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SIP Status and Information

This web site identifies how states and EPA work together to ensure that the agency's National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) are met and maintained. The Clean Air Act requires states to develop a general plan to attain and maintain the NAAQS in all areas of the country and a specific plan to attain the standards for each area designated nonattainment for a NAAQS. These plans, known as State Implementation Plans or SIPs, are developed by state and local air quality management agencies and submitted to EPA for approval. This web site contains information about this process and the current status of the submittals.

  • Basic Information. An overview of State Implementation Plans.

  • SIP Development Process. A summary of the steps states must follow when EPA revises or sets a new national ambient air quality standard.

  • Nonattainment Area & Ozone Transport Region (OTR) SIP Requirements. States that have areas not meeting any one of the NAAQS must submit state plans to EPA that detail how they will meet and continue to meet the standards. EPA must approve or disapprove these plans. This section shows the status of each state submittal and EPA action on required SIP elements for each nonattainment area, including Ozone Transport Region requirements for specific states.

    State Reports. Status of a state's submittals, and EPA actions on the submittals, to meet the SIP requirements for each criteria pollutant.

    National Reports. Status of state submittals and EPA actions on the submittals by a single SIP requirement for all applicable states.

  • Infrastructure SIP Requirements. The status of the state submittal and EPA action on the submittal for the infrastructure requirements.

    State Reports. Status of a state's submittals, and EPA actions on the submittals, to meet the SIP infrastructure requirements for each pollutant.

    National Reports. Status of state submittals and EPA actions on the submittals by a single infrastructure SIP requirement for all states.

  • Clean Data & Redesignation Policies. Overview of EPA policies and implementation rules outlining EPA interpretations of the provisions of the Clean Air Act as they apply to areas that have attained standards.

  • Regional Office SIP Information. Links to the ten EPA regional SIP Web Pages where state regulations which have been incorporated by reference into the SIP are located.

  • SIP Efficiency & Effectiveness. Guidance memos issued by EPA in collaboration with the The National Association of Clean Air Agencies (NACAA/ECOs) SIP Reform Work Group.

  • Startup, Shutdown & Malfunction Emissions. Status of the rulemaking for SIPs to address emissions during startup, shutdown and malfunction.

  • Related Links. Links to other web sites that may provide additional helpful information.


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