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Rule and Implementation Information for the Fabric Printing, Coating and Dyeing Surface Coating NESHAP

OAR-2003-0014 (formerly Docket No. A-97-51)

On this page:

Rule Information

Proposed and Promulgated Rules

Subpart OOOO - National Emission Standards for Fabric Printing, Coating & Dyeing Surface Coating Operations

Date Citation Action Description File Download
04/04/04 69 FR 47049 Rule Amendments Proposed Rule Amendments
04/04/04 69 FR 47001 Rule Amendment Direct Final Rule Amendment
05/29/03 68 FR 32171 Rules/Regulations Original Promulgation
7/11/02 67 FR 45054 Proposed Rule Original Proposal

NOTE:  All files are Government Printing Office (GPO) Federal Register files unless otherwise indicated. You can also access full text of the Code of Federal Regulations at GPO e-CFR.


Archived Rule Development Background Information

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Technical Information

Technical Support Document/Response to Comments

01/03 Printing, Coating & Dyeing of Fabric Technical Support Document for Promulgated Standards (EPA-453/R-03-006)
6/02 Printing, Coating & Dyeing of Fabric Technical Support Document for Proposed Standards (EPA-453/R-02-010)


FACT Sheets

10/04 FACT SHEET - Technical - Direct Final Amendments
2/03 FACT SHEET - Technical - Promulgated Rule
7/02 FACT SHEET - Technical - Proposed Rule

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Implementation Information

Source Identification and Location Information

7/17/02 Potentially Affected Source List for Fabric Printing, Coating & Dyeing
  Potentially Affected Source Totals by State [Map]
9/20/96 Source Identification Procedures for Sources Subject to Regulations under Section 111(d) of the CAA as Amended in 1990 [Enabling Document, Scanned Version]


Implementation Tools

8/03   Final Overview Brochure (tri-fold) Microsoft Publisher Version
8/03   Final Compliance Timeline*
* The word version of the compliance timeline includes comment fields that highlight how date values were derived. You may show/hide comments while in Word by selecting "view" in the toolbar and then "markup." The PDF version of this tool does not contain these comments.


Other Web Resources

Common Coating Page OAQPS with assistance of the Association of Industrial Metalizers, Coaters and Laminators (AIMCAL), developed a Surface Coating website which provides links to documents and resources that could be useful to those subject to any one of the surface coating rules. The webpage includes a range of materials from presentation materials to technical guides to help users more readily find information pertaining to surface coating operations.

Example Notices and Reports

Example electronic reporting forms are being developed for Supbart OOOO under a partnership with OAQPS and the EPA Office of Environmental Information (OEI) to meet requirements of the Paperwork Elimination Act. For more information on this effort, please contact Mohamed Serageldin (serageldin.mohamed@epa.gov) at 919-541-2379.

In addition, Example notification and report forms have been developed for sections 63.9 and 63.10 of part 63, Subpart A, General Provisions. You can find these example forms by going to the General Provisions rule page.

Although most standards reference sections 63.9 and 63.10 of the General Provisions for some or all of their notification and reporting requirements, please be aware that these General Provisions example forms are not intended to exactly match all the requirements of a specific standard. Specific standards may include or exclude General Provision requirements or can require additional information beyond Subpart A. For this reason, these example report forms developed under Subpart A should be treated as examples only and may be useful to users as a starting point for developing report forms that are facility and MACT specific.

Compliance and Enforcement Information

Applicability Determination Index (ADI).  The ADI is maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) and provides a data base of memoranda dealing with applicability issues.  The database is searchable by Subpart.

EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) has created several Compliance Assistance Centers that service the coating industry. Each Center address real world issues faced by a specific industry. The Centers deliver information in many forms: Internet Web sites, telephone assistance lines, fax-back systems, and e-mail discussion groups.

Environmental Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse. This innovative web site provides quick access to compliance assistance tools, contacts, and planned activities from US EPA, its partners, and other compliance assistance providers.

State Programs

The Environmental Council of the States.   Exit EPA disclaimer   The website provides state delegation information for environmental programs.

Trade Associations

8/03 List of Trade Associations



Iowa Waste Reduction Center - Since 1988, the IWRC has helped small businesses comply with federal and state environmental regulations and pollution prevention initiatives. By incorporating on-site reviews, applied research, and hands-on training into its free and confidential assistance program, the IWRC offers complete compliance assistance that small businesses can understand and apply.

Coating Alternatives Guide (CAGE). CAGE is a pollution prevention tool which provides information on low-emitting alternative coating technologies to coatings users. CAGE currently addresses alternative, low-emitting coatings for metal and plastic part coating operations, but, future versions will address alternative coatings for wood, and other substrates.

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Exit EPA disclaimer   NOTE:  Most links on this page are pointers to other hosts and locations in the Internet. This information is provided as a service; however the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency does not endorse, approve or otherwise support these sites.

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