Effective & Elegant Web Solutions

Our clients have one thing in common: they have big ideas they want to share with the world. We help each client define their audiences, craft a clear message, and reinforce it through intuitive navigation and vivid graphics. We aren’t just interested in where you are right now, but where you’re going. We design sites that can grow with your organization, while still being easy to maintain. Wired Moon is located on the the San Francisco Bay Area Penninsula.

Our core strengths include:

  • Breadth of experience in healthcare, higher education, and non-profits
  • Content strategy and development
  • Elegant and distinctive visual design
  • Focus on user needs, including user research and testing
  • Custom modules and systems for specific client requirements

Featured Sites

  • Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS)
  • Stanford Biosciences
  • Taube Center for Jewish Studies
  • KIPAC - Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
  • SHC Emergency Department