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National Enforcement Initiative: Reducing Air Pollution from the Largest Sources

A coal-fired power plant

Fast Fact

Coal-fired power plants emitted over 4.5 million tons of SO2 and over 1.6 million tons of NOx in 2010. (Source: CAMD Acid Rain Database)


The New Source Review (NSR) and Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) requirements of the Clean Air Act require certain large industrial facilities to install state-of-the-art air pollution controls when they build new facilities or make significant modifications to existing facilities.  EPA investigations reveal that many facilities failed to install pollution controls after modifications, causing them to emit pollutants that can impact air quality and public health. 


EPA will take action to eliminate or minimize emissions from coal-fired power plants, cement plants, glass plants and acid plants, which have been shown to seriously affect human health and the environment, by ensuring that there are no under-controlled coal-fired electric generating units, cement, acid, or glass plants.

Enforcement Cases

Note: This is a sample list of cases.


Progress on Reducing Air Pollution from the Largest Sources

The following charts show EPA's progress in reducing emissions from under-controlled coal-fired utilities, cement, glass, and acid plants.

Map of coal-fired electric utilities: current level of NSR/PSD air pollution controls