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Clean Air Markets

IPM Analyses of the Final Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR)

On July 6, 2011, the EPA Administrator signed a Notice of Final Rulemaking for the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR). EPA analyzed the impact of the final CSAPR on the U.S. electric power sector using version 4.10_FTransport of the Integrated Planning Model (IPM). From this page you can download documentation for IPM v4.10_FTransport, the NEEDS database of electric generation unit records used in the modeling, and the IPM run results files.

Documentation: EPA Base Case v.4.10_FTransport

EPA Base Case v.4.10_FTransport is the IPM version that EPA used to analyze provisions considered for inclusion in the Final CSAPR as a result of comments EPA received on the CSAPR proposal, issued on July 6, 2010, and the Notice of Data Availability, announced September 1, 2010. To learn more about the v.4.10_FTransport assumptions, click the link in the first bulleted item below. It provides access to a documentation supplement which focuses on the new features and revisions found in EPA Base Case v.4.10_FTransport.

Since EPA Base Case v.4.10_FTransport builds on the last major update to the IPM model (EPA Base Case v.4.10), links to the comprehensive documentation for that version of the model are provided under the second bulleted item below.

National Electric Energy Data System (NEEDS) v.4.10_FTransport

The National Electric Energy Data System or "NEEDS" database contains the generation unit records used to construct the "model" plants that represent existing and planned/committed units in EPA modeling applications of IPM. NEEDS includes basic geographic, operating, air emissions, and other data on these generating units.

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IPM Results: IPM Run Files and Parsed Files

Download IPM run files and parsed files for the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule analysis using the links in the table below. Click on the IPM run name in the first column of the table below to download a file. The files are posted in one of two formats, a zipped archive or an excel spreadsheet, and contain the following:

IPM Run Files and Parsed Files*
IPM Run Name IPM Run Description
TR_Base_Case_Final (Zip)(8 pp, 9 MB) Base case model run, which includes the national Title IV SO2 cap and trade program; NOx State Implementation Plan (SIP) Call regional ozone season cap and trade program; and settlements and state rules. This run represents conditions without the proposed CSAPR and without the rule it replaces (CAIR).
TR_Remedy_Final (Zip)(8 pp, 9 MB) This run models the air quality-assured trading final remedy described in the CSAPR Preamble.

*On August 2, 2011, EPA updated these Web files to include additional information on projected regional wholesale electricity prices and unit-level electricity generation. While these are outputs of the IPM model, EPA did not rely on these specific parameters in its promulgation of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule. However, in response to subsequent public interest, EPA is making these outputs available in these updated files.

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