OMB Circular A-11

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Table of Contents

Single Chapter Files

Note: Blank pages are intentional—for print purposes

OMB Circular A–11 (2014), Entire File (PDF Version)  (901 pages, 9.1 mb)

OMB Circular A–11, Revised Transmittal Memorandum #88—7/25/14  (4 pages, 374 kb)
Table of Contents  (22 pages, 335 kb)
Guide to OMB Circular No. A–11   (4 pages, 60 kb)
Summary of Changes  (4 pages, 58 kb)


General Information

10.  Overview of the budget   (10 pages, 171  kb)
15.  Basic budget laws  (4 pages, 66 kb)
20.  Terms and concepts   (46 pages, 955 kb)
22.  Communications with the Congress and the public and clearance requirements   (4 pages, 77 kb)


Preparation and Submission of Budget Estimates

I. General Policies and Requirements

25.  Summary of requirements  (8 pages, 183 kb)
31.  Policies, laws, and other general requirements for budget estimates   (14 pages, 191 kb)
32.  Personnel compensation, benefits, and related costs   (8 pages, 110. kb)

II. The Budget Submission

51.  Basic justification materials   (10 pages, 102 kb)
54.  Rental payments for space and land   (6 pages, 133 kb)
55.  Information technology investments   (4 pages, 87 kb)

III. MAX Data and Other Materials Required After Passback

79.  The budget data system   (14 pages, 183 kb)
80.  Development of baseline estimates   (6 pages, 100 kb)
81.  Policy and baseline estimates of budget authority, outlays, and receipts (schedules A, S, R, and K)   (8 pages, 149 kb)
82. Combined schedule X   (48 pages, 653 kb)
83.  Object classification (schedule O)   (32 pages, 344 kb)
84.  Character classification (schedule C)  (10 pages, 142 kb)
85.  Estimating employment levels and the employment summary (schedule Q)  (8 pages, 223 kb)
86.  Special schedules   (20 pages, 185 kb)
95.  Budget Appendix and print materials  (20 pages, 306 kb)
100.  Sequestration  (12 pages, 154 kb)


              MAX User Guide


Selected Actions Following Transmittal of the Budget

110.  Supplementals and amendments  (12 pages, 154 kb)
112.  Deferrals and Presidential proposals to rescind or cancel funds  (14 pages, 175 kb)
113.  Investment transactions  (12 pages, 166 kb)


Instructions on Budget Execution

I. Apportionment and Reapportionments

120.  Apportionment process   (52 pages, 430 kb)
123.  Apportionments under continuing resolutions   (6 pages, 149 kb)
124.  Agency operations in the absence of appropriations  (4 pages, 56 kb)

II. Budget Execution Reports

130.  SF 133, Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources  (26 pages, 301 kb)

III. Other Reports

135.  Procedures for monitoring Federal outlays  (18 pages, 896 kb)
140.  Reports on unvouchered expenditures   (4 pages, 65 kb)
145.  Requirements for reporting Antideficiency Act violations   (8 pages, 180 kb)
150.  Administrative control of funds   (4 pages, 74 kb)


Federal Credit

185.  Federal credit   (78 pages, 1379 kb)

PART 6  

Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plans, Performance Reviews, and Annual Program Performance Reports

Executive Summary   (6 pages, 172 kb)
200.  Overview of the Federal performance framework   (22 pages, 451 kb)
210. and public reporting   (14 pages, 226 kb)
220.  Cross-agency priority goals and Federal performance plan   (4 pages, 76 kb)
230.  Agency strategic planning   (10 pages, 199 kb)
240.  Annual performance planning   (6 pages, 81 kb)
250.  Agency priority goals   (8 pages, 137 kb)
260.  Annual performance reporting   (6 pages, 130 kb)
270.  Performance and strategic reviews   (14 pages, 311 kb)
280.  Federal program inventory   (4 pages, 80 kb)
290.  Elimination of unnecessary agency plans and reports   (4 pages, 60 kb)



A.  Scorekeeping guidelines  (8 pages, 115 kb)
B.  Budgetary treatment of lease-purchases and leases of capital assets  (10 pages, 1132 kb)
C.  Listing of OMB agency/bureau and Treasury codes   (16 pages, 201 kb)
F.  Format of SF132, SF133, schedule P, and SBR  (670 pages, 455 kb)
G.  Crosswalk between Antideficiency Act and Title 31 of the U.S. Code  (10 pages, 81 kb)
H.  Checklist for funds control regulations  (6 pages, 74 kb)
J.  Principles of budgeting for capital asset acquisitions   (6 pages, 70 kb)
K.  Selected OMB guidance and other references regarding capital assets  (2 pages, 58 kb)
Supplement to Part 7—Capital Programming Guide  (104 pages, 1.8 mb)

INDEX  (9 pages, 334 kb)