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Environmental Modeling Public Meeting - Agendas - 2008

The agendas are provided here as a courtesy and service so that presentation subjects and authors can be easily searched.

Detailed information from 2008 is available in the docket using this id: EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0102

On this page:

Agenda of the March 11, 2008 Exposure Modeling Public Meeting

Large Scale Monitoring for Contaminant Modeling: Strategies, Results, and Future Directions
PRESENTER Time AM/PM TOPIC Duration (minutes)
McKinnon/ Barrett 9:00 AM Welcome and Introduction 5
As needed 9:05 AM Updates 10
Cathleen Hapeman
9:15 AM Temporal and spatial variability of pesticide residues in the Choptank River watershed 25
Chris Harbourt
Waterborne Environmental
9:40 AM Water Quality in Domestic, Rural Wells Across 9 Midwestern States 25
Stephen Wente
Environmental Fate and Effects Division, OPP
10:05 AM An Inverse Model for Determining Agricultural Watershed N Balances from Stream Nitrate Data 25
Break 10:30 AM Break 15
Wenlin Chen
Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc.
10:45 AM A linear mixed model for assessing long-term trend in pesticide occurrence in raw water of U.S. Community Water Systems 25
Andy Newcombe
LFR Inc.
11:10 AM Aldicarb Potable Well Monitoring Program - Study Design, Collection of Ancillary Field Data, and Relevance for Dietary Risk Assessments 25
Lunch 11:35 AM Lunch 60
Sandra Eberts
U.S. Geological Survey
12:35 PM Pathways for drinking water well contamination 25
Bill Wilber
U.S. Geological Survey
1:00 PM Overview of NAWQA status and plans for National monitoring of streams and ground water 45
Russell Jones
Bayer CropScience
1:45 PM A Review of Monitoring Drinking Water from Surface Waters: Use in Dietary Risk Assessment; Site Selection and Auxillary Data Collection Issues 25
Break 2:10 PM Break 10
Greg Delzer
U.S. Geological Survey
2:20 PM Source water and finished drinking water quality 25
Lester Yuan
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
2:45 PM Estimating the effects of pesticides on macroinvertebrate assemblage composition using field data 25
  3:10 PM Wrap-up, Next Meeting 5
  3:20 PM Adjournment  

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Agenda of the July 22, 2008 Exposure Modeling Public Meeting

Terrestrial Modeling
PRESENTER Time AM/PM TOPIC Duration (minutes)
McKinnon/ Barrett 9:00 AM Welcome and Introduction 5
As needed 9:05 AM Updates 10
Kris Garber
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Fate and Effects Division (EFED)
9:15 AM Discussion on PlantEX Model 20
Brian Anderson
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EFED
9:35 AM Overview of TREX and THERPS 25
  10:00 AM Break 15
Melissa Panger
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EFED
10:15 AM Using Current Models For Assessing Risks to Non-target Terrestrial Invertebrates 15
Chris Salice
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EFED
10:30 AM TIM Model (Avian Probalistic Model) 30
Siroos Mostaghimi
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Antimicrobials Division
11:00 AM Brief overview of models used by Antimicrobials Division of EPA 30
  11:30 AM Lunch 90
Gabe Rothman
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EFED
1:00 PM Evaluating Exposure Incidents to Volatile Pesticides Using Atmospheric Prediction Tools 30
Ian van Wesenbeeck
of Dow AgroSciences, LLC
1:30 PM Chlropricrin Manufacturing Task Force Presentation on Chain 2-D Model 40
Robert Everich
of Makhteshim-Agan of North America Inc.
2:10 PM Riparian Ecosystem Management Model (REMM) and Runoff study to validate model 25
McKinnon/ Barrett 2:35 PM Wrap-up, Next Meeting 5
McKinnon/ Barrett 2:40 PM Adjournment 5

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