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YM Careers

The industry’s most trusted career center platform for associations, powering nearly 3,000 niche job boards.

Job board software built for associations and member-based organizations.

Drive member engagement and increase non-dues revenue without additional staff time or resources.

Increase membership value

One of the top three reasons members join associations is to advance their careers. Your association can attract new members, help members find their next great job opportunity, and provide the career resources to land it.

Maximize non-dues revenue

Partner with the largest recruitment advertising sales and marketing engine in the industry. Through a revenue-share partnership, we drive employers to your site, while you focus on members.

Drive website traffic

Every job is optimized for search engines to drive traffic to your website. Job boards are the most trafficked part of associations websites and are optimized to convert web visitors to members.

Optimized mobile experience

Provide users a clean, mobile-responsive user interface customized to your brand. Allow job seekers to quickly apply to jobs from their mobile device.

Email Job Matching

Automatically send jobs to interested, relevant job seekers via email when they are posted.

Personalized Search & Recommendations

Increase engagement and job views by recommending jobs to job seekers based on their prior searches, resume content and more.

High Employer ROI

Offer employers sophisticated options that maximize exposure of their jobs across your audience and targeted audiences across the web to increase your revenue and their ROI.

Build Industry Talent Pool

Professionals rely on their association to stay at the top of their field. Be your industry’s destination for top talent and job opportunities.

Engage and retain members.

Become the go-to resource for career advancement in your industry.

Career advancement is a top reason members join professional organizations. Attract new members, help members find their next great job opportunity, and provide the career resources to land it.

Help your members further their careers and achieve their goals by becoming their trusted resource for professional development. YM’s job board software has professional resources, including career advice articles, free resume critiques, and more.

“Having a more professional look and a greater offering of job posting options, particularly highlighting and additional website visibility has increased the interest for employers to post their opening with our YM Careers job board. These options have also provided higher revenue options thus increasing our overall revenue.”

— Torey Reese, Career Center Coordinator
Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society

Let us help you grow your association.

Increase membership and non-dues revenue with YM Careers job board.

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