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Reports and dashboards

State of the system

line graph charting deceased donor transplants

Updated daily: State of organ donation and transplantation in U.S.


Equity in access

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OPTN metrics

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See current and historic trends. How to get the most out of the dashboard.


UNOS collects and reports data on every U.S. organ donor, transplant candidate, recipient and outcome. The data is used to study and advance transplant, inform policy development and help professionals make informed decisions.

Data collection and definitions

We collect important data and use it to strengthen the system. Learn more and see forms

Members: Find revised definitions answering your questions about data fields new requirements. See data definition updates

Continuous improvement: Transplant statistics

The U.S. system for organ donation and recovery is among the best in the world. But there is more that we can and must do. UNOS works with the organ donation and transplant community to drive improvement and save more lives.

10 things UNOS is doing to get the right organ to the right patient at the right time

icon magnifying glass

Understand. Compare. Improve.

Tools for UNOS Members: Research and data analytics for transplant hospitals and OPOs that let you improve performance and increase transplants.

2022 donors, deceased and living

January - November 2022 as of 12/18/2022

2022 transplants

January - November 2022 as of 12/18/2022

people need a lifesaving organ transplant (total waiting list candidates). Of those, 60,095 people are active waiting list candidates. Totals as of today 6:11pm EST

More than 6,500

living donor transplants in 2021

The number of living donor transplants has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. But living donor transplants have increased 14.2 percent over the 2020 total.

Learn about living donation

11th consecutive record-breaking year

More than 13,800

deceased donors in 2021

Even with a 34.7% increase in deceased donation over the last five years, the need for organ donors is immense.

Sign up to be an organ donor

1 million new beginnings

The U.S. has reached a historic milestone: 1 million transplants, more than any other country in the world. Join us in commemorating the many lives saved, legacies honored, and hope restored.

Learn more at Living It Forward.

In focus

Kidney transplants continue to increase

One-year monitoring report shows increases in kidney transplants for Black, Hispanic, Asian and pediatric patients following policy changes.

Read about the increase in transplants


Predicting kidney utilization rates

UNOS researchers test using natural language processing to improve organ acceptance rates

How we put data to work


An Expedia for organ transplants: Predicting travel time

UNOS researchers are partnering with community to address one of the biggest contributors to prolonged cold ischemic time — organ transport

Learn more

updated daily

Current state of organ donation and transplantation: Transplant trends

US divided into 8 regions
About the dashboard

This dashboard can be used to explore transplant and donor trends and key statistics. This data visualization shows high-level data on transplants, deceased donors recovered, patients added to the waitlist and patients temporarily moved to inactive waitlist status*. It is updated daily. Find detailed and localized data through the preceding month in the OPTN website’s data section.

*A temporary inactivation means that the transplant program has determined that a candidate is temporarily unavailable or unsuitable for transplantation and should not receive organ offers. The transplant program may reactivate the candidate at any time.

This dashboard is updated monthly, typically during the third week of the month. You may experience short periods of temporary interruption during this time.

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