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Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)

Policy & Guidance

EPA developed policies and guidance to help implement the UST program. EPA developed these documents in consultation with states and territorial UST programs. The documents provide additional information on various aspects of the UST program, including federal statutory requirements, technical issues, enforcement, and financial management for grants and cooperative agreements. Between 1988 and 1999, EPA issued guidance via policy directives. 

As part of EPA's annual strategic planning and budgeting, EPA publishes guidance for national program managers (NPMs). This guidance defines national policy, strategic goals, and priority activities and related enforcement goals for regions, and in some instances, states and tribes.

EPA developed policies and guidance to help implement the UST program. EPA developed these documents in consultation with states and territorial UST programs. The documents provide additional information on various aspects of the UST program, including federal statutory requirements, technical issues, enforcement, and financial management for grants and cooperative agreements.