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Terence Zhao
But, it is perhaps equally ridiculous to suggest, then, that “good cops” somehow make a difference in how our police forces function. Sure, a “good cop” might not have shot Laquan McDonald 16 times, but so what? In a few months, there will certainly be another case of police brutality, and another, and another, as there had been before this case. In fact, 885 have already died in the hands of police this year alone (as of this writing).
Kiran Sridhar
The case of sexual assault is a difficult one, because there is no denying the trauma and visceral emotion of survivors. However, if we want to create a campus culture where sexual assault is severely punished but the accused still maintain vital civil rights, we must step away from emotionally-charged discussions and have rational, fact-driven discourse. This is why The Hunting Ground fails to adequately capture the discussion on sexual assault.