Board issues letter ahead of UN Conference of Parties

Board Chair Steven A. Denning and President John Hennessy issued a statement on behalf of the Board of Trustees to the conveners of a major climate change conference in Paris to look to universities for guidance.

Denning and Hennessy urged the conveners of the twenty-first gathering of the United Nations “Conference of the Parties,” or the COP21, to consider Stanford as a pioneer on dealing with climate change. In the statement, they emphasized Stanford’s new campus energy system, expected to reduce campus greenhouse gas emissions by 68 percent.

The Chair and the President also addressed the strides Stanford has made in research and teaching with respect to climate change, citing the Woods Institute for Environment, the Precourt Institute for Energy and the Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance as investments Stanford has made on the climate change front. They noted the crucial role of students, pointing out that students “recognize climate change as a critical issue for their generation and for the world.”

Other major areas of focus that Denning and Hennessy highlighted are on-campus transportation and building energy efficiency, both efforts that they urge COP21 participants to look to when considering the role universities play in the global climate change effort.

Denning and Hennessy encouraged “all institutions, at all levels, to confront the climate challenge ambitiously and with urgency.”


Contact Dhaval Gajiwala at gajiwala ‘at’

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Laurent Fabius
    Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, Government of France
    President, COP21 Conference
    37, Quai d’Orsay 75007
    Paris, France

    Dear Mr. Laurent Fabius:

    Let me tell you the truth: Stanford Board of Trustees Particularly Mr. Steven A. Denning, whose signature appeared in a public letter to the United Nations conference on climate change which was addressed to you and was posted on Stanford Report in an article titled “Stanford issues statement on climate change ahead of Paris conference” on October 28, 2015, is a disgrace to human society;

    Would you please in name of the world of humanity urge Stanford Board of Trustees, particularly Board Chair Mr. Steven A. Denning to answer the solid questions listed in the public challenge against fascism crimes that is going on for 11 years and counting, starting from a Stanford Campus Atrocity Campus Atrocity case back in 2004 [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] http://alturlDOTcom/pa672 (replace DOT with . for the right web address; attention to the 7 photo evidence);

    In light of this public challenge against such anti-humanity crimes, this Stanford Board of Trustees, particularly Board Chair Mr. Steven A. Denning, remain PRETENTIOUS and COWARDICE; how could they have any credibility to human society to start with?

    Put them aside and above them all:

    ___Vive la France!!!___

    to be continued …


    Peter Cao