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FIRST Release Notes

Version 1.1.1

Version 1.1.1, which is compiled with Intel Fortran 10.0 and Visual Studio 2005, was created primarily for the purpose of standardizing the compiler versions in OPP. The formulas and calculations are the same as those for version 1.1.0. Some of the text used for the screen displays was changed to make it easier to understand.

Known deficiencies: The date on the startup screen is March 25, 2008, while the date on the output table is March 26, 2008. The date of executable creation is March 26, 2008.

Version 1.1.0

  • Version 1.1.0 was modified to allow incorporation of ground applications in addition to the allowed granular applications.

  • The conversion factor for lb/acre to kg/ha was changed from 1.123206 to 1.12085
    (lines 817, 835, 848, and 867).

  • The conversion factor for kg/ha to lb/A was changed from 0.890309 to 0.89218
    (line 203).