New dorm construction in Lagunita Court underway

The construction of two new dorms in Lagunita Court are proceeding on pace and expected to open for the 2016-2017 school year.

According to a statement by Rodger Whitney, executive director of Residential & Dining Enterprises Student Housing, the project is currently finishing basement concrete work and utilities and will soon begin work on steel framing.

Both of the new houses are planned to be four-class, according to Whitney. Half of the students will be freshmen while the other half will be upperclassmen. Freshmen will be housed in one-room doubles, and upperclassmen will live in either two-room doubles or singles.

Although the dorms will be built to complement the existing historic Lagunita structures in terms of scale and structure, the houses will also integrate elements from the new Humanities House. This includes art project spaces, study nooks and an integrated kitchen and patio area. Resident Fellows and names for the new dorms have not yet been chosen.

A Bay Area architecture firm that worked on the Humanities House is involved in the construction, Whitney said. Many other groups were also consulted in preparation for the construction.

“[Groups with which we consulted include] students (Undergraduate Housing Advisory Committee and others), our colleagues in Residential Education, Residential Affairs, Undergraduate Advising and Research, Academic Computing, etc.,” Whitney wrote in an email to The Daily. “We have also consulted with our colleagues at Ivy League and PAC-12 schools to see what new ideas or best practices we might incorporate into the project.”


Contact Skylar Cohen at skylarc ‘at’