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Indoor Air

Region 7 Indoor Air Quality Program - Indoor air pollution poses high risks to human health, especially sensitive populations, and has ranked among the top four environmental risks in relative risk reports. Chemicals and compounds contributing to indoor air pollution include radon, environmental tobacco smoke, organic chemicals and biological contaminants. The primary goal of the Region 7 Indoor Air Quality Program continues to be improving the quality of indoor air for Americans who live or work in homes, schools or office buildings. The following team of professionals are eager to assist you.

Name Phone                       E-mail Address
Joshua Tapp
Chief, Air Planning & Development Branch
  (913) 551-7606   tapp.joshua@epa.gov
Robert Dye
Radiation Program Manager
  (913) 551-7605   dye.robert@epa.gov
Chuck Hooper
Nuclear Engineer/Health Physicist
Regional Radiation Safety Officer
  (913) 551-7271   hooper.charlesa@epa.gov
Greg Crable
  (913) 551-7391   crable.gregory@epa.gov
James DeMary
Life Scientist
  (913) 551-7287   demary.james@epa.gov

For additional information on indoor air quality you can also visit EPA Headquarter's Indoor Air Quality page.

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