All of this is easy to verify. Or take the online courses of Udacity. In Germany, prof. Loviscach started online university lectures back in 2009, and got millions of clicks long before Thrun jumped on the train 3 years later. The award-winning prof. Vornberger published his popular videos already in 2002, even before the Khan Academy, currently the most visible mass education outfit. (Germany has a long tradition of distance teaching – Univ. Hagen with over 80,000 remote students has specialized on this for decades.) Even at Stanford, Thrun was not the first. His colleague prof. Andrew Ng, co-founder of Coursera, got hundreds of thousands of viewers for his youtube machine learning course, long before Thrun followed suit and put his own lecture online. Or take Google Glass. No wonder that prof. Babak Parviz, its creator, got miffed when Thrun started taking credit for that as well. More examples from Academia could be listed. If there is one recurring theme in Thruns carreer, its his (more or less subtle) attempts at festooning himself with achievements of others.


    Also, according to an article on ieee dot org “The Unknown Start-up That Built Googles First Self-Driving Car” Posted 19 Nov 2014 the real power behind google’s self-driving car project is a group of students from 510 System from Berkeley, but not the self-claimed ‘godfather of self-driving car’, Mr. Sebastian Thrun;


    ___Would such a personnel really be up to the moral standard as a role model in the world of education, science and technology or innovation, according to the moral standard of Stanford Computer Science Department?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Dear Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel,

    ___Did you provide political support to the two German civilians Sebastian Thrun and Gabriele Scheler over their unruly fascism criminal behaviors in the United States, starting from a Stanford University Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford Police Case Number: IR#04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler]?__case link: http://alturlDOTcom/pa672 (replace DOT with . for the right web address; attention to the 7 photo evidence);

    ___Did you besiege/terrorize/extort authorities and innocent companies and innocent universities of the United States, e.g. authorities of Google and Stanford University, and at the same time conspire to terrorize/retaliate on victims, in order to obstruct justice in the handling of this criminal case in the judicial system of the United States? That’s very much a ‘thuggish’ behavior, isn’t it? Did you play such a thuggish trick again these days, which led to oppression and fascism persecution of Stanford authorities and plotted to install coup in Stanford as what happened recently, and which would add another case of anti-humanity crime you fascists have committed against Stanford people___fascism prevails, again?

    ___Did you motivate tycoons from the world of education, academia, industry, business, foreign-affairs, politics and even from the inside of the judicial system, etc. to purposefully mess up this case in an effort to cover up Gabriele Scheler and Sebastian Thrun’s involvment into fascism crimes on land of America?___That’s a serious offending to the dignity and sovereignty of the people of the United States as well as to the whole world of humanity, isn’t it?

    By the way, how could you stir up waves in an American University as a Chancellor of an European country? Did you plot to form an alliance of Axis from the inland of the United States to rival U.S. Authorities and to act against humanity? ___(What?Who?You bet, easily… tell you what if asked …); Why are they gambling their fame working for you? Did you abduct their morality and credibility? ___What’s the deal behind the scene?

    Chancellor Merkel, what’s going on here?___Would you please give us a candid answer that can withstand public scrutiny? As you see, many top-notch Universities from around the world are watching you on this matter … nobody wants to be seen as coward or immoral___Why would you?


    Peter Cao


  • PeterCaoPotato

    I wish this campus atrocity case ___[Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler]___, which turned into a series of fascism crimes for over a decade long, could serve as an Educational Material to all Universities and Institutions World-Wide;

    ___Watch out! If any lady from Germany (e.g. Gabriele Scheler) works on your campus, she could behave extremely irrationally, such as molest your office properties, physically injure other scholars (e.g. in case of Gabriele Scheler, see photo evidence of her inhuman atrocity on my body as documented in http://alturlDOTcom/pa672 (replace DOT with . for the right web address)), and then recant her testimony and shamelessly falsely accuse victims with the collusive help from some cowardice and malicious hidden judicial officers (in this case, ZZZ/YYY/VVV, from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI?, etc. Who are they? Why are they hidding from public scrutiny?)___and that’s why Miscarriage of justice is going on;

    ___And also watch out! some Professor of German origin (e.g. Sebastian Thrun), the fascism powers behind whom could bring into our lives fascism crimes which could endanger human lives … and even though both this Germany lady and this professor of German origin (Gabriele Scheler and Sebastian Thrun) had committed crimes on your campus with clear evidence and serious police investigation, they could still pretend innocent by keeping silence (can they fool us like that for ever?), despite so much concrete evidence and undeniable facts of their involvment into fascism crimes which had produced endless tragedies into our lives, and they could even terrorize/extort authorities and retaliate on victims and set up coups in your University, with the political support from the most powerful figures from Germany (Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel; Merkel must have plotted to form an alliance of Axis in the U.S.___What?Who?You bet, easily … here are two live examples Stanford Board of Trustees and a PRETENTIOUS “Presidential Search Committee” Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees___to be honest, both of them are very PRETENTIOUS and very THUGGHISH, anybody disagree? please step forward and I’ll tell you how ……);___and that’s why fascism prevails;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Dear All,

    A retaliatory fascism coup was set up in Stanford University as a consequence out of a lenghy and tough war of anti-fascism vs fascism that is going on for 11 years and counting centered on Sebastian Thrun/Gabriele Scheler, starting from a Stanford Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] http://alturlDOTcom/pa672 (replace DOT with . for the right web address; attention to the 7 photo evidence); Such a fascism coup is a winning on the fascism side; fascism prevails;

    However, Under public attention, no one among the 19 members in this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ dare give us a candid answer to questions raised in my public challenge, for public scrutiny, neither dare anyone from Stanford Board of Trustees___So far, they all remain COWARDS in light of my public challenge, same as those fascists;

    However, if they were responsible for what they are doing, how could they PRETEND nothing in this war against fasism crimes have had ever happened in Stanford University, in the first place? By contrast, My challenges have been withstanding public scrutiny for many years, While their actions can not;___ask yourself whom you should believe in?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ___This case of anti-humanity crime now becomes an issue of the whole society and we need input from the whole society to overcome such anti-humanity crimes;


    ___Mr. Stein, When fascism crimes have involved, it is no longer a private matter, you can not make it “strictly confidential,” any more; you and this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee Chaired by you do not have the credibility to human society to start with, i.e. what you are doing is anti-humanity;

    This coup in Stanford University happened after a lengthy and tough war against fascism crimes, starting from a Stanford Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford Police Case Number: IR#04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] http://alturlDOTcom/pa672 (replace DOT with . for the right web address) and lasting for over 11 years and counting, in which Stanford Authorities have been constantly besieged/terrorized/extorted while President John Hennessy refuses to give in to the intimidation/terrorization from those fascists;

    But now, instead of pushing to clarify this decade long Stanford University Campus Atrocity Criminal Case first, and instead of finding justice to those fascists first, you rush to install a coup against Stanford Authority President John Hennessy; That’s an action of stabbing him in the back, the same to the criminal action from Gabriele Scheler when she physically stabbed me in the back on site of the crime scene on Stanford Campus back in 2004, as evidenced in one of those 7 photos in the case link above, isn’t it? That’s very much the same kind of “Thuggish” behavior as Gabriele Scheler did on my body back in 2004 as you thugs are doing today to Stanford Authority President John Hennessy by this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee as well as by Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly chairs Mr. Issac Stein and Mr. Steven A. Denning, isn’t it?

    Under the influence of this decade long fascism criminal case, the actions from this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee in this Stanford coup is immoral, thuggish, criminal, fascism by nature and definitely anti-humanity;

    Again, Your actions have to withstand public scrutiny, because fascism crimes have involved into this case___Would you dare say no?___You don’t want to build up crimes one on top of another, do you?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ___Mr. Stein and this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee, you got to understand that there are outside rules and laws we all observe that supersedes whatever rules you enact;

    I am pretty sure that, when this decade long fascism criminal case clarified, Stanford People and the rest of the world will find out that it is you, Mr. Issac Stein of this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Mr. Steven A. Denning of Stanford Board of Trustees, who need to be replaced;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    BTW, this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees,

    ___Where were you, when I was assaulted and injured on Stanford Campus?

    ___Where were you, when I was conspired/terrorized/retaliated/endangered by those fascists during these many years?

    ___Where were you, when Stanford Authorities are being besieged/terrorized/extorted by those fascists during these many years?

    ___Where were you, when we have tough legal battles with those fascists in a currupted judicial system?

    ___Where were you, when I post public challenges on the web for public scrutiny, in fighting against fascism crimes, starting from so many years ago?

    ___and Where were you, when I challenge those fascists to clarify the case with CONFRONTATION, all the time?

    Now you cowards jump out PRETENDING nothing of these had happened, and rush to install a coup in Stanford University in alignment with interest of those fascists who had committed fascism crimes in Stanford University___Where is your sense of rightousness? Wouldn’t it be FAIR for the whole world of humanity to call you as ‘Immoral’, ‘Thuggish’, ‘Pretentious’, ‘Cowardice’, ‘Fascism’ and ‘Anti-humanity’?

    ___SHAMELESS is the exact word I am going to choose to attribute to this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees, all of whom supposedly consider themselves as ‘high intellectuals’ coming out of the world-class Stanford University;

    … Yeah, even ‘high intellectuals’ can be thugs, and thugs can be ‘high intellectuals’, as well;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    In regard to the three Stanford Report articles listed in the ‘news announcement’ section of the web site “Stanford Presidential Search” http://wwwDOTstanfordDOTedu/presidentialsearch/ (replace DOT with . for the right web address; the link of which was shown on the front page of Stanford University website) launched by a 19 member ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ chaired by Mr. Isaac Stein, … all 19 of them are COWARDS in light of such public challenge against fascism crimes, though;

    ___For Fairness, I’d expect Stanford Report also post a report on this decade long Stanford Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] http://alturlDOTcom/pa672 (replace DOT with . for the right web address) along with the 7 photo evidence and my public challenge against fascism crimes, accordingly, and display the link to such a report in the same ‘news announcement’ section of the web site “Stanford Presidential Search” http://wwwDOTstanfordDOTedu/presidentialsearch/ (replace DOT with . for the right web address) , as nobody should cover up such anti-humanity crimes and everybody has the obligation to fight against such anti-humanity crimes; if they dare not, what they are doing is anti-humanity___how could they have any credibility to human society, at all?

    ___Nobody would like to be seen as IMMORAL or COWARDS, why would you all, 19 members of this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ chaired by Mr. Isaac Stein, and Stanford Board of Trustees Chaired by Mr. Steven A. Denning?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ___Some Advices Directly to Mr. Steven A. Denning___

    Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford Board of Trustees,

    Mr. Denning, again, Under public scrutiny and in light of this public challenge against fascism crimes, You can not remain COWARD for ever as a Stanford University representative; you can not PRETEND all the time that such fascsim crimes do not exist in Stanford University; Your support on such a fascism coup will not make it go through, and you can not make fascism prevail through this coup in Stanford University, and you can not escape from facing moral and lawful consequences when this decade long fascism criminal case clarified eventually …

    Mr. Denning, the difference between you and me is that my statement can withstand public scrutiny while yours can not, and that I am on the anti-fascism side while you take side with those fascists; and that is what makes you intrinsically COWARDICE;

    ___As a real life COWARD while being PRETENTIOUS, as well, how could you be a symbol to the fame and the credibility of the world-class Stanford University?

    … to be continued …


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Mr. Steven A. Denning Chair of Stanford Board of Trustees,

    Come on, Mr. Denning, the world is watching, don’t play, don’t be a poser, please; ‘PRETENTDING‘ is a contagious spiritual disease coming from his 19-member PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee;


    Just noticed some ostentatious claim of your blatant support to this Stanford coup in an October 9, 2015 Stanford Report Article …”Stanford trustees celebrate McMurtry Building, hear presentations on a variety of topics”…

    You pose hard as if to have control over Stanford University; but, as a Stanford University respresentative, you still remain a COWARD to the solid questions listed in this public challenge against fascism crimes, and you are still PRETENTDING to the whole world that such fascsim crimes do not exist in Stanford University even though which had produced endless tragedies to human society, including this fascism coup in Stanford University;


    ___Mr. Denning, It is high time of your responsibility to urge this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler / Sebastian Thrun / hidden judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV who are manipulating this decade long fascism criminal case (from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI?, etc.), etc. to come forward and Clarify this decade long Stanford Campus Atrocity Case at Authorities with CONFRONTATION, and find justice to those facists accordingly;

    ___Mr. Denning, It is now also your responsibility to make fascism powers behind the scene (including those from inside of Stanford University) to understand that in light of public attention, they would have nowhere to hide___is that right?

    ___Mr. Denning, It is now also your responsibility to tell us who in Stanford University has the power to cover up fascism crimes coming along with Scheler and Thrun while retaliate on victims for these many years?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ___Mr. Denning, It is high time of your responsibility to urge this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler / Sebastian Thrun / hidden judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV who are manipulating this decade long fascism criminal case (from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI?, etc.), etc. to come forward and Clarify this decade long Stanford Campus Atrocity Case at Authorities with CONFRONTATION, and find justice to those facists accordingly;

    ___Mr. Denning, It is now also your responsibility to make fascism powers behind the scene (including those from inside of Stanford University) to understand that in light of public attention, they would have nowhere to hide___is that right?

    ___Mr. Denning, It is now also your responsibility to tell us who in Stanford University has the power to cover up fascism crimes coming along with Scheler and Thrun while retaliate on victims for these many years?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    “Denning encouraged members of the Stanford community to provide feedback to the committee through the website, which invites faculty, staff, students and alumni to provide comments on Stanford’s key opportunities and challenges, and to suggest presidential attributes and names of prospective candidates.”

    ___Here is a live feedback from me as a victim of a decade long Stanford Campus Atrocity Case:

    ___For Fairness, I’d expect Stanford Report also post a report on this decade long Stanford Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] along with the 7 photo evidence and my public challenge against fascism crimes coming along with this case, accordingly, and display the link to such a report in the same ‘news announcement’ section of the web site “Stanford Presidential Search” http://wwwDOTstanfordDOTedu/presidentialsearch/ (replace DOT with . for the right web address), as nobody should cover up such anti-humanity crimes and everybody has the responsibility to fight against such anti-humanity crimes; if they dare not, what they are doing is anti-humanity___how could they have any credibility to human society, at all?

    ___Nobody would like to be seen as IMMORAL or COWARDS, but why would you all, 19 members of this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ chaired by Mr. Isaac Stein, and Stanford Board of Trustees Chaired by Mr. Steven A. Denning?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    “Denning said the 19-member committee, which is conducting a highly confidential search, expects to receive hundreds of nominations. ”

    ___Mr. Denning, if Mr. Stein Chair of this 19-member PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee could not understand, don’t tell us you as a Stanford University representative also do not understand that: “When fascism crimes have involved, it is no longer a private matter, you can not make it ‘Confidential‘ any more;” you and this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee do not have credibility to human society to start with; you are building up crimes one on top of another; what you are doing is anti-humanity; … any candidate produced by this fascism-ridden ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ would immediately be entangled into such anti-humanity crimes, and be despised by the whole world of humanity;


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    From: “caomingpeter”
    Date: 2015-10-13 11:37:31
    To: “Malala Fund Info”,PRETENTIOUS_PresidentialSearchCommittee_KenGoodson …

    Dear Sir/Ms of Malala Fund,

    You know what? One thing I challenge this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’, in which Ms. Susan McCaw is a member, is that they are all ‘PRETENTIOUS';

    Now, are you PRETENDING ‘do not have access’ to Ms. Susan McCaw’s contact information? how come?

    Don’t start the trend of ‘PRETENDING’ at Malala Fund, please; it’s not a good habit;


    Peter Cao

    >>At 2015-10-13 01:15:18, “Malala Fund Info” wrote:
    >>Hello Peter,
    >>I cannot provide that information and do not have access to it. …

  • PeterCaoPotato

    From: “caomingpeter”
    Date: 2015-10-13 12:01:54
    To: “Malala Fund Info” ,PRETENTIOUS_PresidentialSearchCommittee_KenGoodson

    I am sure the whole squad of this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ had read all of my public challenges in these emails, so did Ms. Susan McCaw ; but in light of my public challenge against such anti-humanity crimes, they all remain COWARDS;

    Oh yeah, Ms. Susan McCaw is not only PRETENTIOUS, she’s a COWARD as well;

    But, she would have nowhere to hide in light of such public challenge;


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    From: “caomingpeter”
    Date: 2015-10-13 12:26:16
    To: caomingpeter
    Cc: “Malala Fund Info” ,PRETENTIOUS_PresidentialSearchCommittee_KenGoodson

    Dear Malala Fund and All,

    ‘PRETENTDING’ is a contagious spiritual disease coming from this 19-member PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee in which Ms. Susan McCaw of Malala Fund Founder is a member; Seems Malala Fund is infected;

    Would you expect any candidate produced by this 19-member PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee in which Ms. Susan McCaw of Malala Fund Founder is a member, to be respected by the world of education, science and technology? and be accepted by the world of humanity, at all?


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Dear Malala Fund and All,

    I can’t help but say it again that:

    ___SHAMELESS is the exact word I am going to choose to attribute to this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees …

    Isn’t the above point re-confirmed by the COWARDICE and PRETENTIOUS reaction (documented in the following) via a Malala Fund email account from Ms. Susan McCaw of this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ chaired by Mr. Isaac Stein, and of Stanford Board of Trustees Chaired Mr. Steven A. Denning? (most likely orchastrated by Mr. Issac Stein and Mr. Steven A. Denning both of whom are puppets on fascism side)


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ___Some Message Directly to Sebastian Thrun___

    Sebastian Thrun,

    I found your name listed in this StanfordDaily article;

    Do I have to remind you that you are the center on the fascism side in this war of anti-fascism v.s. fascism in a series of retaliatory facism crimes against human society, starting from a Stanford Campus Atrocity case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler]? the dire consequences out of such fascism crimes coming along with you have been disrupting human society for 11 years and counting; no doubt, there exists a very powerful fascism circle behind you both inside and outside of Stanford University, who had committed fascism crimes for your sake, centered on you, with your collaboration, and you are one of them; however, you got to understand that such anti-humanity crimes will not be tolerated anywhere in human society; when this decade long anti-humanity criminal case clarified, you got to face moral and lawful consequences, accordingly; nobody can substitute you in this regard; Never heard of such a thing before___and I haven’t heard of any personnel of your deeds still could be an educator in the 125 years of history of Stanford University;

    Though you are covered up by fascism powers, I am sure no one can say that you are innocent in those fascism crimes (what is worse in this case is we are all suffering from a corrupted judicial system, as well, in addition to the fascism crimes coming along with you, Mr. Sebastian Thrun); and I bet no one would like to be labelled as ‘fascism supporters’, accordingly; and people of Stanford University would feel their obligation and responsibility to push foward and clarify this decade long criminal case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] and find justice to those fascists, including you Mr. Sebastian Thrun, on the fascism side;

    I had told you this back in 2007, and I can tell you again today, Mr. Sebastian Thrun, that “Don’t try to act as innocent“;


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Professor John Ousterhout and the MUTINY Stanford Computer Science Department

    Dear Professor John Ousterhout of Stanford Computer Science Department

    >>>On 2015-10-26 04:28:26,”John Ousterhout” wrote:

    >>>I’m not interested in these emails; please remove me from your mailing list.

    You are not a candid person; What you are trying to say is that you are being harassed by a bunch of emails, but what you PRETEND not understanding, is that there is a war against fascism crimes;

    In case you PRETEND being irrelevant: You are a faculty of Stanford Computer Science Department, while Sebastian Thrun, the center on fascism side in this war against fascism crimes, is also a faculty of Stanford Computer Science Department, and Thrun’s Stanford boss Emeritus Professor Ed Feigenbaum who had gone exteme length to support Sebastian Thrun’s criminal standing on fascism side against ruling from Authorities and who at the same time had applied serious conspiracies to retaliate on victims (such as intrude my privacy, conspire/terrorize victims) is also from Stanford Computer Science Department;___Stanford Computer Science Department is a MUTINY department out of control at authorities, taking side with those fascists in this war against fascism crimes; among the several faculties I had interacted with from Stanford Computer Science Department, they are all PRETENTIOUS and DESTRUCTIVE, and needless to tell, because of this fascists Sebasian Thrun; and that is one of the primary reasons why such a simple campus atrocity case happened on Stanford campus back in 2004 [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] had turned into a series of fascism crimes for over a decade long;

    Surprisingly, Sebastian Thrun, Professor Ed Feigenbaum and you Professor John Ousterhout had all done your Ph.D. work at Carnegie Mellon University; even more surprisingly, there is a figure named Kaifu Lee who had collateralled with Sebastian Thrun’s fascism crimes from China also got his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University; so at least four of you who had involved into this fascism crimes against the world of humanity had done your Ph.D. work at Carnegie Mellon University___is that a coincidence?___So, Professor John Ousterhout, you are relevant to this decade long fascism criminal case, aren’t you?

    By the way, what would your students (on the email list) think about this matter and about your reaction here? What kind of education would you extend to your students, after all?


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    And for those who still want to join this ‘thuggish’ group in support of fascism crimes, particularly, Mr. Isaac Stein of a PRETENTIOUS ‘Presidential Search Committee’ Chair and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees, I can reaffirm you that such fascism crimes coming along with Gabriele Scheler / Sebastian Thrun / ZZZ/YYY/VVV and now even Angela Merkel would not be tolerated anywhere in human society, and that you have chosen unwisely in alliance with Gabriele Scheler/Sebastian Thrun’s side, and that you can play up Gabriele Scheler/Sebastian Thrun and retaliate on victims as much as you like at this moment, but your fame and credibility as moral majorities will be destructed, and when this decade long criminal case clarified eventually, you all will be despised as supporters to fascism crimes;

    Isn’t it a basic instinct that embedded into the spirits of us all to spontaneously fight against such anti-humanity crimes?

    If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask via email caomingpeter126AT126DOTcom


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ___Professor John Ousterhout and the MUTINY Stanford Computer Science Department___

    Dear Professor John Ousterhout of Stanford Computer Science Department

    >>>On 2015-10-26 04:28:26,”John Ousterhout” wrote:

    >>>I’m not interested in these emails; please remove me from your mailing list.

    You are not a candid person; What you are trying to say is that you are being harassed by a bunch of emails, but what you PRETEND not understanding, is that there is a war against fascism crimes;

    In case you PRETEND being irrelevant: You are a faculty of Stanford Computer Science Department, while Sebastian Thrun, the center on fascism side in this war against fascism crimes, is also a faculty of Stanford Computer Science Department, and Thrun’s Stanford boss Emeritus Professor Ed Feigenbaum who had gone exteme length to support Sebastian Thrun’s criminal standing on fascism side against ruling from Authorities and who at the same time had applied serious conspiracies to retaliate on victims (such as intrude my privacy, conspire/terrorize victims) is also from Stanford Computer Science Department;___Stanford Computer Science Department is a MUTINY department out of control at authorities, taking side with those fascists in this war against fascism crimes; among the several faculties I had interacted with from Stanford Computer Science Department, they are all PRETENTIOUS and DESTRUCTIVE, and needless to tell, because of this fascists Sebasian Thrun; and that is one of the primary reasons why such a simple campus atrocity case happened on Stanford campus back in 2004 [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] had turned into a series of fascism crimes for over a decade long;

    Surprisingly, Sebastian Thrun, Professor Ed Feigenbaum and you Professor John Ousterhout had all done your Ph.D. work at Carnegie Mellon University; even more surprisingly, there is a figure named Kaifu Lee who had collateralled with Sebastian Thrun’s fascism crimes from China also got his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University; so at least four of you who had involved into this fascism crimes against the world of humanity had done your Ph.D. work at Carnegie Mellon University___is that a coincidence?___So, Professor John Ousterhout, you are relevant to this decade long fascism criminal case, aren’t you?

    By the way, what would your students think about this matter and about your reaction here? What kind of education would you extend to your students, after all?


    Peter Cao

  • Cathy Smith

    you can not escape from facing moral and lawful consequences when this decade long fascism criminal case clarified eventually …Seahawks Beanie

  • PeterCaoPotato


    here is the missing part:


    Mr. Denning, the difference between you and me is that my statement can withstand public scrutiny while yours can not, and that I am on the anti-fascism side while you take side with those fascists; and that is what makes you intrinsically COWARDICE;

    ___As a real life COWARD while being PRETENTIOUS, as well, how could you be a symbol to the fame and the credibility of the world-class Stanford University?

    … to be continued …


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ___Mr. Stein and this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee, you got to understand that there are outside rules and laws we all observe that supersedes whatever rules you enact;

    I am pretty sure that, when this decade long fascism criminal case clarified, Stanford People and the rest of the world will find out that it is you, Mr. Issac Stein of this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Mr. Steven A. Denning of Stanford Board of Trustees, who need to be replaced;