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Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)

Publications Related to Underground Storage Tanks

EPA developed numerous publications about managing underground storage tanks (UST) properly and conducting cleanups efficiently. You can order publications from the National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP), EPA's publication distributor, via telephone, U.S. mail, or the Internet. NSCEP's toll-free number is 800-490-9198; or you can fax your order to 301-604-3408. NSCEP's mailing address is: Box 42419, Cincinnati, OH 45242. You can search for documents and place your order online at www.epa.gov/ncepihom.

EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) published several documents regarding underground storage tanks. See a complete listing of ORD documents. In addition, EPA’s Technology Innovation Office maintains CLU-IN, a website that identifies current information on corrective action technologies.

Publications Table

Sort by publication, description, or topic, or in combination (hold shift and click on multiple column headers to sort by more than one column).

Topic Publication
General Information Annual Reports on the Underground Storage Tank Program
General Information Musts for USTs: A Summary of the Federal Regulations for Underground Storage Tank Systems (EPA 510-K-95-002).  July 1995.
General Information Report to Congress on a Compliance Plan for the Underground Storage Tank Program (EPA-510-R-00-001). June 2000.
General Information Report to Congress on Implementing and Enforcing the Underground Storage Tank Program in Indian Country (EPA 510-R-07- 006). August 2007.
General Information Underground Motor Fuel Storage Tanks: A National Survey (EPA 560/5-86-013). May 1986.
General Information Underground Storage Tank Flood Guide  (EPA-510-R-10-002). November 2010. 
General Information Underground Storage Tank Program: 25 Years of Protecting Our Land and Water (EPA-510-B-09-001). March 2009.
General Information Underground Storage Tank Program Directory
General Information Underground Storage Tanks: Building on the Past to Protect the Future (EPA 510-R-04-001). March 2004.
General Information UST Program Facts
General Information Underground Storage Tanks: Requirements and Options (EPA 510-F-97-005). June 1997. 
Prevention Automatic Tank Gauging Systems for Release Detection: Reference Manual for Underground Storage Tank Inspectors (EPA 510-B-00-009). August 2000.
Prevention Best Management Practices for Your Underground Storage Tank
Prevention Closing Underground Storage Tanks: Brief Facts (EPA 510-F-96-004). July 1996.
Prevention Developing a Third-Party Underground Storage Tank Inspection Program: A Guide to Assist States (EPA-510-K-08-001). September 2008.
Prevention Doing Inventory Control Right for Underground Storage Tanks (EPA 510-B-93-004). November 1993.
Prevention EPA Study on the Effectiveness of UST Insurance as a Financial Responsibility (FR) Mechanism (EPA-510-R-11-005). December 2011.
Prevention Frequency and Extent of Dispenser Releases at Underground Storage Tank Facilities in South Carolina (EPA-510-R-04-004). September 2004.
Prevention Getting the Most out of Your Automatic Tank Gauging System (EPA-510-F-98-011). March 1998.
Prevention Implementation Time Frames for 2015 Underground Storage Tank Requirements  (EPA-510-F-15-001).  July 2015.
Prevention Introduction to Statistical Inventory Reconciliation for Underground Storage Tanks (EPA 510-B-95-009). September 1995.
Prevention List of Integrity Assessment Evaluations for Underground Storage Tanks - Third Edition February 1999.
Prevention List of Known Insurance Providers for Underground Storage Tank Owners and Operators (EPA 510-B-15-001). January 2015.
Prevention List of Leak Detection Evaluations for UST Systems (PDF)(6 pp, 51K, About PDF) Exit
Prevention Manual Tank Gauging for Small Underground Storage Tanks. (EPA 510-B-93-005). November 1993.
Prevention Model Underground Storage Tank Environmental Results Program Workbook (EPA-510-R-04-003). June 2004.
Prevention Operating and Maintaining Underground Storage Tank Systems: Practical Help and Checklists (EPA-510-B-05-002). September 2005.
Prevention Standard Test Procedures for Evaluating Various Leak Detection Methods (EPA/530/UST-90/004 through EPA/530/UST-90/010). March 1990.
Prevention Straight Talk on Tanks: Leak Detection Methods for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks and Piping (EPA-510-B-05-001). September 2005.
Prevention Survey of Flexible Piping Systems (EPA 510-R- 97-002). March 1997.
Prevention UST System Compatibility with Petroleum-Biofuel Blends:  A Brief Guide to the 2015 Federal UST Regulations for Owners and Operators of USTs Located on Tribal Lands (EPA-510-F-15-002).  August 2015.
Prevention UST Systems: Inspecting and Maintaining Sumps and Spill Buckets - Practical Help and Checklist (EPA 510-R-05-001). May 2005.
Cleanup Dollars and Sense (EPA 510-K-95-004). July 1995.
Cleanup Estimating Air Emissions from Petroleum UST Cleanups
Cleanup Evaluation of Empirical Data to Support Soil Vapor Intrusion Screening Criteria for Petroleum Hydrocarbon Compounds (EPA 510-R-13-001). January 2013.
Cleanup Expedited Site Assessment Tools for Underground Storage Tank Sites: A Guide for Regulators (EPA 510-B-97-001). March 1997.
Cleanup Financial Responsibility for Underground Storage Tanks: A Reference Manual (EPA-510-B-00-003). January 2000.
Cleanup Financing Underground Storage Tank Work: Federal and State Assistance Programs (EPA-510-B-99-002). March 1999.
Cleanup How To Effectively Recover Free Product At Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites: A Guide For State Regulators (EPA 510-R-96-001). September 1996.
Cleanup How to Evaluate Alternative Cleanup Technologies for Underground Storage Tank Sites: A Guide for Corrective Action Plan Reviewers (EPA 510-B-94-003; EPA 510-B-95-007; and EPA 510-R-04-002).
Cleanup Leveraging State Funds to Increase Compliance 1994.
Cleanup The National LUST Cleanup Backlog: A Study of Opportunities (EPA 510-R-11-003). September 2011.
Cleanup Opportunities for Petroleum Brownfields  (EPA 510-R-11-002). July 2011.
Cleanup Petroleum Brownfields Action Plans
Cleanup Petroleum Brownfields: Developing Inventories. (EPA 510-R-09-002). May 2009.
Cleanup Petroleum Brownfields: Selecting a Reuse Option (EPA 510-R-09-004). October 2009.
Cleanup Responsible Party Search Guide for the Underground Storage Tank Program (EPA 510-R-13-004). September 2013. 
Cleanup Technical Guide for Addressing Petroleum Vapor Intrusion at Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites (EPA 510-R-15-001). June 2015.